Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Hash::MultiKey Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. cp blib\lib\Hash\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/01fetch........ok 1 - use Hash::MultiKey; ok 2 - storing ok 3 - storing ok 4 - storing ok 5 - storing ok 6 - storing ok 7 - storing ok 8 - storing ok 9 - fetch key 0 ok 10 - fetch key 1 ok 11 - fetch key 2 ok 12 - fetch key 3 ok 13 - fetch key 4 ok 14 - fetch key 5 ok 15 - fetch key 6 1..15 ok t/02exists.......ok 1 - exists key 0 ok 2 - exists key 1 ok 3 - exists key 2 ok 4 - exists key 3 ok 5 - exists key 4 ok 6 - exists key 5 ok 7 - exists key 6 ok 8 - ! exists key 0 ok 9 - ! exists key 1 ok 10 - ! exists key 2 1..10 ok t/03delete.......ok 1 - delete key 0 ok 2 - ! exists key 0 ok 3 - delete key 1 ok 4 - ! exists key 1 ok 5 - delete key 2 ok 6 - ! exists key 2 ok 7 - delete key 3 ok 8 - ! exists key 3 ok 9 - delete key 4 ok 10 - ! exists key 4 ok 11 - delete key 5 ok 12 - ! exists key 5 ok 13 - delete key 6 ok 14 - ! exists key 6 ok 15 - delete non-existent entries 1..15 ok t/04keys.........ok 1 - exists - all keys ok 2 - exists - all keys ok 3 - exists - all keys ok 4 - exists - all keys ok 5 - exists - all keys ok 6 - exists - all keys ok 7 - exists - all keys ok 8 - number of keys - all keys ok 9 - exists - 0 ok 10 - exists - 0 ok 11 - exists - 0 ok 12 - exists - 0 ok 13 - exists - 0 ok 14 - exists - 0 ok 15 - number of keys - 0 ok 16 - exists - 1 ok 17 - exists - 1 ok 18 - exists - 1 ok 19 - exists - 1 ok 20 - exists - 1 ok 21 - number of keys - 1 ok 22 - exists - 2 ok 23 - exists - 2 ok 24 - exists - 2 ok 25 - exists - 2 ok 26 - number of keys - 2 ok 27 - exists - 3 ok 28 - exists - 3 ok 29 - exists - 3 ok 30 - number of keys - 3 ok 31 - exists - 4 ok 32 - exists - 4 ok 33 - number of keys - 4 ok 34 - exists - 5 ok 35 - number of keys - 5 ok 36 - number of keys - 6 1..36 ok t/05values.......ok 1 - values - all ok 2 - aliased value (1) ok 3 - aliased value (1) ok 4 - aliased value (1) ok 5 - aliased value (1) ok 6 - aliased value (1) ok 7 - aliased value (1) ok 8 - aliased value (1) ok 9 - aliased value (2) ok 10 - aliased value (2) ok 11 - aliased value (2) ok 12 - aliased value (2) ok 13 - aliased value (2) ok 14 - aliased value (2) ok 15 - aliased value (2) ok 16 - values - all ok 17 - values - all ok 18 - values - all ok 19 - values - all ok 20 - values - all ok 21 - values - all ok 22 - values - all 1..22 ok t/06each.........ok 1 - each all: list context ok 2 - each all: list context ok 3 - each all: list context ok 4 - each all: list context ok 5 - each all: list context ok 6 - each all: list context ok 7 - each all: list context ok 8 - each all: scalar context ok 9 - each all: scalar context ok 10 - each all: scalar context ok 11 - each all: scalar context ok 12 - each all: scalar context ok 13 - each all: scalar context ok 14 - each all: scalar context ok 15 - each all: number of iterations ok 16 - each 7: goo car caz ok 17 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 18 - each 7: foo bar baz zoo ok 19 - each 7: goo car caz aoo ok 20 - each 7: goo ok 21 - each 7: foo bar baz ok 22 - each 7: goo car caz ok 23 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 24 - each 7: foo bar baz zoo ok 25 - each 7: goo car caz aoo ok 26 - each 7: goo ok 27 - each 7: goo car caz ok 28 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 29 - each 7: goo car caz aoo ok 30 - each 7: goo ok 31 - each 7: goo car caz ok 32 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 33 - each 7: goo car caz aoo ok 34 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 35 - each 7: goo car caz aoo ok 36 - each 7: branch with no bifurations ok 37 - deletion in each ok 38 - deletion in each ok 39 - deletion in each ok 40 - deletion in each ok 41 - deletion in each ok 42 - deletion in each ok 43 - deletion in each 1..43 ok t/07clear........ok 1 - clear - keys ok 2 - clear - values ok 3 - clear - hash 1..3 ok t/08s_fetch......ok 1 - fetch key 0 ok 2 - fetch key 1 ok 3 - fetch key 2 ok 4 - fetch key 3 ok 5 - fetch key 4 ok 6 - fetch key 5 1..6 ok t/09s_exists.....ok 1 - exists key 0 ok 2 - exists key 1 ok 3 - exists key 2 ok 4 - exists key 3 ok 5 - exists key 4 ok 6 - exists key 5 ok 7 - ! exists key 0 ok 8 - ! exists key 1 ok 9 - ! exists key 2 1..9 ok t/10s_delete.....ok 1 - delete key 0 ok 2 - ! exists key 0 ok 3 - delete key 1 ok 4 - ! exists key 1 ok 5 - delete key 2 ok 6 - ! exists key 2 ok 7 - delete key 3 ok 8 - ! exists key 3 ok 9 - delete key 4 ok 10 - ! exists key 4 ok 11 - delete key 5 ok 12 - ! exists key 5 ok 13 - delete non-existent entries 1..13 ok t/11s_keys.......ok 1 - exists - all keys ok 2 - exists - all keys ok 3 - exists - all keys ok 4 - exists - all keys ok 5 - exists - all keys ok 6 - exists - all keys ok 7 - number of keys - all keys ok 8 - exists - 0 ok 9 - exists - 0 ok 10 - exists - 0 ok 11 - exists - 0 ok 12 - exists - 0 ok 13 - number of keys - 0 ok 14 - exists - 1 ok 15 - exists - 1 ok 16 - exists - 1 ok 17 - exists - 1 ok 18 - number of keys - 1 ok 19 - exists - 2 ok 20 - exists - 2 ok 21 - exists - 2 ok 22 - number of keys - 2 ok 23 - exists - 3 ok 24 - exists - 3 ok 25 - number of keys - 3 ok 26 - exists - 4 ok 27 - number of keys - 4 ok 28 - number of keys - 5 1..28 ok t/12s_values.....ok 1 - values - all ok 2 - aliased value ok 3 - aliased value ok 4 - aliased value ok 5 - aliased value ok 6 - aliased value ok 7 - aliased value ok 8 - aliased value (2) ok 9 - aliased value (2) ok 10 - aliased value (2) ok 11 - aliased value (2) ok 12 - aliased value (2) ok 13 - aliased value (2) ok 14 - values - all ok 15 - values - all ok 16 - values - all ok 17 - values - all ok 18 - values - all ok 19 - values - all 1..19 ok t/13s_each.......ok 1 - each all: list context ok 2 - each all: list context ok 3 - each all: list context ok 4 - each all: list context ok 5 - each all: list context ok 6 - each all: list context ok 7 - each all: scalar context ok 8 - each all: scalar context ok 9 - each all: scalar context ok 10 - each all: scalar context ok 11 - each all: scalar context ok 12 - each all: scalar context ok 13 - each all: number of iterations ok 14 - each 0: foobarbazzoo ok 15 - each 0: goocarcaz ok 16 - each 0: goocarcazaoo ok 17 - each 0: goo ok 18 - each 0: foobarbaz ok 19 - each 1: foobarbazzoo ok 20 - each 1: goocarcaz ok 21 - each 1: goocarcazaoo ok 22 - each 1: goo ok 23 - each 2: goocarcaz ok 24 - each 2: goocarcazaoo ok 25 - each 2: goo ok 26 - each 3: goocarcaz ok 27 - each 3: goocarcazaoo ok 28 - each 4: goocarcazaoo 1..28 ok t/14s_clear......ok 1 - clear - keys ok 2 - clear - values ok 3 - clear - hash 1..3 ok t/15corners......ok 1 - fetch key 0 ok 2 - fetch key 1 ok 3 - fetch key 2 ok 4 - fetch key 3 ok 5 - delete key 0 ok 6 - ! exists key 0 ok 7 - delete key 1 ok 8 - ! exists key 1 ok 9 - delete key 2 ok 10 - ! exists key 2 ok 11 - delete key 3 ok 12 - ! exists key 3 ok 13 - scalar empty %hmk 1..13 ok t/16s_corners....ok 1 - fetch key 0 ok 2 - fetch key 1 ok 3 - fetch key 2 ok 4 - fetch key 3 ok 5 - delete key 0 ok 6 - ! exists key 0 ok 7 - delete key 1 ok 8 - ! exists key 1 ok 9 - delete key 2 ok 10 - ! exists key 2 ok 11 - delete key 3 ok 12 - ! exists key 3 ok 13 - scalar empty %hmk 1..13 ok t/17croak........ok 1 - fetch ok 2 - store ok 3 - delete ok 4 - exists 1..4 ok All tests successful. Files=17, Tests=280, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\Hash\MultiKey.html Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\Hash\ Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\lib/perllocal.pod