Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: META.yml t/10.modules/00.constants.t t/10.modules/10.db.t t/10.modules/10.x.t t/10.modules/11.class.t t/10.modules/20.poofmods.t t/testlib/TestApp/ t/testlib/TestApp/ t/testlib/TestApp/ t/testlib/TestApp/ Please inform the author. Writing Makefile for Object::POOF Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/App/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\App\ cp lib/Object/ blib\lib\Object\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/SQL/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\SQL\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/SQL/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\SQL\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ cp lib/Object/POOF/ blib\lib\Object\POOF\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/00.constants....ok 1 - use Object::POOF::Constants; # Testing Object::POOF::Constants 0.0.6 ok 2 - $EMPTY_STR 1..2 ok t/00.load......... # Failed test 'use Object::POOF;' # at t/00.load.t line 9. not ok 1 - use Object::POOF; # Tried to use 'Object::POOF'. # Error: Can't locate List/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 10. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 9. # Compilation failed in require at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/ line 18. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/ line 18. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 3) line 2. ok 2 - use Object::POOF::App; ok 3 - use Object::POOF::App::Session; ok 4 - use Object::POOF::Constants; not ok 5 - use Object::POOF::DB; # Failed test 'use Object::POOF::DB;' # at t/00.load.t line 13. # Tried to use 'Object::POOF::DB'. # Error: Attempt to reload Object/POOF/ aborted. # Compilation failed in require at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 21. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 13. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 27) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 27) line 2. ok 6 - use Object::POOF::Funk; ok 7 - use Object::POOF::User; ok 8 - use Object::POOF::SQL; ok 9 - use Object::POOF::SQL::Select; ok 10 - use Object::POOF::SQL::Save; # Failed test 'use TestApp::DB;' # at t/00.load.t line 22. # Tried to use 'TestApp::DB'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 36) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 22. # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofone;' # at t/00.load.t line 23. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofone'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 37) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 23. # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofcontainer;' # at t/00.load.t line 24. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofcontainer'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 38) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 24. # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofthing;' # at t/00.load.t line 25. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofthing'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 39) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 25. # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofhabitat;' # at t/00.load.t line 26. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofhabitat'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 40) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00.load.t line 26. Use of uninitialized value $Object::POOF::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/00.load.t line 29. # Testing Object::POOF # Looks like you failed 7 tests of 17. ok 11 - use Object::POOF::Shepherd; ok 12 - use Object::POOF::Ranch; not ok 13 - use TestApp::DB; not ok 14 - use TestApp::Poofone; not ok 15 - use TestApp::Poofcontainer; not ok 16 - use TestApp::Poofthing; not ok 17 - use TestApp::Poofhabitat; 1..17 dubious Test returned status 7 (wstat 1792, 0x700) DIED. FAILED tests 1, 5, 13-17 Failed 7/17 tests, 58.82% okay t/10.db...........ok 1 - use Object::POOF::Constants; # Failed test 'use Object::POOF::DB;' # at t/10.db.t line 16. # Tried to use 'Object::POOF::DB'. # Error: Can't locate List/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 10. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10.db.t line 16. # Compilation failed in require at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 21. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 21. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 14) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 14) line 2. not ok 2 - use Object::POOF::DB; # Failed test 'use TestApp::DB;' # at t/10.db.t line 17. # Tried to use 'TestApp::DB'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 26) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10.db.t line 17. Use of uninitialized value $Object::POOF::DB::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/10.db.t line 20. # Testing Object::POOF::DB not ok 3 - use TestApp::DB; Can't locate class method 'TestApp::DB::new' via package 'TestApp::DB' at t/10.db.t line 22 1..3 # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3. # Looks like your test died just after 3. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 2-3 Failed 2/3 tests, 33.33% okay t/10.x............ # Failed test 'use TestApp::DB;' # at t/10.x.t line 16. # Tried to use 'TestApp::DB'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 10) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10.x.t line 16. # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofone;' # at t/10.x.t line 17. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofone'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 11) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10.x.t line 17. Use of uninitialized value $Object::POOF::X::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/10.x.t line 20. # Testing Object::POOF::X Can't locate object method "new" via package "TestApp::DB" (perhaps you forgot to load "TestApp::DB"?) at t/10.x.t line 22. # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2. # Looks like your test died just after 2. not ok 1 - use TestApp::DB; not ok 2 - use TestApp::Poofone; 1..2 dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 1-2 Failed 2/2 tests, 0.00% okay t/11.class........not ok 1 - use TestApp::DB; # Failed test 'use TestApp::DB;' # at t/11.class.t line 16. # Tried to use 'TestApp::DB'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 12) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11.class.t line 16. not ok 2 - use TestApp::Poofone; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofone;' # at t/11.class.t line 17. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofone'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 13) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11.class.t line 17. not ok 3 - use TestApp::Poofthing; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofthing;' # at t/11.class.t line 18. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofthing'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 14) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11.class.t line 18. not ok 4 - use TestApp::Poofcontainer; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofcontainer;' # at t/11.class.t line 19. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofcontainer'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 15) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11.class.t line 19. Use of uninitialized value $Object::POOF::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/11.class.t line 22. # Testing Object::POOF class methods Can't locate object method "new" via package "TestApp::DB" (perhaps you forgot to load "TestApp::DB"?) at t/11.class.t line 24. 1..4 # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4. # Looks like your test died just after 4. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 1-4 Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay t/17.sql..........# Testing Object::POOF::SQL 0.0.1 ok 1 - use Object::POOF::SQL; ok 2 - construct empty sql object. ok 3 - should throw error with bad param types ok 4 - optionally set things in constructor ok 5 - stringify sql w/o action. ok 6 - set bogus action ok 7 - stringify. # sql_as_str: # --- # BOGUS ACTION # WHERE # beef = 'horta' # AND horta = 'bacon' # AND chicken = NULL # --- 1..7 ok t/20.poofmods..... # Failed test 'use Object::POOF;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 18. # Tried to use 'Object::POOF'. # Error: Can't locate List/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/POOF/ line 10. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 18. # Compilation failed in require at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/ line 18. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib/Object/ line 18. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 10) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 10) line 2. not ok 1 - use Object::POOF; not ok 2 - use TestApp::DB; # Failed test 'use TestApp::DB;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 19. # Tried to use 'TestApp::DB'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 24) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 19. not ok 3 - use TestApp::Poofcontainer; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofcontainer;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 21. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofcontainer'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 25) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 21. not ok 4 - use TestApp::Poofone; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofone;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 22. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofone'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 26) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 22. not ok 5 - use TestApp::Poofthing; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofthing;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 23. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofthing'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 27) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 23. not ok 6 - use TestApp::Poofhabitat; # Failed test 'use TestApp::Poofhabitat;' # at t/20.poofmods.t line 24. # Tried to use 'TestApp::Poofhabitat'. # Error: Can't locate TestApp/ in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib . C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\Object-POOF\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib) at (eval 28) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20.poofmods.t line 24. Use of uninitialized value $Object::POOF::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/20.poofmods.t line 34. # Testing Object::POOF Can't locate class method 'TestApp::DB::new' via package 'TestApp::DB' at t/20.poofmods.t line 40 1..6 # Looks like you failed 6 tests of 6. # Looks like your test died just after 6. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 1-6 Failed 6/6 tests, 0.00% okay t/pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage t/pod.............1..14 ok 1 - blib\lib\Object\ ok 2 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 3 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 4 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 5 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 6 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 7 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 8 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 9 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 10 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 11 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\ ok 12 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\App\ ok 13 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\SQL\ ok 14 - blib\lib\Object\POOF\SQL\ ok Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/00.load.t 7 1792 17 7 1 5 13-17 t/10.db.t 255 65280 3 2 2-3 t/10.x.t 255 65280 2 2 1-2 t/11.class.t 255 65280 4 4 1-4 t/20.poofmods.t 255 65280 6 6 1-6 1 test skipped. Failed 5/9 test scripts. 21/55 subtests failed. Files=9, Tests=55, 10 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Failed 5/9 test programs. 21/55 subtests failed. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff' Stop.