could not find ParserDetails.ini in C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib/XML/SAX Checking installed modules ... XML::SAX is installed, it will be used by the test suite Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Simple Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. cp lib/XML/Simple/FAQ.pod blib\lib\XML\Simple\FAQ.pod cp lib/XML/ blib\lib\XML\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/0_Config........1..1 # # Package Version # perl 5.10.0 # XML::Simple 2.18 # Storable 2.18 # XML::Parser 2.36 # XML::SAX 0.16 # XML::NamespaceSupport 1.09 ok 1 - Dumped config ok t/1_XMLin.........1..131 ok 1 - Module compiled OK ok 2 - XMLin() didn't crash ok 3 - and it returned a value ok 4 - and a hasref at that ok 5 - matches expectations (attributes) ok 6 - same again with nested elements ok 7 - attributes in empty element ok 8 - repeated child elements give arrays of scalars ok 9 - nested element gives hash ok 10 - repeated child elements give list of hashes ok 11 - array folded on default key 'name' ok 12 - not folded when keyattr turned off ok 13 - still works when keyattr is empty hash ok 14 - folded on default key 'key' ok 15 - folded on default key 'id' ok 16 - folded on non-default key 'xname' ok 17 - same again but keyattr set with hash ok 18 - keyattr as array with value in second position ok 19 - keyattr as scalar ok 20 - KeyAttr as scalar ok 21 - key_attr as scalar ok 22 - fold same array on two different keys ok 23 - same again but with priority switch ok 24 - folded on multi-key keyattr hash ok 25 - same again but with '+' prefix to copy keys ok 26 - did not fold on default key with non-scalar value ok 27 - no warning issued ok 28 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 29 - warning issued as expected ok 30 - text in warning is correct ok 31 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 32 - warning issued as expected ok 33 - text in warning is correct ok 34 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 35 - no warning issued (as expected) ok 36 - did not fold when element missing key attribute ok 37 - expected warning issued ok 38 - same again ok 39 - but with no warning this time ok 40 - folded elements despite non-unique key attribute ok 41 - expected warning issued ok 42 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 43 - expected warning issued ok 44 - same again ok 45 - but with no warning this time ok 46 - keeproot option works ok 47 - CDATA section parsed correctly ok 48 - CDATA section containing markup characters parsed correctly ok 49 - XMLin didn't choke on named external file ok 50 - and contents parsed as expected ok 51 - XMLin didn't choke on un-named (default) external file ok 52 - and contents parsed as expected ok 53 - XMLin found file using searchpath ok 54 - and contents parsed as expected ok 55 - XMLin choked on nonexistant file ok 56 - with the expected message ok 57 - nonexistant file not found in current directory ok 58 - with the expected message ok 59 - search path ignored when pathname supplied ok 60 - XMLin didn't choke on an IO::File object ok 61 - and it parsed the right file ok 62 - XMLin didn't choke on STDIN ('-') ok 63 - and data parsed correctly ok 64 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 65 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 66 - top level anonymous array returned arrayref ok 67 - nested anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 68 - 'content' key appears as expected ok 69 - 'content' key successfully renamed to 'text' ok 70 - 'content' key not munged by forcearray ok 71 - gratuitous use of content key works as expected ok 72 - even when we change it's name to 'text' ok 73 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 74 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 75 - mixed content doesn't work - no surprises there ok 76 - nested element rolls up to scalar ok 77 - except when forcearray is enabled ok 78 - array folding works with single nested hash ok 79 - but not if forcearray is turned off ok 80 - selective application of forcearray successful ok 81 - forcearray using regex successful ok 82 - forcearray using a single regex successful ok 83 - attributes successfully skipped ok 84 - noattr does not intefere with array folding ok 85 - empty elements parse to hashrefs ok 86 - or are suppressed ok 87 - or parse to 'undef' ok 88 - or parse to an empty string ok 89 - empty document parses to undef ok 90 - grouped tags parse normally ok 91 - disintermediation of grouped tags works ok 92 - disintermediation works with multiple groups ok 93 - folding and ungrouping work together ok 94 - folding, ungrouping and content stripping work together ok 95 - folding without forcearray but with ungrouping fails as expected ok 96 - folding with forcearray and ungrouping works ok 97 - undefined variables are left untouched ok 98 - substitution of pre-defined variables works ok 99 - variables defined in XML work ok 100 - variables defined in XML merged successfully with predefined vars ok 101 - variables are expanded in later variable definitions ok 102 - grouptags requires a hash ok 103 - with correct error message ok 104 - variables requires a hash ok 105 - with correct error message ok 106 - disintermediation using wrong child key - as expected ok 107 - invalid options are trapped ok 108 - with correct error message ok 109 - invalid number of options are trapped ok 110 - with correct error message ok 111 - NS-1: folding OK ok 112 - NS-2: space normalised in hash key ok 113 - NS-3: space normalised in hash key ok 114 - NS-4: space not normalised in hash value ok 115 - NS-1a: folding OK ok 116 - NS-2a: space normalised in hash key ok 117 - NS-3a: space normalised in hash key ok 118 - NS-4a: space not normalised in hash value ok 119 - NS-5: folding OK ok 120 - NS-6: space normalised in hash key ok 121 - NS-7: space normalised in attribute value ok 122 - NS-8: space normalised in hash key ok 123 - NS-9: space normalised in element text content ok 124 - NS-10: space normalised in anonymous array ok 125 - NS-11: space normalized in anonymous array ok 126 - Nothing special about 'value' attributes ok 127 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 128 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 129 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 130 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 131 - successfully read an SRT config file ok t/2_XMLout........1..201 ok 1 - call with no args proves fatal ok 2 - with correct error message ok 3 - XMLout did not crash ok 4 - and it returned an XML string ok 5 - which parses back OK ok 6 - encoded a hash ok 7 - first key encoded OK ok 8 - second key encoded OK ok 9 - third key encoded OK ok 10 - no other attributes encoded ok 11 - encoded a hash with nested array ok 12 - array elements encoded in correct order ok 13 - no other spurious encodings ok 14 - encoded nested hashes ok 15 - nested hash 1 ok ok 16 - nested hash 2 ok ok 17 - whole OK ok 18 - encoded anonymous array ok 19 - output matches expectations ok 20 - encoded nested anonymous arrays ok 21 - output matches expectations ok 22 - encoded hash of hashes with folding disabled ok 23 - nested hash 1 ok ok 24 - nested hash 2 ok ok 25 - nested hash 3 ok ok 26 - container hash ok ok 27 - document ok ok 28 - encoded hash of hashes with explicit folding enabled ok 29 - output as expected ok 30 - still works when keyattr is scalar ok 31 - still works when keyattr is hash ok 32 - still works when keyattr is hash with leading '+' ok 33 - still works when keyattr is hash with leading '-' ok 34 - encoded hash of hashes with default folding enabled ok 35 - expected output with default keyattr ok 36 - single nested hash unfolded ok 37 - attr 1 ok ok 38 - attr 2 ok ok 39 - element ok ok 40 - document ok ok 41 - generated doc with XML declaration ok 42 - XML declaration OK ok 43 - data OK too ok 44 - generated doc with custom XML declaration ok 45 - XML declaration OK ok 46 - data OK too ok 47 - generated document with escaping ok 48 - angle brackets escaped OK ok 49 - double quotes escaped OK ok 50 - ampersands escaped OK ok 51 - data OK too ok 52 - generated unescaped angle brackets ok 53 - generated unescaped double quotes ok 54 - generated unescaped ampersands ok 55 - data OK too ok 56 - Unescaped scalar as expected too ok 57 - caught circular data structure ok 58 - with correct error message ok 59 - repetitive (non-circular) data structure not fatal ok 60 - and encodes as expected ok 61 - caught blessed non array/hash reference in data structure ok 62 - with correct error message ok 63 - generated document with named root element ok 64 - parsed it back correctly ok 65 - XML as expected ok 66 - same again but encoded a hash ok 67 - first key encoded OK ok 68 - second key encoded OK ok 69 - third key encoded OK ok 70 - XML looks OK ok 71 - same again but with array in hash ok 72 - array encoded in correct order ok 73 - only expected root element left ok 74 - same again but with nested hashes ok 75 - hash 1 encoded OK ok 76 - hash 2 encoded OK ok 77 - document OK ok 78 - same again but with nested anonymous array ok 79 - document OK ok 80 - encoded scalar with no root element ok 81 - same again but with rootname = undef ok 82 - generated doc with no root element from hash ok 83 - first key encoded OK ok 84 - second key encoded OK ok 85 - third key encoded OK ok 86 - document OK ok 87 - generated docucment with no root element from nested hashes ok 88 - first element OK ok 89 - second element OK ok 90 - third element OK ok 91 - document OK ok 92 - generated doc with no root name from array ok 93 - document OK ok 94 - caught attempt to specify searchpath on XMLout ok 95 - with correct error message ok 96 - caught attempt to specify odd number of option args ok 97 - with correct error message ok 98 - output file does not exist ok 99 - created xml output file ok 100 - Contents match expectations ok 101 ok 102 - create XML output file via IO::File ok 103 - Contents match expectations ok 104 - original data not corrupted ok 105 - skipped hashkeys with '-' prefix ok 106 - generated document from complex nested hash with unfolding ok 107 - element 1 attribute 1 OK ok 108 - element 1 attribute 2 OK ok 109 - element 1 attribute 3 OK ok 110 - element 1.1 attribute 1 OK ok 111 - element 1.1 attribute 2 OK ok 112 - element 1.1 attribute 3 OK ok 113 - elements 1 and 1.1 OK ok 114 - element 2 attribute 1 OK ok 115 - element 2 attribute 2 OK ok 116 - element 2 attribute 3 OK ok 117 - element 2.1 attribute 1 OK ok 118 - element 2.1 attribute 2 OK ok 119 - element 2.1 attribute 3 OK ok 120 - element 2.1 OK ok 121 - element 2.2 attribute 1 OK ok 122 - element 2.2 attribute 2 OK ok 123 - element 2.2 attribute 3 OK ok 124 - element 2.2 OK ok 125 - element 2.3 attribute 1 OK ok 126 - element 2.3 attribute 2 OK ok 127 - element 2.3 attribute 3 OK ok 128 - element 2.3 OK ok 129 - element 2 OK ok 130 - document OK ok 131 - nested empty hash OK ok 132 - array OK ok 133 - scalar OK ok 134 - nesting OK ok 135 - empty hash OK ok 136 - document OK ok 137 - caught warning re uninitialised value ok 138 - undef maps to any empty attribute by default ok 139 - no warning re uninitialised value if warnings off ok 140 - undef still maps to any empty attribute ok 141 - uninitialiased values successfully mapped to empty elements ok 142 - uninitialiased values successfully skipped ok 143 - uninitialiased value in array is empty element ok 144 - uninitialiased value in array is skipped ok 145 - keeproot works as expected ok 146 - content keys mapped OK ok 147 - even when name changed ok 148 - even with "-" prefix ok 149 - no warnings with suppress_empty => undef ok 150 - undef does not cause content tags in output ok 151 - generated document with no attributes ok 152 - parses ok ok 153 - scalar 1 mapped ok ok 154 - scalar 2 mapped ok ok 155 - array mapped ok ok 156 - document OK ok 157 - same again but with unfolding too ok 158 - parsed OK ok 159 - scalar 1.1 mapped OK ok 160 - scalar 1.2 mapped OK ok 161 - scalar 1.3 mapped OK ok 162 - element 1 OK ok 163 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 164 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 165 - scalar 2.1 mapped OK ok 166 - element 2 OK ok 167 - document OK ok 168 - bad GroupTags value was caught ok 169 - error message looks good ok 170 - good GroupTags value caused no error ok 171 - prefix OK ok 172 - suffix OK ok 173 - list OK ok 174 - group OK ok 175 - document OK ok 176 - original ref is not messed with ok 177 - list 1 OK ok 178 - group 1 OK ok 179 - list 2 OK ok 180 - group 2 OK ok 181 - document OK ok 182 - item 1 OK ok 183 - item 2 OK ok 184 - group OK ok 185 - document OK ok 186 - Failed to unwrap/group stripped content - as expected ok 187 - parses ok ok 188 - NoIndent worked ok ok 189 - parses ok ok 190 - NoIndent worked ok with KeyAttr ok 191 - AttrIndent seems to work ok 192 - sorting by default key attribute works ok 193 - sorting by specified key attributes works ok 194 - sorting with no key attribute works ok 195 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 196 - Correct attributes inserted when ValueAttr specified ok 197 - No numeric escaping by default ok 198 - No numeric escaping: explicit ok 199 - Level 2 numeric escaping looks good ok 200 - Level 1 numeric escaping looks good ok 201 - large datastructure mapped to XML and back OK ok 1/201 skipped: various reasons t/3_Storable......1..23 ok 1 - copied known good source file ok 2 - no cache files lying around ok 3 - parsed expected data from file ok 4 - and no cache file was created ok 5 - parsed expected data from file (again) ok 6 - but this time a cache file was created ok 7 - got expected data from cache ok 8 - and cache timestamp has not changed ok 9 - parsed in expected value again ok 10 - and this time the cache timestamp has changed ok 11 - deleted the source file ok 12 - recreated the source file ok 13 - but with nothing in it ok 14 - got the expected data from the cache ok 15 - parsed in expected data from file ok 16 - and the cache file was not touched ok 17 - parsed expected data through cache ok 18 - and the cache was updated ok 19 - copied back the original file ok 20 - parsed expected data in through cache ok 21 - scheme name is case-insensitive ok 22 - bad cache scheme names are trapped ok 23 - with correct error message ok t/4_MemShare......1..8 ok 1 - copied known good source file ok 2 - parsed expected data from file ok 3 - deleted the XML source file ok 4 - and recreated it (empty) ok 5 - got expected values from the cache ok 6 - even though the XML file is empty ok 7 - parsed new data through cache ok 8 - cache was modified ok t/5_MemCopy.......1..7 ok 1 - copied source XML file ok 2 - parsed expected data through the cache ok 3 - deleted the source XML file ok 4 - got what we expected from the cache ok 5 - even though the source XML file is empty ok 6 - parsed expected data through cache ok 7 - cache not modified ok t/6_ObjIntf.......1..37 ok 1 - invalid number of options are trapped ok 2 - with correct error message ok 3 - object one isa XML::Simple ok 4 - object two isa XML::Simple ok 5 - object three isa XML::Simple ok 6 - options hash was not corrupted ok 7 - parsed expected data via object 1 ok 8 - parsed expected data via object 2 ok 9 - parsed expected data via object 3 ok 10 - successfully merged options ok 11 - defaults were not affected by merge ok 12 - t1 ok 13 - t2 ok 14 - t3 ok 15 - t4 ok 16 - t5 ok 17 - t6 ok 18 - t7 ok 19 - t8 ok 20 - t9 ok 21 - t10 ok 22 - t11 ok 23 - t12 ok 24 - ttl ok 25 - cddbid ok 26 - id ok 27 - artist ok 28 - disc ok 29 - database ok 30 - XMLout() method call with no args proves fatal ok 31 - with correct error message ok 32 - inheritance works with build_tree() overridden ok 33 - inheritance works with escape_value() overridden ok 34 - variables from XML merged with predefined variables ok 35 - variables from XML merged with predefined variables ok 36 - unrecognised option caught by constructor ok 37 - correct message in exception ok t/7_SaxStuff......1..14 ok 1 - created source XML file ok 2 - deleted old cache files ok 3 - parsed expected value from file ok 4 - $fh isa IO::File ok 5 - parsed expected value from IO::File object ok 6 - parsed expected value from string ok 7 - parsed expected value from STDIN ('-') ok 8 - XML::Simple as a SAX handler returned expected value ok 9 - options passed to handler contructor work ok 10 - driving a SAX pipeline with XML::Simple worked ok 11 - 'handler' is a synonym for 'Handler' ok 12 - 'DataHandler' option works ok 13 - 'datahandler' is a synonym for 'DataHandler' ok 14 - keeproot works with SAX pipelines ok t/8_Namespaces....1..8 ok 1 - qnames are not expanded by default ok 2 - qnames are expanded on request ok 3 - clarkian names not converted to qnames on output by default ok 4 - clarkian names are converted to qnames on output on request ok 5 - expansion of default namespace works ok 6 - default namespaces are output correctly too ok 7 - namespace prefixes are generated automatically (part 1) ok 8 - namespace prefixes are generated automatically (part 2) ok t/9_Strict........1..40 ok 1 - XML::Simple loads ok with qw(:strict) ok 2 - XMLin() did not fail ok 3 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 4 - omitting forcearray was a fatal error ok 5 - with the correct error message ok 6 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 7 - with the correct error message ok 8 - omitting forcearray for elements in keyattr was a fatal error ok 9 - with the correct error message ok 10 - omitting keyattr elements from forcearray was a fatal error ok 11 - with the correct error message ok 12 - key attribute missing from names element was a fatal error ok 13 - with the correct error message ok 14 - non-unique key attribute values was a fatal error ok 15 - with the correct error message ok 16 - key attribute not a scalar was a fatal error ok 17 - with the correct error message ok 18 - XMLout() did not fail ok 19 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 20 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 21 - with the correct error message ok 22 - omitting forcearray was not a fatal error on output ok 23 - $xs->XMLin() did not fail ok 24 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 25 - omitting forcearray was a fatal error ok 26 - with the correct error message ok 27 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 28 - with the correct error message ok 29 - omitting forcearray for elements in keyattr was a fatal error ok 30 - with the correct error message ok 31 - omitting keyattr elements from forcearray was a fatal error ok 32 - with the correct error message ok 33 - key attribute missing from names element was a fatal error ok 34 - with the correct error message ok 35 - key attribute not a scalar was a fatal error ok 36 - with the correct error message ok 37 - XMLout() did not fail ok 38 - and managed to produce the expected results ok 39 - omitting keyattr was a fatal error ok 40 - with the correct error message ok t/A_XMLParser.....1..14 ok 1 - Parsing caused warning (as expected) ok 2 - Message contained expected text ok 3 - Parsing was successful ok 4 - Using ParserOpts caused warning (as expected) ok 5 - Message contained expected text ok 6 - Parsing was successful ok 7 - ParserOpts warning uppressed successfully ok 8 - Parsing was successful ok 9 - No error when parsing ok 10 - matches expectations (attributes) ok 11 - XML::Parser didn't choke on named external file ok 12 - and contents parsed as expected ok 13 - XML::Parser didn't choke on an IO::File object ok 14 - and it parsed the right file ok t/B_Hooks.........1..12 ok 1 - use XML::Simple; ok 2 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 3 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 4 # skip Tie::IxHash not installed ok 5 - object of class ElbarotsXS isa XML::Simple ok 6 - default storable cache filename looks good ok 7 - overridden storable cache filename looks good ok 8 - overridden cache file does not exist before parse ok 9 - overridden cache file does exist after parse ok 10 - bad cache scheme was rejected ok 11 - custom cache scheme was not rejected ok 12 - custom cache reading method delivered the goods ok 3/12 skipped: various reasons All tests successful, 4 subtests skipped. Files=12, Tests=496, 21 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\XML\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\XML\Simple\FAQ.html Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\XML\ Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\XML\Simple\FAQ.pod Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\lib/perllocal.pod