Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTML::DOM Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Input.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Input.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Link.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Link.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Button.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Button.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/TableColumn.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\TableColumn.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Collection/Elements.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Collection\Elements.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Img.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Img.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Pre.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Pre.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Mod.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Mod.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Quote.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Quote.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Area.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Area.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Option.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Option.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/TR.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\TR.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/BaseFont.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\BaseFont.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Script.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Script.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/NodeList/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\NodeList\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/A.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\A.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Div.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Div.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/TableCell.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\TableCell.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Param.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Param.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/FieldSet.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\FieldSet.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/LI.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\LI.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Menu.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Menu.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/HTML.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\HTML.pod cp lib/HTML/ blib\lib\HTML\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Caption.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Caption.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/UL.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\UL.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Dir.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Dir.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/DL.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\DL.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Base.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Base.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/P.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\P.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Select.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Select.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/HR.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\HR.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Applet.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Applet.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/TextArea.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\TextArea.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/OL.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\OL.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Map.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Map.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/OptGroup.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\OptGroup.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Head.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Head.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Label.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Label.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Collection/Options.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Collection\Options.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/IsIndex.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\IsIndex.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Body.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Body.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/NodeList/Radio.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\NodeList\Radio.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Meta.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Meta.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Style.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Style.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Object.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Object.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/ blib\lib\HTML\DOM\ cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Heading.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Heading.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Br.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Br.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Legend.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Legend.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Font.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Font.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/TableSection.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\TableSection.pod cp lib/HTML/DOM/Element/Title.pod blib\lib\HTML\DOM\Element\Title.pod Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/attr..................1..66 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 3 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Element ok 4 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Attr ok 5 - $attr does HTML::DOM::Node ok 6 - "" ok 7 - name ok 8 # skip unimplemented ok 9 # skip unimplemented ok 10 - get value ok 11 - return value of setting the value is the old value ok 12 - setting the value works ok 13 - nodeName ok 14 - nodeValue ok 15 - nodeType ok 16 - parentNode ok 17 - number of child nodes ok 18 - number of child nodes (list context) ok 19 - child node isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 20 - (childNodes $attr)[0] is the same as childNodes $attr ->[0] ok 21 - data contained by child node ok 22 - firstChild ok 23 - lastChild ok 24 - previousSibling ok 25 - nextSibling ok 26 - attributes ok 27 - ownerDocument ok 28 - $@ (after insertBefore) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 29 - insertBefore throws a "no modification allowed" error ok 30 - replaceChild returns the replaced node ok 31 - replaceChild removes from the tree first ok 32 - $@ (after replaceChild with a frag that does not have exactly one child node) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 33 - replaceChild with with a frag that does not have exactly one child node throws a hierarchy error ok 34 - replaceChild(frag,node) inserts the frag's children ok 35 - $@ (after replaceChild with wrong node type) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 36 - replaceChild with wrong node type throws a hierarchy error ok 37 - $@ (after replaceChild with a frag containing the wrong node type) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 38 - replaceChild with a frag containing the wrong node type throws a hierarchy error ok 39 - $@ (after replaceChild with wrong doc) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 40 - replaceChild with wrong doc throws the appropriate error ok 41 - $@ (after replaceChild with a bad refChild) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 42 - replaceChild with a 2nd arg that's not a child of this node throws a "not found" error ok 43 - $@ (after removeChild) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 44 - removeChild throws a "no modification allowed" error ok 45 - $@ (after appendChild) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 46 - appendChild throws a "no modification allowed" error ok 47 - hasChildNodes ok 48 - cloneNode makes a new object ok 49 - shallow clone works ignores its deep arg ok 50 - clones are orphans ok 51 - deep cloneNode makes a new object ok 52 - deep clone works ok 53 - deep clones are parentless ok 54 - ownerElement after setAttributeNode ok 55 - ownerElement after setAttributeNode replaces it ok 56 - removeAttributeNode updates ownerElement ok 57 - ownerElement of autovivified attr ok 58 - namespaceURI ok 59 - prefix ok 60 - localName ok 61 - normalize ok 62 - hasAttrbitues ok 63 - make sure our booleanness test is actually doing something ok 64 - boooleannness ok 65 - isSupported ok 66 - isn’tSupported ok 2/66 skipped: various reasons t/char-data.............1..60 ok 1 - The object isa HTML::DOM::CharacterData ok 2 - get data ok 3 - get nodeValue ok 4 - set data ok 5 - get data after setting ok 6 - set nodeValue ok 7 - get nodeValue after setting ok 8 - length ok 9 - length16 ok 10 - substringData ok 11 - substringData when the length arg is too long ok 12 - $@ (after substringData with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 13 - substringData with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 14 - $@ (after substringData when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 15 - substringData throws a index size error when offset > length ok 16 - appendData returns nothing ok 17 - result of appendData ok 18 - insertData returns nothing ok 19 - result of insertData ok 20 - $@ (after insertData with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 21 - insertData with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 22 - $@ (after insertData when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 23 - insertData throws a index size error when offset > length ok 24 - deleteData returns nothing ok 25 - result of deleteData ok 26 - $@ (after deleteData with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 27 - deleteData with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 28 - $@ (after deleteData when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 29 - deleteData throws a index size error when offset > length ok 30 - replaceData returns nothing ok 31 - result of replaceData ok 32 - $@ (after replaceData with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 33 - replaceData with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 34 - $@ (after replaceData when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 35 - replaceData throws a index size error when offset > length ok 36 - substringData16 ok 37 ok 38 - substringData16 when the length arg is too long ok 39 - $@ (after substringData16 with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 40 - substringData16 with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 41 - $@ (after substringData16 when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 42 - substringData16 throws a index size error when offset > length ok 43 - insertData16 returns nothing ok 44 - result of insertData16 ok 45 - $@ (after insertData16 with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 46 - insertData16 with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 47 - $@ (after insertData16 when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 48 - insertData16 throws a index size error when offset > length ok 49 - deleteData16 returns nothing ok 50 - result of deleteData16 ok 51 - $@ (after deleteData16 with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 52 - deleteData16 with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 53 - $@ (after deleteData16 when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 54 - deleteData16 throws a index size error when offset > length ok 55 - replaceData16 returns nothing ok 56 - result of replaceData16 ok 57 - $@ (after replaceData16 with a negative offset) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 58 - replaceData16 with a negative offset throws a index size error ok 59 - $@ (after replaceData16 when offset > length) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 60 - replaceData16 throws a index size error when offset > length ok t/collection............1..32 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM::Collection; ok 2 - use HTML::DOM::NodeList; ok 3 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Collection ok 4 - item ok 5 - array overloading ok 6 - length ok 7 - namedItem (id overrides name) ok 8 - namedItem (name works nonetheless) ok 9 - The first item is chosen if two share the same name. ok 10 - hash overloading ok 11 - exists ok 12 - doesn't exist ok 13 - keys ok 14 - hash in scalar context ok 15 - empty hash in scalar context ok 16 - item after modification ok 17 - namedItem afer modification ok 18 - namedItem can return a button element ok 19 - namedItem can return a textarea element ok 20 - namedItem can return an applet element ok 21 - namedItem can return a select element ok 22 - namedItem can return a form element ok 23 - namedItem can return a frame element ok 24 - namedItem can return an iframe element ok 25 - namedItem can return an img element ok 26 - namedItem can return an a element ok 27 - namedItem can return an input element ok 28 - namedItem can return an object element ok 29 - namedItem can return a map element ok 30 - namedItem can return a param element ok 31 - namedItem can return a meta element ok 32 - rubbish disposal ok t/comment...............1..6 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM::Comment; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Comment ok 3 - nodeName ok 4 - nodeType ok 5 - nodeValue ok 6 - attributes ok t/css...................1..9 ok 1 - The object isa CSS::DOM::StyleDecl ok 2 - the css dom is copied from the style attribute ok 3 - modifications to the css dom are reflected in the attr ok 4 - Subsequent changes to the attr change the dom, ok 5 - even deleting properties. ok 6 - removeAttribute erases the css data ok 7 - getAttributeNode reads the CSS data ok 8 - setAttributeNode sets the CSS data ok 9 - removeAttributeNode erases the css data ok t/document..............1..109 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 3 - nodeName ok 4 - nodeType ok 5 - nodeValue ok 6 - attributes ok 7 - doctype ok 8 - implementation ok 9 - doc elem isa HTML::DOM::Element ok 10 - tag name of documentElement ok 11 - new elem isa HTML::DOM::Element ok 12 - tag name of new elem ok 13 - new frag isa HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment ok 14 - child nodes of new doc frag ok 15 - new text node isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 16 - text of new text node ok 17 - new comment isa HTML::DOM::Comment ok 18 - text of new comment ok 19 - $@ after createCDATASection isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 20 - createCDATASection throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 21 - $@ after createProcessingInstruction isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 22 - createProcessingInstruction throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 23 - new attr isa HTML::DOM::Attr ok 24 - name of new attr ok 25 - new attr has no value ok 26 - $@ after createEntityReference isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 27 - createEntityReference throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 28 - getElementsByTagName(div) in list context ok 29 - getElementsByTagName(div) in scalar context ok 30 - getElementsByTagName(*) in list context ok 31 - getElementsByTagName(*) in scalar context ok 32 - div node list is updated ok 33 - * node list is updated ok 34 - importNode(attr) clones it ok 35 - ownerDocument of imported attr ok 36 - parentNode of imported attr ok 37 - nodeName of imported attr ok 38 - nodeType of imported attr ok 39 - importNode erases an attr’s ownerElement ok 40 - importNode(attr)->specified ok 41 - childNodes of an imported attr ok 42 - contents of the text node of an imported attr ok 43 - importNode(attr, deep) clones it ok 44 - ownerDocument of deeply imported attr ok 45 - parentNode of deeply imported attr ok 46 - nodeName of recursively imported attr ok 47 - nodeType of recursively imported attr ok 48 - deep importNode erases an attr’s ownerElement ok 49 - importNode(attr,deep)->specified ok 50 - childNodes of a recursively imported attr ok 51 - contents of the text node of a recursively imported attr ok 52 - importNode(doc frag) clones it ok 53 - ownerDocument of imported frag ok 54 - parentNode of imported frag ok 55 - nodeName of imported frag ok 56 - nodeType of imported frag ok 57 - number of childNodes of an imported frag ok 58 - importNode(doc frag, deep) clones it ok 59 - ownerDocument of recursively imported frag ok 60 - parentNode of recursively imported frag ok 61 - nodeName of recursively imported frag ok 62 - nodeType of recursively imported frag ok 63 - number of childNodes of a recursively imported frag ok 64 - childNodes of a recursively imported frag ok 65 - $@ after importing a doc isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 66 - importNode(doc) throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 67 - $@ after attempting recursively to import a doc isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 68 - importNode(doc, deep) throws a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 69 - importNode(elem) clones it ok 70 - ownerDocument of imported elem ok 71 - parentNode of imported elem ok 72 - nodeName of imported elem ok 73 - nodeType of imported elem ok 74 - number of childNodes of an imported elem ok 75 - elem’s attributes persist in import ok 76 - an elem’s attrs are cloned during import ok 77 - importNode(elem, deep) clones it ok 78 - ownerDocument of recursively imported elem ok 79 - parentNode of recursively imported elem ok 80 - nodeName of recursively imported elem ok 81 - nodeType of recursively imported elem ok 82 - number of childNodes of a recursively imported elem ok 83 - childNode of a recursively imported elem ok 84 - elem’s attributes persist through recursive import ok 85 - an elem’s attrs are cloned during recrusive import ok 86 - importNode(text) clones it ok 87 - ownerDocument of imported text ok 88 - parentNode of imported text ok 89 - nodeName of imported text ok 90 - nodeType of imported text ok 91 - content of imported text node ok 92 - importNode(text, deep) clones it ok 93 - ownerDocument of recursively imported text ok 94 - parentNode of recursively imported text ok 95 - nodeName of recursively imported text ok 96 - nodeType of recursively imported text ok 97 - content of cerursively imported text node ok 98 - importNode(comet) clones it ok 99 - ownerDocument of imported comet ok 100 - parentNode of imported comet ok 101 - nodeName of imported comet ok 102 - nodeType of imported comet ok 103 - content of imported comet ok 104 - importNode(comet, deep) clones it ok 105 - ownerDocument of recursively imported comet ok 106 - parentNode of recursively imported comet ok 107 - nodeName of recursively imported comet ok 108 - nodeType of recursively imported comet ok 109 - content of cerursively imported comet ok t/element...............1..36 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 3 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Element ok 4 - nodeName ok 5 - nodeType ok 6 - nodeValue ok 7 - The object isa HTML::DOM::NamedNodeMap ok 8 - tagName ok 9 - getAttribute ok 10 - setAttribute ok 11 - result of setAttribute ok 12 - removeAttribute ok 13 - result of removeAttribute ok 14 - getAttributeNode returns null ok 15 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Attr ok 16 - name of attr returned by getAttributeNode ok 17 - value of attr returned by getAttributeNode ok 18 - setAttributeNode returns the old node ok 19 - result of setAttributeNode ok 20 - setAttributeNode can return null ok 21 - result of setAttributeNode (2) ok 22 - $@ (after setAttributeNode with wrong doc) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 23 - setAttributeNode with wrong doc throws the appropriate error ok 24 - orphaned attribute nodes can be reused ok 25 - $@ (after setAttributeNode with an attribute that is in use) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 26 - setAttributeNode with an attribute that is in use throws the appropriate error ok 27 - return value of removeAttributeNode ok 28 - result of removeAttributeNode ok 29 - getElementsByTagName(div) in list context ok 30 - getElementsByTagName(div) in scalar context ok 31 - getElementsByTagName(*) in list context ok 32 - getElementsByTagName(*) in scalar context ok 33 - div node list is updated ok 34 - * node list is updated ok 35 - hasAttribute ok 36 - !hasAttribute ok t/event-basics..........1..87 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - use HTML::DOM::Event; ok 3 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 4 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Event ok 5 # skip unimplemented ok 6 # skip unimplemented ok 7 # skip unimplemented ok 8 - 1st assignment to default_event_handler returns undef ok 9 - 2nd assignment to default_event_handler returns old sub ok 10 - 2nd assignment did assign the new sub ok 11 - simply getting the default_event_handler doesn't change it ok 12 - default event handlers can be deleted ok 13 - 1st assignment to event_attr_handler returns undef ok 14 - 2nd assignment to event_attr_handler returns old sub ok 15 - 2nd assignment did assign the new sub ok 16 - simply getting the event_attr_handler doesn't change it ok 17 - event attribute handlers can be deleted ok 18 - get_event_listeners initially returns nothing ok 19 - addEventListener returns nothing ok 20 - get_event_listeners after adding 2 ok 21 - get_event_listeners (for capture phase) after adding 2 ok 22 - removeEventListener does nothing ok 23 - get_event_listeners after removing one ok 24 - get_event_listeners for capture phase after removing one ok 25 - different slots for different event types and phases ok 26 - event type before init ok 27 - eventPhase before init ok 28 - event is flat before init ok 29 - event is not cancelable before init ok 30 - no currentTarget before init ok 31 - no target before init ok 32 - timeStamp ok 33 - initEvent returns nothing ok 34 - event is bubbly after init ok 35 - event is flat after init ok 36 - event is cancelable after init ok 37 - event is uncancelable after init ok 38 - no currentTarget after init ok 39 - no target after init ok 40 - eventPhase after init ok 41 - event type after init ok 42 - dispatchEvent returns true ok 43 - order of fizzy event dispatch ok 44 - order of flat event dispatch ok 45 - CAPTURING_PHASE ok 46 - AT_TARGET ok 47 - BUBBLING_PHASE ok 48 - value of eventPhase during event dispatch ok 49 - return value of stopPropagation ok 50 - return value of stopPropagation ok 51 - stopPropagation at capture phase ok 52 - stopPropagation at the target ok 53 - stopPropagation at the bubbly phase ok 54 - currentTarget at capture stage ok 55 - "target" attr during capture phase ok 56 - currentTarget at the target ok 57 - "target" attr at the target ok 58 - return val of preventDefault ok 59 - currentTarget while bubbles are being blown ok 60 - "target" attr while froth is rising ok 61 - preventDefault makes dispatchEvent return false ok 62 - preventDefault has no effect on uncancelable actions ok 63 - And, yes, preventDefault *was* actually called. ok 64 - $@ (after dispatchEvent with an uninited event) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 65 - dispatchEvent with an uninited event throws the appropriate error ok 66 - $@ (after dispatchEvent with no event type) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 67 - dispatchEvent with an no event type throws the appropriate error ok 68 - $@ (after dispatchEvent with "" for the event type) isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 69 - dispatchEvent with "" for the event type throws the appropriate error ok 70 - event objects passed to trigger_event can be stopped ok 71 - event names passed to trigger_event can be stopped ok 72 - the default event was run when an obj was passed to trigger_event ok 73 - $event->type when an event name is passed to trigger_event ok 74 - $event->target when an event name is passed to trigger_event ok 75 - 1st arg to the event attr handler isa HTML::Element ok 76 - event name is passed to the event attr handler ok 77 - code is passed to the event attr handler ok 78 - coderef returned by event attr handler becomes an eavesdropper ok 79 - same when on is spelt On ok 80 - setAttribute triggers the event attr handler ok 81 - re-assigning to an event attr can replace an existing listener ok 82 - 1st assignment to error_handler returns undef ok 83 - 2nd assignment to error_handler returns old sub ok 84 - 2nd assignment did assign the new sub ok 85 - simply getting the error_handler doesn't change it ok 86 - error handlers can be deleted ok 87 - error_handler gets called ok 3/87 skipped: various reasons t/exception.............1..21 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM::Exception; ok 2 - INDEX_SIZE_ERR ok 3 - DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR ok 4 - HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR ok 5 - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR ok 6 - INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR ok 7 - NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR ok 8 - NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR ok 9 - NOT_FOUND_ERR ok 10 - NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR ok 11 - INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR ok 12 - INVALID_STATE_ERR ok 13 - SYNTAX_ERR ok 14 - INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR ok 15 - NAMESPACE_ERR ok 16 - INVALID_ACCESS_ERR ok 17 - UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR ok 18 - the new exception object isa HTML::DOM::Exception ok 19 - string overloading that adds a newline ok 20 - numeric overloading ok 21 - string overloading when there is already a trailing newline ok t/form-element..........1..269 ok 1 - class for form ok 2 - get Form's name ok 3 - set/get Form's name ok 4 - get Form's name again ok 5 - get Form's acceptCharset ok 6 - set/get Form's acceptCharset ok 7 - get Form's acceptCharset again ok 8 - get Form's action ok 9 - set/get Form's action ok 10 - get Form's action again ok 11 - get Form's enctype ok 12 - set/get Form's enctype ok 13 - get Form's enctype again ok 14 - get Form's method ok 15 - set/get Form's method ok 16 - get Form's method again ok 17 - get Form's target ok 18 - set/get Form's target ok 19 - get Form's target again ok 20 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Collection::Elements ok 21 - $elements->length eq 0 ok 22 - $form->length eq 0 ok 23 - $form->length ok 24 - $elements->length ok 25 - return value of Form's submit method ok 26 - Form's submit method ok 27 - Form's submit event is on target ok 28 - return value of Form's reset method ok 29 - Form's reset method ok 30 - Form's reset event is on target ok 31 # skip not written yet ok 32 # skip not written yet ok 33 # skip not written yet ok 34 # skip not written yet ok 35 # skip not written yet ok 36 - class for select ok 37 - select ->[] ok 38 - select ->type ok 39 - select value ok 40 - get Select's selectedIndex ok 41 - set/get Select's selectedIndex ok 42 - get Select's selectedIndex again ok 43 - select value again ok 44 - select length ok 45 - select form ok 46 - The object isa HTML::DOM::Collection::Options ok 47 - tied @$select isa HTML::DOM::NodeList::Magic ok 48 - options ->[] ok 49 - undef assignment to options ->[] ok 50 - select: get disabled ok 51 - select: set/get disabled ok 52 - select: get disabled again ok 53 - select: get multiple ok 54 - select: set/get multiple ok 55 - select: get multiple again ok 56 - get Select's name ok 57 - set/get Select's name ok 58 - get Select's name again ok 59 - get Select's size ok 60 - set/get Select's size ok 61 - get Select's size again ok 62 - get Select's tabIndex ok 63 - set/get Select's tabIndex ok 64 - get Select's tabIndex again ok 65 - return value of select add ok 66 - select add ok 67 - select add with null 2nd arg ok 68 - select remove ok 69 - return value of Select's blur method ok 70 - Select's blur method ok 71 - Select's blur event is on target ok 72 - return value of Select's focus method ok 73 - Select's focus method ok 74 - Select's focus event is on target ok 75 - multiple select ->type ok 76 - selectedIndex with multiple ok 77 - selectedIndex with multiple (2) ok 78 - selectedIndex with multiple (2) ok 79 - class for optgroup ok 80 - optgroup: get disabled ok 81 - optgroup: set/get disabled ok 82 - optgroup: get disabled again ok 83 - get OptGroup's label ok 84 - set/get OptGroup's label ok 85 - get OptGroup's label again ok 86 - class for option ok 87 - option->form when there isn’t one ok 88 - option->form ok 89 - option->defaultSelected reflects the selected attribute ok 90 - option: set/get defaultSelected ok 91 - option: get defaultSelected again ok 92 - option->text when empty ok 93 - option->text when blank ok 94 - option->text when set to something ok 95 - option->index ok 96 - option->index again ok 97 - option: get disabled ok 98 - option: set/get disabled ok 99 - option: get disabled again ok 100 - get Option's label ok 101 - set/get Option's label ok 102 - get Option's label again ok 103 - option->selected is taken from the attr by default ok 104 - set/get option->selected ok 105 - set option->selected didn’t work ok 106 - set option->selected worked ok 107 - and defaultSelected was unaffected ok 108 - get Option's value ok 109 - set/get Option's value ok 110 - get Option's value again ok 111 - text is unaffected when value is set ok 112 - class for input ok 113 - get Input's defaultValue ok 114 - set/get Input's defaultValue ok 115 - get Input's defaultValue again ok 116 - input: get defaultChecked ok 117 - input: set/get defaultChecked ok 118 - defaultChecked is linked to the checked attribute ok 119 - input: get defaultChecked again ok 120 - input->form when there isn’t one ok 121 - input->form ok 122 - get Input's accept ok 123 - set/get Input's accept ok 124 - get Input's accept again ok 125 - get Input's accessKey ok 126 - set/get Input's accessKey ok 127 - get Input's accessKey again ok 128 - get Input's align ok 129 - set/get Input's align ok 130 - get Input's align again ok 131 - get Input's alt ok 132 - set/get Input's alt ok 133 - get Input's alt again ok 134 - changing input->checked does not affect defaultChecked ok 135 - input: get checked ok 136 - input: set/get checked ok 137 - input: get checked again ok 138 - input: get disabled ok 139 - input: set/get disabled ok 140 - input: get disabled again ok 141 - get Input's maxLength ok 142 - set/get Input's maxLength ok 143 - get Input's maxLength again ok 144 - get Input's name ok 145 - set/get Input's name ok 146 - get Input's name again ok 147 - input: get readOnly ok 148 - input: set/get readOnly ok 149 - input: get readOnly again ok 150 - get Input's size ok 151 - set/get Input's size ok 152 - get Input's size again ok 153 - get Input's src ok 154 - set/get Input's src ok 155 - get Input's src again ok 156 - get Input's tabIndex ok 157 - set/get Input's tabIndex ok 158 - get Input's tabIndex again ok 159 - input->type ok 160 - input: get useMap ok 161 - input: set/get useMap ok 162 - input: get useMap again ok 163 - get Input's value ok 164 - set/get Input's value ok 165 - get Input's value again ok 166 - modifying input->value leaves the value attr alone ok 167 - return value of Input's blur method ok 168 - Input's blur method ok 169 - Input's blur event is on target ok 170 - return value of Input's focus method ok 171 - Input's focus method ok 172 - Input's focus event is on target ok 173 - return value of Input's select method ok 174 - Input's select method ok 175 - Input's select event is on target ok 176 - return value of Input's click method ok 177 - Input's click method ok 178 - Input's click event is on target ok 179 - class for textarea ok 180 - textarea->defaultValue when empty ok 181 - textarea->defaultValue when blank ok 182 - get TextArea's defaultValue ok 183 - set/get TextArea's defaultValue ok 184 - get TextArea's defaultValue again ok 185 - setting textarea->defaultValue modifies its child node ok 186 - textarea->form when there isn’t one ok 187 - textarea->form ok 188 - get TextArea's accessKey ok 189 - set/get TextArea's accessKey ok 190 - get TextArea's accessKey again ok 191 - get TextArea's cols ok 192 - set/get TextArea's cols ok 193 - get TextArea's cols again ok 194 - textarea: get disabled ok 195 - textarea: set/get disabled ok 196 - textarea: get disabled again ok 197 - get TextArea's name ok 198 - set/get TextArea's name ok 199 - get TextArea's name again ok 200 - textarea: get readOnly ok 201 - textarea: set/get readOnly ok 202 - textarea: get readOnly again ok 203 - get TextArea's rows ok 204 - set/get TextArea's rows ok 205 - get TextArea's rows again ok 206 - get TextArea's tabIndex ok 207 - set/get TextArea's tabIndex ok 208 - get TextArea's tabIndex again ok 209 - textarea->type ok 210 - get TextArea's value ok 211 - set/get TextArea's value ok 212 - get TextArea's value again ok 213 - modifying input->value leaves the default value alone ok 214 - return value of TextArea's blur method ok 215 - TextArea's blur method ok 216 - TextArea's blur event is on target ok 217 - return value of TextArea's focus method ok 218 - TextArea's focus method ok 219 - TextArea's focus event is on target ok 220 - return value of TextArea's select method ok 221 - TextArea's select method ok 222 - TextArea's select event is on target ok 223 - class for button ok 224 - button->form when there isn’t one ok 225 - button->form ok 226 - get Button's accessKey ok 227 - set/get Button's accessKey ok 228 - get Button's accessKey again ok 229 - button: get disabled ok 230 - button: set/get disabled ok 231 - button: get disabled again ok 232 - get Button's name ok 233 - set/get Button's name ok 234 - get Button's name again ok 235 - get Button's tabIndex ok 236 - set/get Button's tabIndex ok 237 - get Button's tabIndex again ok 238 - get Button's value ok 239 - set/get Button's value ok 240 - get Button's value again ok 241 - button->type ok 242 - class for label ok 243 - label->form when there isn’t one ok 244 - label->form ok 245 - get Label's accessKey ok 246 - set/get Label's accessKey ok 247 - get Label's accessKey again ok 248 - get Label's htmlFor ok 249 - set/get Label's htmlFor ok 250 - get Label's htmlFor again ok 251 - class for fieldset ok 252 - fieldset->form when there isn’t one ok 253 - fieldset->form ok 254 - class for legend ok 255 - legend->form when there isn’t one ok 256 - legend->form ok 257 - get Legend's accessKey ok 258 - set/get Legend's accessKey ok 259 - get Legend's accessKey again ok 260 - get Legend's align ok 261 - set/get Legend's align ok 262 - get Legend's align again ok 263 - hdce returns a nodelist for multiple equinominal elems ok 264 - but let’s check it again, just to be sure ok 265 - contents of hdce’s special node lists (1) ok 266 - contents of hdce’s special node lists (2) ok 267 - contents of hdce’s special node lists (3) ok 268 - contents of hdce’s special node lists (4) ok 269 - the nodelist returned by the collection continues to work when the nodelist is out of scope ok 5/269 skipped: various reasons t/fragment..............1..6 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment ok 3 - nodeName ok 4 - nodeType ok 5 - nodeValue ok 6 - attributes ok t/html-document.........1..66 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 3 - title ok 4 - set title ok 5 - see whether the title was set ok 6 - referrer ok 7 - domain ok 8 - URL ok 9 - body ok 10 - set body ok 11 - see whether body was set ok 12 - images (list) ok 13 - applets (list) ok 14 - links (list) ok 15 - forms (list) ok 16 - anchors (list) ok 17 - images (scalar) ok 18 - applets (scalar) ok 19 - links (scalar) ok 20 - forms (scalar) ok 21 - anchors (scalar) ok 22 - inferred URL ok 23 - inferred referrer ok 24 - explicit url overrides response object ok 25 - explicit referrer overrides response object ok 26 - set cookies without a cookie jar ok 27 - get cookies without a cookie jar ok 28 - set NS-style cookie ok 29 - set another NS-style cookie ok 30 - get cookies ok 31 - set RFC-???? cookie ok 32 - get cookies after added with both syntaxes ok 33 - write (parse/unbuffaloed) ok 34 - close ok 35 - close calls eof ok 36 - write actually worked like parse! isa HTML::DOM::Element ok 37 - return value of open ok 38 - seems that open() clobbered everything ok 39 - except the response object ok 40 - and the cookie jar ok 41 - oh, and the URL, too! ok 42 - I nearly forgot--the referrer as well, of course. ok 43 - Ah, I see we have our tree builder back again! ok 44 - the HTML elem's parent is the document ok 45 - write calls open if it feels the need. ok 46 - redudant close() throws no errors ok 47 - Our clobbered element handler bug is gone ok 48 - getElementsByName ok 49 - getElementsByName stringfication ok 50 - getElementsByName stringfication in scalar context ok 51 - getElementById ok 52 - getElementById stringification ok 53 - set/get alinkColor ok 54 - get alinkColor ok 55 - set/get background ok 56 - get background ok 57 - set/get bgColor ok 58 - get bgColor ok 59 - set/get fgColor ok 60 - get fgColor ok 61 - set/get linkColor ok 62 - get linkColor ok 63 - set/get vlinkColor ok 64 - get vlinkColor ok 65 - hashness (1) ok 66 - hashness (2) ok t/html-dom-interface....1..32 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM::Interface; ok 2 ok 3 - {Document} doesn't exist ok 4 - {HTMLDocument}{createComment} exists ok 5 - HTMLDocument isa Node ok 6 - HTML::DOM::Collection::Options is there ok 7 - HTML::DOM::TreeBuilder ok 8 - HTML::DOM::Element::Table ok 9 - HTML::DOM::Element::Caption ok 10 - HTML::DOM::Element::TableColumn ok 11 - HTML::DOM::Element::TableSection ok 12 - HTML::DOM::Element::TR ok 13 - HTML::DOM::Element::TableCell ok 14 - HTML::DOM::Element::FrameSet ok 15 - HTML::DOM::Element::Frame ok 16 - HTML::DOM::Element::IFrame ok 17 - form reset ok 18 - INVALID_STATE_ERR ok 19 - SYNTAX_ERR ok 20 - INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR ok 21 - NAMESPACE_ERR ok 22 - INVALID_ACCESS_ERR ok 23 - Attr->ownerElement ok 24 - Document->importNode ok 25 - Node->isSupported ok 26 - Node->hasAttributes ok 27 - Node->normalize ok 28 - Element->normalize is gone ok 29 - Element->hasAttribute ok 30 - defaultView ok 31 ok 32 - style ok t/html-dom..............1..23 ok 1 - use HTML::DOM; ok 2 - The object isa HTML::DOM ok 3 - body's child node no. 1 is a P elem ok 4 - first child of para 1 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 5 - contents of para 1 ok 6 - body's child node no. 2 is a P elem ok 7 - first child of para 2 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 8 - contents of para 2 ok 9 - body's child node no. 3 is a P elem ok 10 - first child of para 3 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 11 - contents of para 3 ok 12 - body's child node no. 4 is a P elem ok 13 - first child of para 4 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 14 - contents of para 4 ok 15 - body's child node no. 5 is a P elem ok 16 - first child of para 5 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 17 - contents of para 5 ok 18 - body's child node no. 6 is a P elem ok 19 - first child of para 6 isa HTML::DOM::Text ok 20 - contents of para 6 ok 21 - parse_file ok 22 - nested