Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTML::Tabulate Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. cp blib\lib\HTML\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/01_data...........1..8 ok 1 - use HTML::Tabulate; ok 2 - simple hashref ok 3 - nested arrayrefs1 ok 4 - nested arrayrefs2 ok 5 - nested arrayrefs4 ok 6 - nested hashrefs1 ok 7 - nested hashrefs2 ok 8 - nested hashrefs4 ok t/03_merge..........1..23 ok 1 - use HTML::Tabulate; ok 2 - defn style defined ok 3 - defn table defined ok 4 - defn table->{border} defined ok 5 - defn th defined ok 6 - defn null defined ok 7 - defn strip defined ok 8 - defn table->align merged ok 9 - defn table->cellpadding merged ok 10 - defn table->{labels} merged ok 11 - defn table->{thtr} merged ok 12 - render1 result ok ok 13 - defn table->cellpadding has merged value ok 14 - defn table->class does not exist ok 15 - defn thtr->class has merged value ok 16 - defn labels has merged value ok 17 - defn stripe has initial value ok 18 - render2 result ok ok 19 - defn table->cellpadding has merged value ok 20 - defn table->class does not exist ok 21 - defn thtr->class has merged value ok 22 - defn labels has merged value ok 23 - defn stripe has initial value ok t/04_merge_fattr....1..5 ok 1 - use HTML::Tabulate; ok 2 - defn field_attr defined ok 3 - defn -defaults defined ok 4 - defn emp_id defined ok 5 - render1 result ok ok t/05_attr...........1..4 ok 1 - render1 result ok ok 2 - render2 result ok ok 3 - render3 result ok ok 4 - render4 result ok ok t/05_merge..........1..16 ok 1 - require HTML::Tabulate; ok 2 - defn style defined ok 3 - defn table defined ok 4 - defn table->{border} defined ok 5 - defn th defined ok 6 - defn null defined ok 7 - defn strip defined ok 8 - defn table->align merged ok 9 - defn table->cellpadding merged ok 10 - defn table->{labels} merged ok 11 - defn table->{thtr} merged ok 12 - defn table->cellpadding has merged value ok 13 - defn table->class does not exist ok 14 - defn thtr->class has merged value ok 15 - defn labels has merged value ok 16 - defn stripe has initial value ok t/06_fattr..........1..3 ok 1 - render1 result ok ok 2 - render2 result ok ok 3 - render3 result ok ok t/08_style..........1..3 ok 1 - use HTML::Tabulate; ok 2 - result down ok ok 3 - result across ok
Emp ID123456789
Emp NameFred FlintstoneBarney RubbleDino
Emp TitleCEOLackeyPet
Birth Dt197104301975121219950906
ok t/10_iterators......1..4 ok 1 # skip DBD::mysql not installed ok 2 # skip DBD::mysql not installed ok 3 # skip DBD::mysql not installed ok 4 # skip DBD::mysql not installed ok 4/4 skipped: various reasons t/11_fields_add.....1..1 ok 1 - render1 result ok ok t/12_trtd...........1..7 ok 1 - tr sub ok 2 - tr attr sub ok 3 - tr attr sub (undef) ok 4 - th/td sub ok 5 - th/td sub2 (undef) ok 6 - fattr sub1 ok 7 - fattr sub2 (undef) ok t/13_title..........1..8 ok 1 - title scalar, no formatting ok 2 - title hashref, no formatting ok 3 - title hashref, sprintf formatting ok 4 - title hashref, subref formatting ok 5 - title hashref, old-style formatting ok 6 - title hashref, old-style formatting, no tag ok 7 - title hashref, no value ok 8 - title subref ok t/14_text...........1..6 ok 1 - text bare ok 2 - text with partial markup ok 3 - text tag-wrapped ok 4 - text multiline bare ok 5 - text multiline tag-wrapped ok 6 - title and text ok t/15_caption........1..11 ok 1 - (text) caption bare ok 2 - (text) caption with partial markup ok 3 - (text) caption tag-wrapped ok 4 - (text) caption multiline bare ok 5 - (text) caption multiline tag-wrapped ok 6 - (text) title, text, caption ok 7 - (text) caption explicit format ok 8 - (text) caption subref ok 9 - (text) caption format subref ok 10 - (caption) caption bare ok 11 - (caption) caption format subref ok t/16_labels.........1..5 ok 1 - auto labels ok 2 - label hash ok 3 - label attributes ok 4 - empty label (attribute) ok 5 - empty label (hash) ok t/17_links..........1..2 ok 1 - links1 ok 2 - links2 ok t/20_thead..........1..5 ok 1 - thead scalar with labels ok 2 - thead scalar w/o labels ok 3 - thead hashref with labels ok 4 - thead hashref w/o labels ok 5 - thead hashref with attributes ok t/21_tbody..........1..15 ok 1 - tbody scalar, no labels ok 2 - tbody scalar, with labels ok 3 - tbody hashref, with attributes ok 4 - tbody with -field 1 ok 5 - tbody with -field 2 ok 6 - tbody with -field, with attributes ok 7 - tbody with -rows 1 (-rows => 2) ok 8 - tbody with -rows 2 (-rows => 2) ok 9 - tbody with -rows 3 (-rows => 3) ok 10 - tbody with -rows 4 (-rows => 1) ok 11 - tbody with -rows 5 (-rows => 1, thead => 1) ok 12 - tbody with -rows 6 (-rows => 0) ok 13 - tbody with -rows 7 (-rows => 7) ok 14 - tbody with -rows 8 (-rows => 20) ok 15 - tbody with -rows with attributes ok All tests successful, 4 subtests skipped. Files=17, Tests=126, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Tabulate.html Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\HTML\ Writing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\auto\HTML\Tabulate\.packlist Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\lib/perllocal.pod