Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP cp lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/ blib/lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/ cp lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ blib/lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ cp lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ blib/lib/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ cp scripts/mmkrpbp blib/script/mmkrpbp /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/mmkrpbp Manifying blib/man1/mmkrpbp.1 Manifying blib/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Interactive.3 Manifying blib/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP.3 Manifying blib/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/01_load.t t/03_quick.t t/04_compact.t t/05_abstract.t t/06_build.t t/07_proxy.t t/10_standard_text.t t/failsafe/201.t t/failsafe/202.t t/failsafe/203.t t/failsafe/204.t t/failsafe/205.t t/failsafe/206.t t/failsafe/207.t t/failsafe/208.t t/failsafe/209.t t/failsafe/210.t t/failsafe/211.t t/license/apache.t t/license/apache_1_1.t t/license/artistic.t t/license/artistic_agg.t t/license/bsd.t t/license/gpl.t t/license/gpl_2.t t/license/ibm.t t/license/ibm_1_0.t t/license/intel.t t/license/jabber.t t/license/jabber_1_0.t t/license/lgpl.t t/license/lgpl_2_1.t t/license/libpng.t t/license/looselips.t t/license/mit.t t/license/mitre.t t/license/mozilla.t t/license/mozilla_1_0.t t/license/mozilla_1_1.t t/license/mpl.t t/license/mpl_1_0.t t/license/mpl_1_1.t t/license/nethack.t t/license/nokia.t t/license/nokia_1_0a.t t/license/nokos.t t/license/nokos_1_0a.t t/license/perl.t t/license/python.t t/license/q.t t/license/q_1_0.t t/license/r_bsd.t t/license/ricoh.t t/license/ricoh_1_0.t t/license/sissl.t t/license/sleepycat.t t/license/sun.t t/license/vovida.t t/license/vovida_1_0.t t/license/zlib.t t/miscargs/901.t t/miscargs/902.t t/miscargs/903.t t/miscargs/904.t t/miscargs/908.t t/miscargs/909.t t/miscargs/910.t t/mmkr/801.t t/mmkr/802.t t/mmkr/803.t t/mmkr/804.t t/mmkr/805.t t/01_load.................1..6 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 3 - use File::Save::Home; ok 4 - HOME or home-equivalent directory found on system ok 5 - personal defaults directory found on system ok 6 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/03_quick................1..38 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Sample-Module ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - cd Sample-Module ok 11 - Changes exists ok 12 - MANIFEST exists ok 13 - Makefile.PL exists ok 14 - LICENSE exists ok 15 - README exists ok 16 - lib exists ok 17 - t exists ok 18 - scripts does not exist ok 19 - Todo does not exist ok 20 - reading 'LICENSE' ok 21 - correct LICENSE generated ok 22 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Sample-Module ok 23 - object is an EU::MM object isa ExtUtils::ModuleMaker ok 24 - NAME is correct ok 25 - ABSTRACT is correct ok 26 - constructor is inheritable isa ExtUtils::ModuleMaker ok 27 - new NAME is correct ok 28 - ABSTRACT was correctly inherited ok 29 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Sample-Module ok 30 - object is an EU::MM object isa ExtUtils::ModuleMaker ok 31 - NAME is correct ok 32 - explicitly coded ABSTRACT is correct ok 33 - changed back to original directory ok 34 - test not relevant ok 35 - test not relevant ok 36 - test not relevant ok 37 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 38 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/04_compact..............1..27 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Sample-Module-Foo ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - cd Sample-Module-Foo ok 11 - Changes exists ok 12 - MANIFEST exists ok 13 - Makefile.PL exists ok 14 - LICENSE exists ok 15 - README exists ok 16 - lib exists ok 17 - t exists ok 18 - scripts does not exist ok 19 - Todo does not exist ok 20 - reading 'LICENSE' ok 21 - correct LICENSE generated ok 22 - changed back to original directory ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - test not relevant ok 26 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 27 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/05_abstract.............1..34 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Beta ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - cd Alpha-Beta ok 11 - directory lib exists ok 12 - directory t exists ok 13 - directory scripts does not exist ok 14 - file LICENSE exists ok 15 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 16 - file MANIFEST exists ok 17 - file README exists ok 18 - Todo file correctly not created ok 19 - Changes file correctly not created ok 20 - Able to read Makefile.PL ok 21 - Makefile.PL contains correct author ok 22 - Makefile.PL contains correct e-mail ok 23 - Correct number of entries in MANIFEST ok 24 - Directory is now lib/Alpha ok 25 - Able to read ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - changed back to original directory ok 30 - test not relevant ok 31 - test not relevant ok 32 - test not relevant ok 33 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 34 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/06_build................1..23 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 7 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 8 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 9 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 10 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 11 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 12 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 13 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 14 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 15 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 16 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 17 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 18 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 19 - test not relevant ok 20 - test not relevant ok 21 - test not relevant ok 22 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 23 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok 13/23 skipped: tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build t/07_proxy................1..56 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 7 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 8 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 9 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 10 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 11 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 12 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 13 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 14 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 15 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 16 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 17 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 18 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 19 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 20 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 21 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 22 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 23 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 24 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 25 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 26 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 27 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 28 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 29 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 30 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 31 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 32 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 33 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 34 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 35 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 36 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 37 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 38 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 39 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 40 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 41 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 42 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 43 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 44 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 45 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 46 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 47 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 48 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 49 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 50 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 51 # skip tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build ok 52 - test not relevant ok 53 - test not relevant ok 54 - test not relevant ok 55 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 56 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok 46/56 skipped: tests require File::Temp, core with 5.6, and require Module::Build t/10_standard_text........1..35 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Beta ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - compact top-level directory exists ok 11 - cd Alpha-Beta ok 12 - directory lib exists ok 13 - directory t exists ok 14 - directory scripts does not exist ok 15 - file Changes exists ok 16 - file LICENSE exists ok 17 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 18 - file MANIFEST exists ok 19 - file README exists ok 20 - Todo correctly not created ok 21 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 22 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 23 - Able to read Makefile.PL ok 24 - Able to read module into array ok 25 - Able to read README into array ok 26 - README has correct introductory explanation ok 27 - README has INSTALLATION section ok 28 - README has appropriate build instructions for MakeMaker ok 29 - README has appropriate build instructions for Module::Build ok 30 - changed back to original directory ok 31 - test not relevant ok 32 - test not relevant ok 33 - test not relevant ok 34 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 35 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/201............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to odd number of arguments ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/202............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to odd number of arguments ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/203............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to lack of NAME for module ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/204............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to illegal characters in module name ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/205............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Perl 4-style single-quote path separators no longer supported ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/206............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to ABSTRACT > 44 characters ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/207............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to CPANID > 9 characters ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/208............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to CPANID < 3 characters ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/209............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed; e-mail must have '@' sign ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/210............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed; websites start 'http' or 'https' ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/failsafe/211............1..13 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 7 - Constructor correctly failed due to unrecognized LICENSE ok 8 - changed back to original directory ok 9 - test not relevant ok 10 - test not relevant ok 11 - test not relevant ok 12 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 13 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/apache..........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing apache ok 8 - object for module Alpha::apache created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-apache directory ok 11 - apache license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/apache_1_1......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing apache_1_1 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::apache_1_1 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-apache_1_1 directory ok 11 - apache_1_1 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/artistic........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing artistic ok 8 - object for module Alpha::artistic created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-artistic directory ok 11 - artistic license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/artistic_agg....1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing artistic_agg ok 8 - object for module Alpha::artistic_agg created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-artistic_agg directory ok 11 - artistic_agg license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/bsd.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing bsd ok 8 - object for module Alpha::bsd created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-bsd directory ok 11 - bsd license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/gpl.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing gpl ok 8 - object for module Alpha::gpl created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-gpl directory ok 11 - gpl license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/gpl_2...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing gpl_2 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::gpl_2 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-gpl_2 directory ok 11 - gpl_2 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/ibm.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ibm ok 8 - object for module Alpha::ibm created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-ibm directory ok 11 - ibm license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/ibm_1_0.........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ibm_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::ibm_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-ibm_1_0 directory ok 11 - ibm_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/intel...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing intel ok 8 - object for module Alpha::intel created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-intel directory ok 11 - intel license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/jabber..........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing jabber ok 8 - object for module Alpha::jabber created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-jabber directory ok 11 - jabber license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/jabber_1_0......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing jabber_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::jabber_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-jabber_1_0 directory ok 11 - jabber_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/lgpl............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing lgpl ok 8 - object for module Alpha::lgpl created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-lgpl directory ok 11 - lgpl license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/lgpl_2_1........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing lgpl_2_1 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::lgpl_2_1 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-lgpl_2_1 directory ok 11 - lgpl_2_1 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/libpng..........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing libpng ok 8 - object for module Alpha::libpng created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-libpng directory ok 11 - libpng license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/looselips.......1..33 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 9 - object created for Alpha::Beta ok 10 - build files for Alpha::Beta ok 11 - compact top-level directory exists ok 12 - cd Alpha-Beta ok 13 - directory lib exists ok 14 - directory t exists ok 15 - directory scripts does not exist ok 16 - file Changes exists ok 17 - file LICENSE exists ok 18 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 19 - file MANIFEST exists ok 20 - file README exists ok 21 - Todo correctly not created as it is not default ok 22 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 23 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 24 - Able to read LICENSE ok 25 - correct copyright year and organization ok 26 - license retrieved ok 27 - formatting for license and copyright found as expected ok 28 - changed back to original directory ok 29 - test not relevant ok 30 - test not relevant ok 31 - test not relevant ok 32 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 33 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mit.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mit ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mit created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mit directory ok 11 - mit license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mitre...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mitre ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mitre created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mitre directory ok 11 - mitre license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mozilla.........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mozilla ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mozilla created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mozilla directory ok 11 - mozilla license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mozilla_1_0.....1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mozilla_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mozilla_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mozilla_1_0 directory ok 11 - mozilla_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mozilla_1_1.....1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mozilla_1_1 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mozilla_1_1 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mozilla_1_1 directory ok 11 - mozilla_1_1 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mpl.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mpl ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mpl created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mpl directory ok 11 - mpl license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mpl_1_0.........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mpl_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mpl_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mpl_1_0 directory ok 11 - mpl_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/mpl_1_1.........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing mpl_1_1 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::mpl_1_1 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-mpl_1_1 directory ok 11 - mpl_1_1 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/nethack.........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing nethack ok 8 - object for module Alpha::nethack created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-nethack directory ok 11 - nethack license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/nokia...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing nokia ok 8 - object for module Alpha::nokia created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-nokia directory ok 11 - nokia license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/nokia_1_0a......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing nokia_1_0a ok 8 - object for module Alpha::nokia_1_0a created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-nokia_1_0a directory ok 11 - nokia_1_0a license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/nokos...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing nokos ok 8 - object for module Alpha::nokos created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-nokos directory ok 11 - nokos license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/nokos_1_0a......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing nokos_1_0a ok 8 - object for module Alpha::nokos_1_0a created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-nokos_1_0a directory ok 11 - nokos_1_0a license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/perl............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing perl ok 8 - object for module Alpha::perl created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-perl directory ok 11 - perl license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/python..........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing python ok 8 - object for module Alpha::python created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-python directory ok 11 - python license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/q...............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing q ok 8 - object for module Alpha::q created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-q directory ok 11 - q license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/q_1_0...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing q_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::q_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-q_1_0 directory ok 11 - q_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/r_bsd...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing r_bsd ok 8 - object for module Alpha::r_bsd created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-r_bsd directory ok 11 - r_bsd license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/ricoh...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ricoh ok 8 - object for module Alpha::ricoh created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-ricoh directory ok 11 - ricoh license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/ricoh_1_0.......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ricoh_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::ricoh_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-ricoh_1_0 directory ok 11 - ricoh_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/sissl...........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing sissl ok 8 - object for module Alpha::sissl created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-sissl directory ok 11 - sissl license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/sleepycat.......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing sleepycat ok 8 - object for module Alpha::sleepycat created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-sleepycat directory ok 11 - sleepycat license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/sun.............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing sun ok 8 - object for module Alpha::sun created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-sun directory ok 11 - sun license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/vovida..........1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing vovida ok 8 - object for module Alpha::vovida created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-vovida directory ok 11 - vovida license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/vovida_1_0......1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing vovida_1_0 ok 8 - object for module Alpha::vovida_1_0 created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-vovida_1_0 directory ok 11 - vovida_1_0 license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/license/zlib............1..17 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Licenses::Local; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing zlib ok 8 - object for module Alpha::zlib created ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - changed to Alpha-zlib directory ok 11 - zlib license has predicted content ok 12 - changed back to original directory ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - test not relevant ok 16 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 17 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/901............1..32 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - use IO::Capture::Stdout; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 9 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Beta ok 10 - call complete_build() ok 11 - correct no. of directories created announced verbosely ok 12 - correct no. of files created announced verbosely ok 13 - compact top-level directory exists ok 14 - cd Alpha-Beta ok 15 - directory lib exists ok 16 - directory t exists ok 17 - directory scripts does not exist ok 18 - file Changes exists ok 19 - file LICENSE exists ok 20 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 21 - file MANIFEST exists ok 22 - file README exists ok 23 - Todo file correctly not created ok 24 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 25 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 26 - Able to read Makefile.PL ok 27 - changed back to original directory ok 28 - test not relevant ok 29 - test not relevant ok 30 - test not relevant ok 31 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 32 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/902............1..33 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - use IO::Capture::Stdout; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 9 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Gamma ok 10 - call complete_build() ok 11 - correct no. of directories created announced verbosely ok 12 - correct no. of files created announced verbosely ok 13 - non-compact top-level directories exist ok 14 - cd Alpha/Gamma ok 15 - directory lib exists ok 16 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 17 - directory t exists ok 18 - directory scripts does not exist ok 19 - file Changes exists ok 20 - file LICENSE exists ok 21 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 22 - file MANIFEST exists ok 23 - file README exists ok 24 - Todo file correctly not created ok 25 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 26 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 27 - Able to read Makefile.PL ok 28 - changed back to original directory ok 29 - test not relevant ok 30 - test not relevant ok 31 - test not relevant ok 32 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 33 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/903............1..16 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Tau ok 9 - call dump_keys() ok 10 - keys intended to be shown were shown ok 11 - changed back to original directory ok 12 - test not relevant ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 16 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/904............1..16 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Rho ok 9 - call dump_keys_except() ok 10 - keys intended to be excluded were excluded ok 11 - changed back to original directory ok 12 - test not relevant ok 13 - test not relevant ok 14 - test not relevant ok 15 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 16 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/908............1..37 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Sigma ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - compact top-level directory exists ok 11 - cd Alpha-Sigma ok 12 - directory lib exists ok 13 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 14 - directory t exists ok 15 - directory scripts does not exist ok 16 - file Changes exists ok 17 - file LICENSE exists ok 18 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 19 - file MANIFEST exists ok 20 - file README exists ok 21 - Todo file correctly not created ok 22 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 23 - directory lib/Alpha/Sigma exists ok 24 - directory lib/Alpha/Sigma/Gamma exists ok 25 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 26 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/ exists ok 27 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/ exists ok 28 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/Gamma/ exists ok 29 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 30 - file t/pod-coverage.t exists ok 31 - file t/pod.t exists ok 32 - changed back to original directory ok 33 - test not relevant ok 34 - test not relevant ok 35 - test not relevant ok 36 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 37 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/909............1..31 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Beta ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - compact top-level directory exists ok 11 - cd Alpha-Beta ok 12 - directory lib exists ok 13 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 14 - directory t exists ok 15 - directory scripts does not exist ok 16 - file Changes exists ok 17 - file LICENSE exists ok 18 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 19 - file MANIFEST exists ok 20 - file README exists ok 21 - Todo file correctly not created ok 22 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 23 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 24 - Able to read lib/Alpha/ ok 25 - VERSION number is correct and properly quoted ok 26 - changed back to original directory ok 27 - test not relevant ok 28 - test not relevant ok 29 - test not relevant ok 30 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 31 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/miscargs/910............1..40 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 3 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 4 - personal defaults file not found ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - use File::Temp; ok 7 - changed to temp directory for testing ok 8 - call ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP->new for Alpha-Sigma ok 9 - call complete_build() ok 10 - compact top-level directory exists ok 11 - cd Alpha-Sigma ok 12 - directory lib exists ok 13 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 14 - directory t exists ok 15 - directory scripts does not exist ok 16 - file Changes exists ok 17 - file LICENSE exists ok 18 - file Makefile.PL exists ok 19 - file MANIFEST exists ok 20 - file README exists ok 21 - Todo file correctly not created ok 22 - directory lib/Alpha exists ok 23 - directory lib/Alpha/Sigma exists ok 24 - directory lib/Alpha/Sigma/Gamma exists ok 25 - file lib/Alpha/ exists ok 26 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/ exists ok 27 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/ exists ok 28 - file lib/Alpha/Sigma/Gamma/ exists ok 29 - file t/00.load.t exists ok 30 - test file lists predicted number in plan ok 31 - test file contains use_ok for Alpha::Sigma ok 32 - test file contains use_ok for Alpha::Sigma::Gamma ok 33 - test file contains use_ok for Alpha::Sigma::Delta ok 34 - test file contains use_ok for Alpha::Sigma::Gamma::Epsilon ok 35 - changed back to original directory ok 36 - test not relevant ok 37 - test not relevant ok 38 - test not relevant ok 39 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 40 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/mmkr/801................1..26 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ------------------- Module files generated. Good bye. ok 9 - able to call mmkrpbp utility ok 10 - by default, compact top directory created ok 11 - lib directory created ok 12 - t directory created ok 13 - scripts directory correctly not created ok 14 - Changes file created ok 15 - LICENSE file created ok 16 - MANIFEST file created ok 17 - Makefile.PL file created ok 18 - README file created ok 19 - Todo file correctly not created ok 20 - Makefile.PL has predicted values ok 21 - changed back to original directory ok 22 - test not relevant ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 26 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/mmkr/802................1..26 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ------------------- Module files generated. Good bye. ok 9 - able to call mmkrpbp utility ok 10 - by default, compact top directory created ok 11 - lib directory created ok 12 - t directory created ok 13 - scripts directory correctly not created ok 14 - Changes file created ok 15 - LICENSE file created ok 16 - MANIFEST file created ok 17 - Makefile.PL file created ok 18 - README file created ok 19 - Todo file correctly not created ok 20 - Makefile.PL has predicted values ok 21 - changed back to original directory ok 22 - test not relevant ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 26 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/mmkr/803................1..26 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ------------------- Module files generated. Good bye. ok 9 - able to call mmkrpbp utility with abstract ok 10 - compact top directory created ok 11 - lib directory created ok 12 - t directory created ok 13 - scripts directory correctly not created ok 14 - Changes file created ok 15 - LICENSE file created ok 16 - MANIFEST file created ok 17 - Makefile.PL file created ok 18 - README file created ok 19 - Todo file correctly not created ok 20 - Makefile.PL has predicted values ok 21 - changed back to original directory ok 22 - test not relevant ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 26 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/mmkr/804................1..26 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ------------------- Module files generated. Good bye. ok 9 - able to call mmkrpbp utility with abstract ok 10 - compact top directory created ok 11 - lib directory created ok 12 - t directory created ok 13 - scripts directory correctly not created ok 14 - Changes file created ok 15 - LICENSE file created ok 16 - MANIFEST file created ok 17 - Makefile.PL file created ok 18 - README file created ok 19 - Todo file correctly not created ok 20 - Makefile.PL has predicted values ok 21 - changed back to original directory ok 22 - test not relevant ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 26 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok t/mmkr/805................1..26 ok 1 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP; ok 2 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary; ok 3 - use ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary; ok 4 - personal defaults directory now present on system ok 5 - personal defaults file not found ok 6 - personal defaults file not found ok 7 - use File::Temp; ok 8 - changed to temp directory for testing ------------------- Module files generated. Good bye. ok 9 - able to call mmkrpbp utility with abstract ok 10 - compact top directory created ok 11 - lib directory created ok 12 - t directory created ok 13 - scripts directory correctly not created ok 14 - Changes file created ok 15 - LICENSE file created ok 16 - MANIFEST file created ok 17 - Makefile.PL file created ok 18 - README file created ok 19 - Todo file correctly not created ok 20 - Makefile.PL has predicted values ok 21 - changed back to original directory ok 22 - test not relevant ok 23 - test not relevant ok 24 - test not relevant ok 25 - changed back to original directory after testing ok 26 - original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored ok All tests successful, 59 subtests skipped. Files=72, Tests=1427, 115 wallclock secs (25.46 cusr + 7.31 csys = 32.77 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/ Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/PBP/ Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man1/mmkrpbp.1 Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Interactive.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::PBP::Auxiliary.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/bin/mmkrpbp Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/5.8.2/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi/perllocal.pod