Cannot determine perl version info from lib/HTML/
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- Test::NoWarnings ...loaded. (0.083)
- HTML::Element ...loaded. (3.23 >= 3.22)
- Class::Accessor::Fast ...loaded. (0.31)
- Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast ...loaded. (0)
- Class::Data::Accessor ...loaded. (0.04001)
- HTML::Scrubber ...loaded. (0.08)
- Storable ...loaded. (2.18)
- Module::Pluggable::Fast ...loaded. (0.18)
- Email::Valid ...loaded. (0.179)
- Date::Calc ...loaded. (5.4)
- Scalar::Util ...loaded. (1.19)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for HTML::Widget
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/ blib\lib\HTML\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Manual/Developer.pod blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Manual\Developer.pod
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Filter/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Filter\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Constraint/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint\
cp lib/HTML/Widget/Element/ blib\lib\HTML\Widget\Element\
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/01use.t t/02pod.t t/03podcoverage.t t/04basic.t t/05strict.t t/06bugs_ascii_space.t t/06bugs_callbackone_missing_param.t t/06bugs_constraint_range_zero_max.t t/06bugs_constraint_range_zero_min.t t/06bugs_in_value_empty.t t/06bugs_name_regex_chars.t t/06bugs_result_elements_warnings.t t/06bugs_result_params_multiple.t t/06bugs_select_empty_options.t t/06bugs_select_zero_key_constraint.t t/06bugs_value_empty_string.t t/06bugs_value_no_default.t t/06bugs_value_zero.t t/06bugs_widget_get_elements.t t/06bugs_widget_name_zero.t t/06bugs_xml_escape.t t/06bugs_zero_value_xml.t t/06bugs_zero_xml.t t/07custom_render.t t/08constraint_all.t t/08empty_errors.t t/08filter_all.t t/09nested_embed.t t/10explicit_ids.t t/10no_name.t t/attributes.t t/constraint_all.t t/constraint_allornone.t t/constraint_any.t t/constraint_ascii.t t/constraint_bool.t t/constraint_callback.t t/constraint_callbackonce.t t/constraint_custom_namespace.t t/constraint_date.t t/constraint_datetime.t t/constraint_dependon.t t/constraint_email.t t/constraint_equal.t t/constraint_http.t t/constraint_in.t t/constraint_integer.t t/constraint_length.t t/constraint_number.t t/constraint_printable.t t/constraint_range.t t/constraint_regex.t t/constraint_singlevalue.t t/constraint_string.t t/constraint_time.t t/element_block.t t/element_button.t t/element_button_tag.t t/element_checkbox.t t/element_custom_namespace.t t/element_hidden.t t/element_password.t t/element_radio.t t/element_radiogroup.t t/element_radiogroup_constrain_values.t t/element_reset.t t/element_select.t t/element_select_constrain_options.t t/element_span.t t/element_submit.t t/element_textarea.t t/element_textfield.t t/element_upload.t t/filter_callback.t t/filter_htmlescape.t t/filter_htmlstrip.t t/filter_lowercase.t t/filter_trimedges.t t/filter_uppercase.t t/filter_whitespace.t t/get_constraint.t t/get_constraints.t t/get_element.t t/get_elements.t t/get_errors.t t/get_filter.t t/get_filters.t t/result_add_error.t t/retain_default.t t/submitted.t
ok 1 - use HTML::Widget;
t/02pod..................................1..0 # Skip set TEST_POD to enable this test
all skipped: set TEST_POD to enable this test
t/03podcoverage..........................1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required
all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required
ok 1 - XML output is form
ok 2 - Result is HTML::Widget::Result object isa HTML::Widget::Result
ok 3 - Field name is valid
ok 4 - Field age has errors
ok 5 - Field name is valid
ok 6 - Field age is not valid
ok 7 - Field foo is not valid
ok 8 - Field name has no errors
ok 9 - Field foo has errors
ok 10 - Field foo has no errors
ok 11 - Param name is accessible
ok 12 - Param age is not accessible
ok 13 - Param foo is not defined
ok 14 - Param name is defined
ok 15 - Param age is not defined
ok 16 - Param foo is not defined
ok 17 - Bar is dude
ok 18 - Bar is dude
ok 19 - Bar is valid
ok 20 - Element is a container object isa HTML::Widget::Container
ok 21 - Element is a HTML::Element object isa HTML::Element
ok 22 - Error is a HTML::Element object isa HTML::Element
ok 23 - JavaScript is empty
ok 24 - Element XML output is ok
ok 25 - Error XML output is ok
ok 26 - JavScript XML output is ok
ok 27 - Container XML output is ok
ok 28 - Expected error
ok 29 - Field contains digit characters
ok 30 - XML output is filled out form
ok 31 - XML output is form
ok 32 - XML output is form
ok 33 - get_elements_ref
ok 34 - get_filters_ref
ok 35 - get_constraints_ref
ok 36 - elements_ref
ok 1 - Field ok is valid
ok 2 - Field name is valid
ok 3 - Field age is not valid
ok 4 - Field foo is not valid
ok 5 - Field other is not valid
ok 6 - Param name is accessible
ok 7 - Param name is accessible
ok 8 - Param age does not exist in params hash
ok 9 - Param age is undef
ok 10 - Param foo is not in params hash
ok 11 - Param other is not in params hash
ok 1 - no errors
ok 2 - foo valid
ok 3 - value is space character
ok 1 - $foo assigned correctly
ok 2 - $bar undef
ok 3 - $zoo assigned correctly
ok 4 - foo valid
ok 5 - zoo valid
ok 1 - foo valid
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo not valid
ok 4 - errors
ok 1 - foo valid
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo not valid
ok 4 - errors
ok 1 - foo is valid
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - no errors
ok 1 - foo[bar] valid
ok 1 - @elements contains 1 value
ok 2 - no warnings
ok 1 - foo valid
ok 2 - $result->params is_deeply
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - no errors
ok 1 - 1 implicit IN constraint
ok 2 - constraint value
ok 3 - constraint value
ok 1 - empty value appears in XML
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - correct number of elements
ok 2 - correct name
ok 3 - correct type
ok 1 - widget name 0
ok 1 - utf-8 character ok
ok 2 -
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
ok 12
ok 13 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - 0 valid
ok 2 - 0 not error
ok 3 - name 0 XML ok
ok 4 - 0 valid
ok 5 - 0 not error
ok 6 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - Found element with name of "age"
ok 2 - The object isa HTML::Widget::Element
ok 3 - Can read container class for individual object
ok 4 - Default container class is right
ok 5 - Object instance inherits super container class value
ok 6 - Object instance inherits container class value
ok 7 - Object instance container class value
ok 8 - Container isa Container when class set to empty string isa HTML::Widget::Container
ok 9 - XML output is form
ok 10 - Result is HTML::Widget::Result object isa HTML::Widget::Result
ok 11 - Field name is valid
ok 12 - Field age has errors
ok 13 - Field name is valid
ok 14 - Field age is not valid
ok 15 - Field foo is not valid
ok 16 - Field name has no errors
ok 17 - Field foo has errors
ok 18 - Field foo has no errors
ok 19 - Param name is accessible
ok 20 - Param age is not accessible
ok 21 - Param foo is not defined
ok 22 - Param name is defined
ok 23 - Param age is not defined
ok 24 - Param foo is not defined
ok 25 - Bar is dude
ok 26 - Bar is dude
ok 27 - Bar is valid
ok 28 - Label is empty
ok 29 - Element is a (base) container object isa HTML::Widget::Container
ok 30 - Element is also an overridden container object isa TestContainer
ok 31 - Element is a HTML::Element object isa HTML::Element
ok 32 - Error is a HTML::Element object isa HTML::Element
ok 33 - Label is a HTML::Element object isa HTML::Element
ok 34 - JavaScript is empty
ok 35 - Element XML output is ok
ok 36 - Error XML output is ok
ok 37 - JavScript XML output is ok
ok 38 - Container XML output is ok
ok 39 - Expected error
ok 40 - Field contains digit characters
ok 41 - XML output is filled out form
ok 42 - XML output is form
ok 43 - XML output is form
ok 44 - Output is sane before $w->element_container_class
ok 45 - $w2->element_container_class changes output for that widget
ok 46 - $w2->element_container_class doesnt change output for $w->process
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 - baz value
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - 2 constraints
ok 6 - foo value
ok 7 - no errors
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10 - foo value
ok 11 - foo has errors
ok 12 - Valid
ok 13 - Multiple valid values
ok 14 - foo not valid
ok 15 - foo has errors
ok 16 - foo has errors
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 - bar value
ok 1 - XML output is form
ok 2 - XML output is form
ok 3 - widgets are identical
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3 - XML output is filled out form
ok 4 - XML output is filled out form
ok 5 - no warnings
ok 1 - key exists
ok 2 - key exists
ok 3 - key exists
ok 4 - key exists
ok 5 - key exists
ok 6 - key exists
ok 7 - key does not exist
ok 8 - key does not exist
ok 9 - key exists
ok 10 - key exists
ok 11 - key exists
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 - no errors
ok 4 - foo value
ok 5 - bar has errors
ok 6 - foo has errors
ok 7 - bar has errors
ok 8 - foo valid
ok 9 - foo value
ok 10 - bar has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 - no errors
ok 4 - none valid
ok 5 - no errors
ok 6 - foo value
ok 7 - bar has errors
ok 8 - foo has no errors
ok 9 - bar has no errors
ok 10 - foo value
ok 11 - bar has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - bar has errors
ok 5 - foo has errors
ok 6 - bar has errors
ok 7 - XML output is filled out form
ok 8 - foo has errors
ok 9 - bar has errors
ok 10 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo value
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7 - foo value
ok 8 - foo has errors
ok 9 - Valid
ok 10 - Multiple valid values
ok 11 - foo not valid
ok 12 - foo has errors
ok 13 - foo has errors
ok 14 - foo has errors
ok 15 - foo has errros
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 1 - callback only called once
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - foo has errors
ok 6 - bar has errors
ok 7 - callback only called once
ok 8 - Valid
ok 9 - Valid
ok 10 - Multiple valid values
ok 11 - Multiple valid values
ok 12 - callback only called once
ok 13 - foo has errors
ok 14 - bar has errors
ok 15
ok 16 - foo has errors
ok 17 - bar has errors
ok 18 - foo is not valid
ok 19 - bar is not valid
ok 20 - foo has errors
ok 21 - bar has errors
ok 22 - foo is not valid
ok 23 - bar is not valid
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - year value
ok 2 - month value
ok 3 - day value
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - year has errors
ok 6 - month has errors
ok 7 - day has errors
ok 1 - year value
ok 2 - month value
ok 3 - day value
ok 4 - hour value
ok 5 - minute value
ok 6 - second value
ok 7 - no errors
ok 8 - year has errors
ok 9 - month has errors
ok 10 - day has errors
ok 11 - hour has errors
ok 12 - minute has errors
ok 13 - second has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 - no errors
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - bar value
ok 6 - no errors
ok 7 - foo value
ok 8 - bar has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - no errors
ok 8 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - foo eq bar
ok 3 - no errors
ok 4 # skip drunken feature
ok 5 # skip drunken feature
ok 6 - foo has errors
ok 7 - bar has errors
ok 8 - baz has errors
ok 9 - param foo is undef due to error
ok 10 - param bar is undef due to error
ok 11 - param baz is undef due to error
ok 12 - foo has errors
ok 13 - bar has errors
ok 14 - baz has errors
ok 15 - XML output is filled out form
ok 16 - foo has errors
ok 17 - bar has errors
ok 18 - baz has errors
ok 19 - XML output is filled out form
2/19 skipped: various reasons
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo valid
ok 4 - foo is empty string
ok 5 - no errors
ok 6 - foo has errors
ok 7 - Valid
ok 8 - Multiple valid values
ok 9 - Multiple valid values
ok 10 - no errors
ok 11 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo value
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - foo value
ok 6 - no errors
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10 - foo value
ok 11 - foo has errors
ok 12 - foo has errros
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - no errors
ok 4 - foo has errors
ok 5 - Valid
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - Multiple valid values
ok 8 - Multiple valid values
ok 9 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - Multiple valid values
ok 8 - foo has errors
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
ok 12 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 8 - alpha
ok 9 - alpha, space
ok 10 - punct
ok 11 - hebrew
ok 12 - zero
ok 13 - backspace
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo valid
ok 4 - foo value
ok 5 - foo has errors
ok 6 - foo has errors
ok 7 - Valid
ok 8 - Multiple valid values
ok 9 - Multiple valid values
ok 10 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5 - foo value
ok 6 - foo not valid
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 8 - foo not valid
ok 9 - foo has errors
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - no errors
ok 3 - foo has errors
ok 4 - Valid
ok 5 - Multiple valid values
ok 6 - Multiple valid values
ok 7 - foo has errors
ok 1 - hour value
ok 2 - minute value
ok 3 - second value
ok 4 - no errors
ok 5 - hour has errors
ok 6 - minute has errors
ok 7 - second has errors
ok 1 - XML output
ok 2 - XML output with query
ok 3 - XML output with query and errors
ok 4 - foo has 4 els
ok 5 - foo 1st el is textfield isa HTML::Widget::Element::Textfield
ok 6 - foo 2nd el is fieldset isa HTML::Widget::Element::Fieldset
ok 7 - fs has 1
ok 8 - fs 1st el is textfield isa HTML::Widget::Element::Textfield
ok 9 - el bar by name isa HTML::Widget::Element::Textfield
ok 10 - el fs by type isa HTML::Widget::Element::Fieldset
ok 11 - find_elements
ok 12 - find_elements types
ok 13 - find_elements names
ok 14 - find_elements by type
ok 15 - find_elements types
ok 16 - find_elements names
ok 17 - find_elements by name
ok 18 - find_element type
ok 19 - find_element name
ok 20 - fs2 has no ordered lists
ok 21 - fs2 has 2 textfields
ok 22 - fs2 has 1 baztwo
ok 23 - baztwo name ok
ok 24 - fs not a top-level element
ok 25 - result foo isa HTML::Widget::BlockContainer
ok 26 - find_result_element fs isa HTML::Widget::BlockContainer
ok 27 - elements_for fs2
ok 28 - The object isa HTML::Widget::Container
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3
ok 4
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3
ok 4
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3 - XML output is filled out form (label)
ok 4 - XML output is filled out form (label)
ok 5 - XML output is filled out form (label+comment)
ok 6 - XML output is filled out form (label+comment+error)
ok 1 - Two implicit IN constraints
ok 2 - Three keys for constraint 0
ok 3 - Two keys for constraint 1
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - Two implicit IN constraints
ok 2 - Three keys for constraint 0
ok 3 - Two keys for constraint 1
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3
ok 4
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - enctype automatically set to multipart/form-data
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - foo values
ok 3 - bar values
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 3 # skip HTML::Element now checks for already-escaped characters - Won't fix
1/3 skipped: various reasons
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 1 - foo value
ok 2 - bar value
ok 1 - correct number of constraints
ok 2 - correct constraint names
ok 3 - correct number of constraints
ok 4 - correct constraint names
ok 5 - correct constraint type isa HTML::Widget::Constraint::Integer
ok 6 - correct number of constraints
ok 7 - correct constraint names
ok 8 - correct constraint type isa HTML::Widget::Constraint::All
ok 1 - correct number of constraints
ok 2 - correct constraint names
ok 3 - correct constraint names
ok 4 - correct constraint names
ok 5 - correct constraint names
ok 6 - correct number of constraints
ok 7 - correct constraint names
ok 8 - correct constraint type isa HTML::Widget::Constraint::Integer
ok 9 - correct number of constraints
ok 10 - correct constraint names
ok 11 - correct constraint names
ok 12 - correct constraint type isa HTML::Widget::Constraint::All
ok 13 - correct constraint type isa HTML::Widget::Constraint::All
ok 1 - correct number of elements
ok 2 - correct element name
ok 3 - correct number of elements
ok 4 - correct element name
ok 5 - correct number of elements
ok 6 - correct element name
ok 7 - correct number of elements
ok 8 - correct element name
ok 9 - correct number of elements
ok 10 - correct element name
ok 11 - correct element type isa HTML::Widget::Element::Textarea
ok 1 - correct number of elements
ok 2 - correct element name
ok 3 - correct element name
ok 4 - correct element name
ok 5 - correct element name
ok 6 - correct number of elements
ok 7 - correct element name
ok 8 - correct element name
ok 9 - correct number of elements
ok 10 - correct element name
ok 11 - correct number of elements
ok 12 - correct element name
ok 13 - correct number of elements
ok 14 - correct element name
ok 15 - correct element name
ok 16 - correct element type isa HTML::Widget::Element::Textarea
ok 17 - correct element type isa HTML::Widget::Element::Password
ok 1 - Errors correct with no params
ok 2 - There are no FakeType errors
ok 3 - Filtered returned correct type
ok 4 - Errors correct with name provided
ok 5 - Errors correct with no params
ok 6 - errors correct with name and type params
ok 1 - correct number of filters
ok 2 - correct filter names
ok 3 - correct number of filters
ok 4 - correct filter names
ok 5 - correct filter type isa HTML::Widget::Filter::Whitespace
ok 6 - correct number of filters
ok 7 - correct filter names
ok 8 - correct filter type isa HTML::Widget::Filter::LowerCase
ok 1 - correct number of filters
ok 2 - correct filter names
ok 3 - correct filter names
ok 4 - correct filter names
ok 5 - correct filter names
ok 6 - correct number of filters
ok 7 - correct filter names
ok 8 - correct filter type isa HTML::Widget::Filter::Whitespace
ok 9 - correct number of filters
ok 10 - correct filter names
ok 11 - correct filter names
ok 12 - correct filter type isa HTML::Widget::Filter::LowerCase
ok 13 - correct filter type isa HTML::Widget::Filter::LowerCase
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - XML output is filled out form
ok 2 - XML output is filled out form
ok 1 - Form was not submitted
ok 2 - Form was submitted
All tests successful, 2 tests and 3 subtests skipped.
Files=90, Tests=625, 56 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Widget.html
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Widget\Accessor.html
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Widget\BlockContainer.html
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Widget\Constraint.html
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\HTML\Widget\Container.html
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