WARNING: LICENSE is not a known parameter. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good 'LICENSE' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. Writing Makefile for Tree::File cp lib/Tree/File/YAML.pm blib/lib/Tree/File/YAML.pm cp lib/Tree/File.pm blib/lib/Tree/File.pm Manifying blib/man3/Tree::File::YAML.3 Manifying blib/man3/Tree::File.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00.load.........1..2 ok 1 - use Tree::File; # Testing Tree::File 0.110 ok 2 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok t/abstracts.......ok 1 - use Tree::File; ok 2 - load_file is an abstract method ok 3 - write_file is an abstract method 1..3 ok t/bad_getset......ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - get requires an identifier ok 4 - set requires an identifier ok 5 - delete requires an identifier ok 6 - die on invalid branch type 1..6 ok t/bad_root........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - can't load missing root ok 3 - can't load a-rx root 1..3 ok t/bad_yaml........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - can't load multipart YAML document 1..2 ok t/collapse........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - total initial data matches ok 4 - collapse entire tree ok 5 - survived writing ok 6 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 7 - copied and reloaded unchanged ok 8 - simple (root) created as a file ok 9 - simple/stooges is not a disk entity ok 10 - simple/armies is not a disk entity ok 11 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 12 - total initial data matches ok 13 - survived writing ok 14 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 15 - copied and reloaded unchanged ok 16 - simple (root) created as a file ok 17 - simple/stooges is not a disk entity ok 18 - simple/armies is not a disk entity ok 19 - simple (root) created as a file ok 20 - simple/stooges is not a disk entity ok 21 - simple/armies is not a disk entity 1..21 ok t/delete..........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - the first nested dir isa Tree::File::YAML ok 4 - the alien invaders (path without leading /) ok 5 - delete and return value ok 6 - deleted value is gone 1..6 ok t/empty_dir.......ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML 1..2 ok t/explode.........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - total initial data matches ok 4 - explode /aliens ok 5 - survived writing ok 6 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 7 - copied and reloaded unchanged ok 8 - simple (root) created as a dir ok 9 - simple/aliens written as a dir ok 10 - simple/armies written as a dir 1..10 ok t/not_found.......ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - non-existent branch returns undef ok 4 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 5 - custom not-found closure works 1..5 ok t/perl-critic.....1..0 # Skip define PERL_TEST_CRITIC to run these tests skipped all skipped: define PERL_TEST_CRITIC to run these tests t/pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.06 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.06 required for testing POD coverage t/pod.............1..0 # Skip Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD skipped all skipped: Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD t/preload.........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - 1-deep dir, preloaded isa HASH ok 4 - 2-deep dir, promised isa CODE ok 5 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 6 - 1-deep dir, preloaded isa HASH ok 7 - 2-deep dir, preloaded isa HASH 1..7 ok t/readonly........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - can't call set on readonly tree ok 4 - can't call delete on readonly tree ok 5 - can't call deep set on readonly tree ok 6 - can't call deep delete on readonly tree 1..6 ok t/recursive.......ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - the first nested dir isa Tree::File::YAML ok 4 - it's a dir-based tree ok 5 - the alien invaders (chained gets) ok 6 - the alien invaders (path without leading /) ok 7 - the alien invaders (path with leading /) ok 8 - get path of node ok 9 - get basename of node ok 10 - get all top-level keys ok 11 - there are three nodes ok 12 - first node is a tree isa Tree::File::YAML ok 13 - second node is a tree isa Tree::File::YAML ok 14 - third node is an array isa ARRAY ok 15 - get top-level branch names ok 16 - there are two branches ok 17 - first branch is a tree isa Tree::File::YAML ok 18 - second branch is a tree isa Tree::File::YAML ok 19 - there are two deep nodes ok 20 - deep node names are correct ok 21 - return entire structure ok 22 - dump to yaml 1..22 ok t/set.............ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - the first nested dir isa Tree::File::YAML ok 4 - the alien invaders (path without leading /) ok 5 - set value and it become a tree isa Tree::File::YAML ok 6 - the new tree contains the right data ok 7 - set on new branch, autovivifying ok 8 - old branch is gone ok 9 - new branch is in place ok 10 - old branch is gone ok 11 - new branch in place isa Tree::File::YAML 1..11 ok t/simple..........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - it's a file-based tree (so, type undef) ok 4 - set branch to dir type ok 5 - set branch to file type ok 6 - set branch to undef type ok 7 - simplest: get date ok 8 - simplest: get events ok 9 - get all top-level keys ok 10 - dump all tree data ok 11 - deep, non-existent branch returns undef ok 12 - non-existent id autovivifies as requested 1..12 ok t/symlink.........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - the first nested dir isa Tree::File::YAML ok 4 - the alphabet ok 5 - the alphabet ok 6 - symlink ignored ok 7 - symlink ignored 1..7 ok t/write...........ok 1 - use Tree::File::YAML; ok 2 - the root isa Tree::File::YAML ok 3 - total initial data matches ok 4 - survived writing of unchanged copy ok 5 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 6 - copied and reloaded unchanged ok 7 - simple (root) created as a dir ok 8 - simple/stooges created as a normal file ok 9 - simple/armies created as a dir ok 10 - replace a value ok 11 - survived writing of a branch ok 12 - written and reloaded unchanged ok 13 - armistice! ok 14 - survived writing of changed copy ok 15 - The object isa Tree::File::YAML ok 16 - changes retained 1..16 ok All tests successful, 3 tests skipped. Files=20, Tests=141, 8 wallclock secs ( 6.20 cusr + 0.92 csys = 7.12 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Tree/File.pm Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Tree/File/YAML.pm Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Tree::File::YAML.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Tree::File.3 Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/ia64/build/5.8.2/lib/5.8.2/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi/perllocal.pod