Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTML::Sanitizer cp blib/lib/HTML/ Manifying blib/man3/HTML::Sanitizer.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01rules........1..23 ok 1 - use HTML::Sanitizer; ok 2 - new HTML::Sanitizer ok 3 - 'permit' rule ok 4 - 'permit' rule, checking OK attributes ok 5 - 'permit' rule, checking bad attributes ok 6 - 'permit' rule, checking unknown attributes ok 7 - 'ignore' rule ok 8 - 'deny' rule ok 9 - HTML::Element rule ok 10 - HTML::Element rule, attribute overlay ok 11 - HTML::Element rule, attribute overlay with existing OK attribute ok 12 - HTML::Element rule, attribute overlay with existing bad attribute ok 13 - HTML::Element rule with empty replacement content ok 14 - HTML::Element rule with replacement content ok 15 - Attribute rules imply tag permit ok 16 - Attribute OK rule ok 17 - Attribute deny rule ok 18 - Attribute OK regex rule ok 19 - Attribute failed regex rule ok 20 - Attribute OK code rule ok 21 - Attribute failed code rule ok 22 - Unknown element should be stripped ok 23 - Unknown element should be removed with child elements promoted ok t/02functions....1..11 ok 1 - use HTML::Sanitizer; ok 2 - default should be filtered ok 3 - 'permit' function ok 4 - 'ignore' function ok 5 - 'deny' function ok 6 - 'deny_only' function ok 7 - 'ignore_only' function ok 8 - 'permit_only' function ok 9 - 'filter_xml' function ok 10 - 'filter_html' function ok 11 - 'filter_html_fragment' function ok t/03security.....1..4 ok 1 - use HTML::Sanitizer; ok 2 - new HTML::Sanitizer not ok 3 - HTML/XML entities # Failed test 'HTML/XML entities' # at t/03security.t line 35. # got: '
' # expected: 'unsafe
<script' # Failed test 'HTML/XML entities with incomplete tag' not ok 4 - HTML/XML entities with incomplete tag # at t/03security.t line 40. # got: '' # expected: '<p attr_ok="test>unsafe</p>' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4. dubious Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) DIED. FAILED tests 3-4 Failed 2/4 tests, 50.00% okay Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/03security.t 2 512 4 2 3-4 Failed 1/3 test scripts. 2/38 subtests failed. Files=3, Tests=38, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.46 cusr + 0.12 csys = 0.58 CPU) Failed 1/3 test programs. 2/38 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2