Set up gcc environment - 3.3 Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Hook::PrePostCall PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch" A new post: 10 in pre: 10 A new post: 10 Another post: 10 = No added routines in try: 10 10 = add a pre routine a 'pre' routine 10 in try: 10 10 = add a post routine a 'pre' routine 10 in try: 10 a 'post' routine 10 10 = restore initial definition in try: 10 10 = Change the post routine in try: 10 10 = add another level in try: 10 10 Appending installation info to /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/lib/perllocal.pod