Folks, it\'s simple. We are not Red Hat.
Submitted by LinucksGirl on Wed, 2008-02-27 01:37. is a social bookmarking Web site that allows users to create and share browser-independent bookmarks. Surf the Web and have your tags, links, and functions handy, or a single page where you can save the site you\'re browsing directly into your account. This tutorial shows you how to use Ajax to build such a page using a PHP script as the server-side proxy.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Mon, 2008-02-25 20:56.

OpenID is an open source, emerging security technology that provides decentralized authentication across the Internet. In this article, the third and final part of the series, learn about Project Zero Security and how to leverage OpenID authentication, define security rules for the application, and extend a user registry.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Thu, 2008-02-21 23:00.

Migrate business process models that were generated using ARIS to WebSphere Business Modeler with the eclipse plug-in XML Import Tool. WebSphere Business Modeler provides robust modeling, simulation, and analysis capabilities for accelerating business process improvement efforts.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Thu, 2008-02-21 17:10.

Menus, pop-up menus, and toolbars in Eclipse plug-in or RCP application can be tricky. No more! Eclipse V3.3 introduced a new mechanism that’s easier than ever, providing a more generic approach for configuring and adding menu items to accelerate plug-in and RCP development.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Wed, 2008-02-20 01:53.

OOXML is essentially a complete replication of every chunk of data that a Microsoft Office application might possibly save in a file. The OOXML specification has been both criticized and defended by a number of people, leading many to wonder what the big deal is. This article illustrates the basis of technical, rather than political, objections to treating OOXML as a standard.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-19 02:30.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a general security model that simplifies administration by assigning roles to users and then assigning permissions to those roles. Learn how RBAC in SELinux acts as a layer of abstraction between the user and the underlying TE model, and how the three pieces of an SELinux context (policy, kernel, and userspace) work together to enforce the RBAC and tie Linux users into the TE policy.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Fri, 2008-02-15 19:28.

SOA usually implies heavyweight technology for large enterprises, but the advantages of the SOA architectural pattern also apply to smaller environments. This article describes how to follow SOA principles using lightweight principles like REST, rather than all the overhead that is used in larger environments.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Thu, 2008-02-14 03:32.

Plug-in development in Eclipse is somewhat of an art form. If you\'re new to the concept of plug-ins it can be quite burdensome learning the myriad tools Eclipse has to help you write plug-ins. The purpose of this article is to help you learn some basic plug-in development skills with some best practices sprinkled in for good measure.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-12 22:25.

Record wireless network strengths along a walking path and render data points automatically using your ThinkPad. This article uses sample code to extract the step features from a stream of accelerometer data and presents rendering algorithms for mapping a wireless network\'s signal strength over a broad area.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-12 01:56.

JinsightLive for System z provides a dynamic, lightweight Java profiler and visualizer for Linux on System z and z/OS to help developers profile complex programs. With this tool, large enterprise customers can collect execution information from the Java program on System z and visualize it immediately on a PC, without having to use traces, source code, or byte code instrumentation.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-12 01:09.

Developers of Project Zero Security have made an effort to simplify the enablement of security quick and easily. In this article, Part 2 of the three-part series, delve into Project Zero Security and how to create a user registry, define security rules for the application, and leverage an LDAP user registry.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Thu, 2008-02-07 13:19.

Cell/B.E. is the result of collaboration among IBM, Sony, and Toshiba to design a high-performance and power-efficient processor. Allinea Software\'s Distributed Debugging Tool (DDT) provides an easy-to-use, capable debugger for Cell/B.E. applications, including multiple threads within a single Cell/B.E. processor or clusters of them.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Thu, 2008-02-07 12:08.

Security Workbench Development Environment for Java (SWORD4J) is a collection of Eclipse plug-ins designed to aid in the security-related aspects of developing Eclipse, Java, and OSGi applications. Determine permission requirements for Eclipse plug-ins, OSGi bundles, and Java, improve their cycle time analysis, enable inspection of JAR files, and more.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-05 12:33.

Efficiently solve large systems of linear equations whose coefficient matrices are sparse with Watson Sparse Matrix Package (WSMP). This high-performance, robust, and easy-to-use collection of algorithms can be used on serial and parallel computers.

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Submitted by LinucksGirl on Tue, 2008-02-05 01:40.

Learn to “shred" XML documents into relational tables through annotated XML schema decomposition or XMLTABLE Decomposition. This article reviews the two methods of decomposing XML data including, how to use the XMLTABLE function for decomposition.

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