Warning: prerequisite ExtUtils::AutoInstall failed to load: Can't locate ExtUtils/AutoInstall.pm in @INC (@INC contains: inc /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 10) line 3. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: Guessing NAME [Param-Coerce] from current directory name. Writing Makefile for Param-Coerce cp lib/Param/Coerce.pm blib/lib/Param/Coerce.pm Manifying blib/man3/Param::Coerce.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=1; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t t/01_compile....1..2 ok 1 - Your perl is new enough ok 2 - use Param::Coerce; ok t/02_support....1..23 ok 1 - _method() returns correctly ok 2 - _method(undef) returns correctly ok 3 - _method(1) returns correctly ok 4 - _method([]) returns correctly ok 5 - _method(" ") returns correctly ok 6 - _method("foo") returns correctly ok 7 - _method("foo::bar") returns correctly ok 8 - _method("1asdf") return correctly ok 9 - _class() returns correctly ok 10 - _class(undef) returns correctly ok 11 - _class(1) returns correctly ok 12 - _class([]) returns correctly ok 13 - _class(" ") returns correctly ok 14 - _class("foo") returns correctly ok 15 - _class("foo::bar") returns correctly ok 16 - _class("1asdf") return correctly ok 17 - _class("::") returns correctly ok 18 - _class("::bar") returns correctly ok 19 - _loaded returns true for Param::Coerce ok 20 - _loaded returns false for Param::Coerce::Bad ok 21 - _function_exists sees itself ok 22 - _function_exists doesn' see non-existant function ok 23 - _function_exists does not return true for other variable types ok t/03_usage......1..22 ok 1 - use Param::Coerce 'coerce'; \# Imported something ok 2 - use Param::Coerce '_Bar' => 'Bar'; \# Created something ok 3 - The object isa Bar ok 4 - The object isa Foo ok 5 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage1 ok 6 - The object isa Bar ok 7 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage1 ok 8 - The object isa Bar ok 9 - The object isa Bar ok 10 - The object isa Foo ok 11 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage2 ok 12 - The object isa Bar ok 13 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage2 ok 14 - The object isa Bar ok 15 - The object isa Bar ok 16 - The object isa Foo ok 17 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage3 ok 18 - The object isa Bar ok 19 - The object isa Foo::Bar::Usage3 ok 20 - The object isa Bar ok 21 - The object isa Bar ok 22 - The object isa Foo ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=47, 2 wallclock secs ( 2.35 cusr + 0.18 csys = 2.53 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Param/Coerce.pm Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/man/man3/Param::Coerce.3 Writing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/auto/Param-Coerce/.packlist Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/perllocal.pod