Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Lingua::EN::Titlecase cp lib/Lingua/EN/ blib/lib/Lingua/EN/ Manifying blib/man3/Lingua::EN::Titlecase.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00.load.........1..1 # Testing Lingua::EN::Titlecase 0.06 ok 1 - use Lingua::EN::Titlecase; ok t/pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage t/pod.............1..0 # Skip Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD skipped all skipped: Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD t/synopsis........1..2 ok 1 - Got code out of the SYNOPSIS space to evaluate And Again but Differently Cookbook Don't Work, Do She? ok 2 - Synopsis code sample eval'd ok t/testscript......ok 1 - use Lingua::EN::Titlecase; ok 2 - Lingua::EN::Titlecase->new() ok 3 - Setting original/title string: library Of Perl In between tools ok 4 - Original string returns correctly ok 5 - Title(cased) ok 6 - Mixedcase counted: Library of Perl in between Tools ok 7 - Wordish (wc) counted: Library of Perl in between Tools ok 8 - Object is quote overloaded ok 9 - Setting original/title string: Things That Are Properly Titled ok 10 - Original string returns correctly ok 11 - Title(cased) ok 12 - Mixedcase counted: Things That Are Properly Titled ok 13 - Wordish (wc) counted: Things That Are Properly Titled ok 14 - Object is quote overloaded ok 15 - Setting original/title string: And this with that but the capitalizing cat ok 16 - Original string returns correctly ok 17 - Title(cased) ok 18 - Mixedcase counted: And This with That but the Capitalizing Cat ok 19 - Wordish (wc) counted: And This with That but the Capitalizing Cat ok 20 - Object is quote overloaded ok 21 - Setting original/title string: a ring around the rosies ok 22 - Original string returns correctly ok 23 - Title(cased) ok 24 - Mixedcase counted: A Ring around the Rosies ok 25 - Wordish (wc) counted: A Ring around the Rosies ok 26 - Object is quote overloaded ok 27 - Setting original/title string: tHaT pROBABly WiLl nevEr BE CorrectlY hanDled bY tHIs ok 28 - Original string returns correctly ok 29 - Title(cased) ok 30 - Mixedcase counted: That Probably Will Never Be Correctly Handled by This ok 31 - Wordish (wc) counted: That Probably Will Never Be Correctly Handled by This ok 32 - Object is quote overloaded ok 33 - Setting original/title string: fountainhead, the ok 34 - Original string returns correctly ok 35 - Title(cased) ok 36 - Mixedcase counted: Fountainhead, the ok 37 - Wordish (wc) counted: Fountainhead, the ok 38 - Object is quote overloaded ok 39 - Setting original/title string: nice one, McSnarky ok 40 - Original string returns correctly ok 41 - Title(cased) ok 42 - Mixedcase counted: Nice One, McSnarky ok 43 - Wordish (wc) counted: Nice One, McSnarky ok 44 - Object is quote overloaded ok 45 - Setting original/title string: won't work right, right? ok 46 - Original string returns correctly ok 47 - Title(cased) ok 48 - Mixedcase counted: Won't Work Right, Right? ok 49 - Wordish (wc) counted: Won't Work Right, Right? ok 50 - Object is quote overloaded ok 51 - Setting original/title string: STOP SHOUTING, JACKASS ok 52 - Original string returns correctly ok 53 - Title(cased) ok 54 - Mixedcase counted: Stop Shouting, Jackass ok 55 - Wordish (wc) counted: Stop Shouting, Jackass ok 56 - Object is quote overloaded ok 57 - Setting original/title string: the USA, the USSR with their six-guns to the sky ok 58 - Original string returns correctly ok 59 - Title(cased) ok 60 - Mixedcase counted: The USA, the USSR with Their Six-guns to the Sky ok 61 - Wordish (wc) counted: The USA, the USSR with Their Six-guns to the Sky ok 62 - Object is quote overloaded ok 63 - Setting original/title string: U.S. Vs. C.C.C.P. ok 64 - Original string returns correctly ok 65 - Title(cased) ok 66 - Mixedcase counted: U.S. vs. C.C.C.P. ok 67 - Wordish (wc) counted: U.S. vs. C.C.C.P. ok 68 - Object is quote overloaded ok 69 - Setting original/title string: 'twas the night before christmas ok 70 - Original string returns correctly ok 71 - Title(cased) ok 72 - Mixedcase counted: 'Twas the Night before Christmas ok 73 - Wordish (wc) counted: 'Twas the Night before Christmas ok 74 - Object is quote overloaded ok 75 - Setting original/title string: triple-threat-hypen and int'l'z'n ok 76 - Original string returns correctly ok 77 - Title(cased) ok 78 - Mixedcase counted: Triple-threat-hypen and Int'l'z'n ok 79 - Wordish (wc) counted: Triple-threat-hypen and Int'l'z'n ok 80 - Object is quote overloaded 1..80 ok All tests successful, 2 tests skipped. Files=5, Tests=83, 2 wallclock secs ( 2.03 cusr + 0.51 csys = 2.54 CPU) Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Lingua/EN/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Lingua::EN::Titlecase.3 Appending installation info to /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/5.8.0/sun4-solaris-thread-multi/perllocal.pod