Argument "1.23_01" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /Users/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Log-Info/ line 293. Argument "1.23_01" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /Users/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Log-Info/ line 293. Checking for module Pod::Usage... found Checking for module Class::MethodMaker... failed Checking for module Term::ProgressBar... failed Checking for module IPC::Run... failed Couldn't find module Class::MethodMaker (from Class-MethodMaker) Couldn't find module Term::ProgressBar (from Term-ProgressBar) ...but this isn't fatal Term::ProgressBar not found. This is not fatal, but means that you cannot use the cunning SINK_TERM_PROGRESS sink Couldn't find module IPC::Run (from IPC-Run) ...but this isn't fatal IPC::Run not found. This is not fatal, but means that some tests cannot be run.