Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTTP::Proxy cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/ blib/lib/HTTP/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ cp lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmlparser.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::complete.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::simple.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmltext.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::standard.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::Engine::NoFork.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::Engine::ScoreBoard.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::lines.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::Engine.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::tags.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00basic...........1..17 ok 1 - use HTTP::Proxy; ok 2 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter; ok 3 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::complete; ok 4 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmlparser; ok 5 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::htmltext; ok 6 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::lines; ok 7 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::save; ok 8 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::simple; ok 9 - use HTTP::Proxy::BodyFilter::tags; ok 10 - use HTTP::Proxy::Engine; ok 11 - use HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy; ok 12 - use HTTP::Proxy::Engine::NoFork; ok 13 - use HTTP::Proxy::Engine::ScoreBoard; ok 14 - use HTTP::Proxy::FilterStack; ok 15 - use HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter; ok 16 - use HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::simple; ok 17 - use HTTP::Proxy::HeaderFilter::standard; ok t/01pod.............1..17 ok 1 - blib/lib/HTTP/ ok 2 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ ok 3 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ ok 4 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ ok 5 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/ ok 6 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 7 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 8 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 9 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 10 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 11 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 12 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/BodyFilter/ ok 13 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ ok 14 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ ok 15 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/Engine/ ok 16 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ ok 17 - blib/lib/HTTP/Proxy/HeaderFilter/ ok t/02pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage t/05new.............1..10 ok 1 - Default log mask ok 2 - Default port ok 3 - Default host ok 4 - Default agent ok 5 - port set by new ok 6 - verbosity set by new ok 7 - host set by new ok 8 - logmask accessor ok 9 - logmask changed by accessor ok 10 - read-only attribute ok t/10init............1..8 ok 1 - agent undefined at startup ok 2 - daemon undefined at startup ok 3 - init_agent isa LWP::UserAgent ok 4 - init_daemon isa HTTP::Daemon ok 5 - init agent isa LWP::UserAgent ok 6 - init daemon isa HTTP::Daemon ok 7 - Can't mailto ok 8 - Can't access local files ok t/11log.............1..20 ok 1 - mask 0: ERROR message ok 2 - mask 1: ERROR message ok 3 - mask 1: PROXY message ok 4 - mask 10: ERROR message ok 5 - mask 10: SOCKET message ok 6 - mask 10: STATUS message ok 7 - mask 74: DATA message ok 8 - mask 74: ERROR message ok 9 - mask 74: SOCKET message ok 10 - mask 74: STATUS message ok 11 - mask 511: CONNECT message ok 12 - mask 511: DATA message ok 13 - mask 511: ENGINE message ok 14 - mask 511: ERROR message ok 15 - mask 511: FILTERS message ok 16 - mask 511: HEADERS message ok 17 - mask 511: PROCESS message ok 18 - mask 511: PROXY message ok 19 - mask 511: SOCKET message ok 20 - mask 511: STATUS message ok t/15accessors.......1..30 ok 1 - agent has the correct default ok 2 - chunk has the correct default ok 3 - client_socket has the correct default ok 4 - conn has the correct default ok 5 - daemon has the correct default ok 6 - hop_headers has the correct default ok 7 - host has the correct default ok 8 - logfh has the correct default ok 9 - logmask has the correct default ok 10 - max_connections has the correct default ok 11 - max_keep_alive_requests has the correct default ok 12 - port has the correct default ok 13 - request has the correct default ok 14 - response has the correct default ok 15 - x_forwarded_for has the correct default ok 16 - via has the correct default maxconn is deprecated, please use max_connections at t/15accessors.t line 42 maxserve is deprecated, please use max_keep_alive_requests at t/15accessors.t line 42 ok 17 - deprecated maxserve ok 18 - deprecated maxconn ok 19 - Set return the previous value ok 20 - Set works ok 21 - max_clients correctly delegated ok 22 - We do not have a url yet ok 23 - url looks good ok 24 - Default agent timeout of 60 secs ok 25 - timeout() returns the old value ok 26 - New agent timeout value of 120 secs ok 27 - known_methods() is case insensitive ok 28 - WebDAV contains HTTP ok 29 - DeltaV contains WebDAV ok 30 - know_methods() returns all methods ok t/15deprecated......1..12 ok 1 - maxchild is deprecated ok 2 - maxchild is deprecated ok 3 - maxconn is deprecated ok 4 - maxconn is deprecated ok 5 - maxserve is deprecated ok 6 - maxserve is deprecated ok 7 - max_clients called for maxchild ok 8 - max_connections called for maxconn ok 9 - max_keep_alive_requests called for maxserve ok 10 - max_clients called for maxchild ok 11 - max_connections called for maxconn ok 12 - max_keep_alive_requests called for maxserve ok t/16stash...........1..7 ok 1 - Empty stash by default ok 2 - get clunk from stash ok 3 - get plop from stash ok 4 - the whole hash ok 5 - set returns the new value ok 6 - the new value is set ok 7 - stash() is a reference to the stash itself ok t/17fstack..........1..11 ok 1 - FilterStack is empty ok 2 - FilterStack has one element ok 3 - FilterStack has three elements ok 4 - FilterStack is correct ok 5 - Correct in scalar context too ok 6 - Got back what was in the stack ok 7 - Incorrect Filter class ok 8 - Incorrect Filter class ok 9 - Can push derived Filters ok 10 - Incorrect Filter class ok 11 - Incorrect Filter class ok t/18engine..........1..18 ok 1 - The object isa HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy ok 2 - The object isa HTTP::Proxy::Engine ok 3 - proxy required ok 4 - REAL proxy required ok 5 - The object isa HTTP::Proxy::Engine::Legacy ok 6 - proxy required ok 7 - REAL proxy required ok 8 - Engine Bonk does not exist ok 9 - proxy() get ok 10 - subclass get() ok 11 - subclass set() ok 12 - subclass get() ok 13 - subclass get() ok 14 - subclass set() ok 15 - subclass get() ok 16 - code not in the base class ok 17 - code not in the base class ok 18 - code in the subclass ok t/20dummy...........1..10 ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The proxy served the correct number of connections ok t/20keepalive.......1..22 ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The daemon got what it expected ok - Got an answer (200 OK) ok - The client got what it expected ok - The proxy served the correct number of connections ok t/22http............1..5 ok - Got an answer (200) ok - Got an answer (301) ok - Got an answer (404) ok - Got an answer (500) ok - Served the correct number of requests ok t/22transparent.....1..6 ok - Relative URL and no Host: Bad Request ok - Got an answer (200) ok - Got an answer (301) ok - Got an answer (404) ok - Got an answer (500) ok - Served the correct number of requests ok t/23connect.........1..4 ok - The proxy accepts CONNECT requests ok - Read some data from the socket ok - CONNECTed to the TCP server ok - Served the correct number of requests ok t/23https...........1..0 # Skip Can't make this work with Crypt::SSLeay skipped all skipped: Can't make this work with Crypt::SSLeay t/40push_filters....1..11 ok 1 - Bad number of parameter ok 2 - Bad parameter ok 3 - Unknown filter stack ok 4 - Bad MIME type ok 5 - Invalid method: ok 6 - Unsupported scheme ok 7 - Accept a HeaderFilter ok 8 - Accept an object derived from HeaderFilter ok 9 - Support several match criteria ok 10 - First filter ok 11 - Second filter ok t/41filters.........1..2 ok 1 - The HeaderFilter knows its proxy ok 2 - The BodyFilter knows its proxy ok t/42will_modify.....1..2 ok 1 - Filters won't change a thing ok 2 - Filters admit they will change something ok t/50hopbyhop........1..28 ok 1 - Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection ok 2 - Hop-by-hop Connection ok 3 - Hop-by-hop Foo ok 4 - Hop-by-hop Bar ok 5 - End-to-end User-Agent ok 6 - Connection header removed ok 7 - Connection header removed ok 8 - Connection header removed ok 9 - Connection header removed ok 10 - Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection ok 11 - Hop-by-hop Connection ok 12 - Hop-by-hop Foo ok 13 - Hop-by-hop Bar ok 14 - End-to-end User-Agent ok 15 - Connection header removed ok 16 - Connection header removed ok 17 - Connection header removed ok 18 - Connection header removed ok 19 - Hop-by-hop Proxy-Connection ok 20 - Hop-by-hop Connection ok 21 - Hop-by-hop Foo ok 22 - Hop-by-hop Bar ok 23 - Hop-by-hop Baz ok 24 - End-to-end User-Agent ok 25 - Connection header removed ok 26 - Connection header removed ok 27 - Connection header removed ok 28 - Connection header removed ok t/50standard........1..13 ok - A single Date: header for GET request ok - A single Server: header for GET request ok - A single Date: header for HEAD request ok - A single Server: header for HEAD request ok - A single Date: header for direct proxy response ok - A single Server: header for direct proxy response ok - Correct server name for direct proxy response ok - No Client-* headers sent by the proxy ok - The daemon got X-Forwarded-For ok - No X-Forwarded-For sent back ok - The daemon didn't get X-Forwarded-For ok - Client headers ok - No X-Forwarded-For sent back ok t/50via.............1..4 ok - Server says Via: header added ok - Client says Via: header added ok - Server says no Via: header added ok - Client says no Via: header added ok t/51simple..........1..3 ok 1 - Need at least one arg ok 2 - Must pass a coderef ok 3 - Header modified ok t/51simple2.........1..2 ok 1 - Proxy applied the transformation ok 2 - Proxy applied the transformation ok t/61simple..........1..12 ok 1 - Need at least one arg ok 2 - Single coderef ok 3 - Need coderef ok 4 - Incorrect method name ok 5 - Accept filter ok 6 - Accept begin ok 7 - Accept end ok 8 - filter() runs the correct filter ok 9 - will_modify() defaults to true ok 10 - will_modify() returns the given data ok 11 - Correct data ok 12 - Correct buffer ok t/61simple2.........1..4 ok - The proxy applied the transformation ok - begin() called ok - end() called ok - The proxy applied two transformations ok t/64htmltext........1..19 ok 1 - Correct text token matched ok 2 - Correct text token matched ok 3 - Correct text token matched ok 4 - Correct text token matched ok 5 - Correct text token matched ok 6 - Correct text token matched ok 7 - Correct text token matched ok 8 - Correct text token matched ok 9 - Correct text token matched ok 10 - Correct text token matched ok 11 - Correct text token matched ok 12 - Correct text token matched ok 13 - Correct text token matched ok 14 - Correct text token matched ok 15 - Correct text token matched ok 16 - Correct text token matched ok 17 - Correct text token matched ok 18 - Text data not modified ok 19 - Text data correctly transformed ok t/64lines...........1..33 ok 1 - No slurp mode ok 2 - Records must be numeric ok 3 - Records must be != 0 ok 4 - Correct data ok 5 - Correct buffer ok 6 - Correct data ok 7 - Correct buffer ok 8 - Correct data ok 9 - Correct buffer ok 10 - Correct data ok 11 - Correct buffer ok 12 - Correct data ok 13 - Correct buffer ok 14 - Correct data ok 15 - Correct buffer ok 16 - Correct data ok 17 - Correct buffer ok 18 - Correct data ok 19 - Correct buffer ok 20 - Correct data ok 21 - Correct buffer ok 22 - Correct data ok 23 - Correct buffer ok 24 - Correct data ok 25 - Correct buffer ok 26 - Correct data ok 27 - Correct buffer ok 28 - Correct data ok 29 - Correct buffer ok 30 - Correct data ok 31 - Correct buffer ok 32 - Correct data ok 33 - Correct buffer ok t/64tags............1..14 ok 1 - Correct data ok 2 - Correct buffer ok 3 - Correct data ok 4 - Correct buffer ok 5 - Correct data ok 6 - Correct buffer ok 7 - Correct data ok 8 - Correct buffer ok 9 - Correct data ok 10 - Correct buffer ok 11 - Correct data ok 12 - Correct buffer ok 13 - Correct data ok 14 - Correct buffer ok t/66htmlparser......1..5 ok 1 - Test constructor ok 2 - Data not modified ok 3 - Correct number of start and end events ok 4 - Data modified ok 5 - Correct number of start and end events ok t/71rot13...........1..4 ok 1 - Correct data transformation ok 2 - Correct data transformation ok 3 - Correct data transformation ok 4 - Correct data transformation ok t/90diveintomark....1..22 ok 1 - 200.xml => 200 ok 2 - 220.xml => 220 ok 3 - 320.xml => 320 ok 4 - 420.xml => 420 ok 5 - 520.xml => 520 ok 6 - 301.xml => 301 ok 7 - 301.xml => 200 (redirect) ok 8 - 302.xml => 302 ok 9 - 302.xml => 200 (redirect) ok 10 - 307.xml => 307 ok 11 - 307.xml => 200 (redirect) ok 12 - 400.xml => 400 ok 13 - 403.xml => 403 ok 14 - 404.xml => 404 ok 15 - 410.xml => 410 ok 16 - 500.xml => 500 ok 17 - 300.xml => 300 ok 18 - 300.xml => 200 (redirect) ok 19 - 200_basic_auth.xml => 401 ok 20 - 200_basic_auth.xml => 200 (auth) ok 21 - 200_digest_auth.xml => 401 ok 22 - 200_digest_auth.xml => 200 (auth) ok All tests successful, 2 tests skipped. Files=33, Tests=375, 35 wallclock secs (10.87 cusr + 4.19 csys = 15.06 CPU) make: *** [htmlifypods] Hangup