Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::SAX::Expat::Incremental Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. cp lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ blib\lib\XML\SAX\Expat\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/basic....1..3 ok 1 - The object isa XML::SAX::PurePerl::DebugHandler ok 2 - The object isa XML::SAX::Expat::Incremental Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85. ok 3 - parsed something ok t/incr.....1..16 ok 1 - The object isa XML::SAX::PurePerl::DebugHandler ok 2 - The object isa XML::SAX::Expat::Incremental ok 3 - can't parse from filehandle ok 4 - can't parse_done without having started Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 5 - parsed one elem ok 6 - nothing ended yet Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 7 - can't start after having started ok 8 - two elements started Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 9 - two closed ok 10 - one more opened ok 11 - at least some character data by now Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 12 - one more closed Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 13 - nothing closed after adding half a close tag Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 85, line 4. ok 14 - root element closed Reference is already weak at C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental\blib\lib/XML/SAX/Expat/ line 92, line 4. ok 15 - document ended ok 16 - now that we're done we can start a new parse ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=19, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\XML\SAX\Expat\Incremental.html Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\XML\SAX\Expat\ Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\lib/perllocal.pod