Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... Looks good Creating new 'Build' script for 'Acme-Godot' version '0.001001' Copying lib/Acme/ -> blib/lib/Acme/ Manifying blib/lib/Acme/ -> blib/libdoc/Acme::Godot.3 Build: blib/lib/Acme/ cannot resolve L in paragraph 40. HTMLifying blib/lib/Acme/ -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/Acme/Godot.html t/00_load.........1..2 ok 1 - Godot didn't arrive during the first 5 seconds not ok 2 # TODO & SKIP Need test that successfully waits for Godot to arrive ok t/boilerplate.....1..0 # Skip For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) skipped all skipped: For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) t/kwalitee........1..0 # Skip For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) skipped all skipped: For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) t/perlcritic......1..0 # Skip For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) skipped all skipped: For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) t/pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip No point in covering an empty API skipped all skipped: No point in covering an empty API t/pod.............1..0 # Skip Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD skipped all skipped: Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD t/version.........1..0 # Skip For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) skipped all skipped: For authors only (set PERL5_AUTHOR_TEST to run.) All tests successful, 6 tests skipped. Files=7, Tests=2, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.46 cusr + 0.08 csys = 0.54 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Acme/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/Acme::Godot.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/Acme/Godot.html Writing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/auto/Acme/Godot/.packlist