Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTTP::Async cp lib/HTTP/ blib/lib/HTTP/ cp lib/HTTP/Async/ blib/lib/HTTP/Async/ Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Async::Polite.3 Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Async.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/bad-connections........1..5 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?break_connection=before_headers ok 3 - Got a '504' response ok 4 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?break_connection=before_content ok 5 - Got a '200' response ok t/bad-headers............1..3 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - Added request to the queue ok 3 - Got a response ok t/bad-hosts..............1..9 ok 1 - Added bad requests ok 2 - Got a proper response isa HTTP::Response ok 3 - Response was not a success ok 4 - Response was an error ok 5 - response has a request attached. ok 6 - Got a proper response isa HTTP::Response ok 7 - Response was not a success ok 8 - Response was an error ok 9 - response has a request attached. ok t/make-url-absolute......1..4 ok 1 - -> ok 2 - /foo/bar?baz=bundy -> ok 3 - bar?baz=bundy -> ok 4 - ?baz=bundy -> ok t/not_modified...........1..4 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - Added request to the queue ok 3 - 304 Not modified ok 4 - does not have a previous reponse ok t/pod-coverage...........1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage > 1.00 required skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage > 1.00 required t/pod....................1..2 ok 1 - blib/lib/HTTP/ ok 2 - blib/lib/HTTP/Async/ ok t/polite.................1..14 ok 1 - default interval is 5 seconds ok 2 - change interval to 3 seconds ok 3 - new interval is 3 seconds HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:80800/ ok 4 - starting a test server HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:80801/ ok 5 - starting a test server ok 6 - Add the requests ok 7 - Got correct to_send count ok 8 - Got correct total count ok 9 - got six responses back ok 10 - at least three seconds between requests to same domain ok 11 - at least three seconds between requests to same domain ok 12 - at least three seconds between requests to same domain ok 13 - at least three seconds between requests to same domain ok 14 - at most 1 second between first two requests ok t/poll-interval..........1..24 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - $q->poll_interval == 0.05 ok 3 - set poll_interval to 0.1 ok 4 - $q->poll_interval == 0.1 ok 5 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?delay=3 ok 6 - next_response returns at once ok 7 - Returned quickly (less than 0.4 secs) (0.04 < 0.40) ok 8 - wait_for_next_response(0) returns at once ok 9 - Returned quickly (less than 0.4 secs) (0.04 < 0.40) ok 10 - wait_for_next_response(1) returns after 1 sec without a response ok 11 - Returned after 1 sec delay (1.15 >= 1.00) ok 12 - Returned before 1.4 sec delay (1.15 < 1.40) ok 13 - wait_for_next_response got the response ok 14 - Returned after 3 sec delay (3.13 > 3.00) ok 15 - good response (200) ok 16 - is a success ok 17 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?delay=1 ok 18 - wait_for_next_response got the response ok 19 - Returned after 1 sec delay (1.10 > 1.00) ok 20 - Returned before 2 sec delay (1.11 < 2.00) ok 21 - good response (200) ok 22 - is a success ok 23 - Did not get a response ok 24 - Returned in less than 1 sec (0.00 < 1.00) ok t/proxy..................1..16 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8081/ ok 2 - starting a test server ok 3 - got http://localhost:8080 ok 4 - got http://localhost:8081 ok 5 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?redirect=2 ok 6 - Got a '200' response ok 7 - check for proxy header '' ok 8 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?delay=1 ok 9 - Got a '200' response ok 10 - check for proxy header '' ok 11 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?redirect=2 ok 12 - Got a '200' response ok 13 - check for proxy header 'yes' ok 14 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080/foo/bar?delay=1 ok 15 - Got a '200' response ok 16 - check for proxy header 'yes' ok t/real-servers...........1..0 # Skip enable these tests by setting REAL_SERVERS skipped all skipped: enable these tests by setting REAL_SERVERS t/redirects..............1..21 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - max_redirects == 7 ok 3 - Added request to the queue ok 4 - No longer a redirect ok 5 - Has a previous reponse ok 6 - previous request was a redirect ok 7 - Added request to the queue ok 8 - Still a redirect ok 9 - Has a previous reponse ok 10 - previous request was a redirect ok 11 - last request url correct ok 12 - Set the max_redirects higher. ok 13 - Added request to the queue ok 14 - No longer a redirect ok 15 - Has a previous reponse ok 16 - previous request was a redirect ok 17 - Set the max_redirects to zero. ok 18 - max_redirects is set to zero. ok 19 - Added request to the queue ok 20 - No longer a redirect ok 21 - Have no previous reponse ok t/setup..................1..16 ok 1 - set to 0 ok 2 - got 0 ok 3 - created object ok 4 - got 0 ok 5 - set to 3 ok 6 - got 3 ok 7 - created object ok 8 - got 3 ok 9 - set to 0 ok 10 - got 0 ok 11 - created object ok 12 - got 0 ok 13 - set to 3 ok 14 - got 3 ok 15 - created object ok 16 - got 3 ok t/strip_host_from_uri....1..5 ok 1 - correctly stripped\#sec5.1.2 to /Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html?foo=bar\#sec5.1.2 ok 2 - correctly stripped\#sec5.1.2 to /Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html?foo=bar\#sec5.1.2 ok 3 - correctly stripped to /Protocols ok 4 - correctly stripped http://localhost:8080?delay=3 to /?delay=3 ok 5 - correctly stripped\#sec5.1.2 to /Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html?foo=bar\#sec5.1.2 ok t/template...............1..0 # Skip just a template to base other tests on skipped all skipped: just a template to base other tests on t/timeout................1..20 HTTP::Server::Simple: You can connect to your server at http://localhost:8080/ ok 1 - starting a test server ok 2 - $q->timeout == 180 ok 3 - Added request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?delay=0 ok 4 - Not timed out (200) ok 5 - Set the timeout really low ok 6 - Added delayed request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?delay=3 ok 7 - timed out (504) ok 8 - is an error ok 9 - Added trickle request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?trickle=3 ok 10 - response ok (200) ok 11 - is not an error ok 12 - Set the timeout really low ok 13 - Set the max_request_time really low ok 14 - Added trickle request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?trickle=3 ok 15 - timed out (504) ok 16 - is an error ok 17 - Lengthen the timeout ok 18 - Set the max_request_time really low ok 19 - Added delayed request to the queue - http://localhost:8080?delay=3 ok 20 - Not timed out (200) ok All tests successful, 3 tests skipped. Files=16, Tests=143, 34 wallclock secs (14.59 cusr + 3.17 csys = 17.76 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/HTTP/Async.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/HTTP/Async/Polite.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/HTTP/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/HTTP/Async/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/HTTP::Async.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/HTTP::Async::Polite.3 Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/lib/perllocal.pod