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Writing Makefile for XML::TreePP
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
cp lib/XML/ blib\lib\XML\
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t
ok 1 - lib/XML/
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - text node
ok 3 - attributes
ok 4 - parse and write
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - xmldecl
ok 3 - rss
ok 4 - write and parse
ok 5 - xml_decl is null
ok 6 - xml_decl is set
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 -
ok 3 -
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - parse text node
ok 3 - parse cdata node
ok 4 - parse attribute
ok 5 - write text node
ok 6 - write cdata node (as text node)
ok 7 - write attribute
ok 8 - write new var
ok 9 - write cdata node (as cdata)
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - empty element
ok 3 - empty element with attribute
ok 4 - no child nodes
ok 5 - attribute
ok 6 - white space
ok 7 - round trip: empty element
ok 8 - round trip: empty element with attribute
ok 9 - round trip: no child nodes
ok 10 - round trip: attribute
ok 11 - round trip: white space
ok 12 - round trip: attribute 1
ok 13 - round trip: attribute 2
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - cdata as reference
ok 3 - cdata escaping
ok 4 - round trip: source
ok 5 - round trip: cdata as scalar
ok 6 - round trip: text node escaping
ok 7 - round trip: again
ok 8 - cdata as reference B
ok 9 - cdata escaping B
ok 10 - round trip: source B
ok 11 - round trip: cdata as scalar B
ok 12 - round trip: text node escaping B
ok 13 - round trip: again B
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - parse: default
ok 3 - parse: -
ok 4 - write: -
ok 5 - parse: @
ok 6 - write: @
ok 7 - parse: __
ok 8 - write: __
ok 9 - parse: ?}{][)(
ok 10 - write: ?}{][)(
ok 11 - parse: $*@^%+&
ok 12 - write: $*@^%+&
ok 13 - parse: 0
ok 14 - write: 0
ok 15 - parse: default (again)
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - A: normal node
ok 3 - A: one force_array node
ok 4 - A: two child nodes
ok 5 - A: three empty nodes
ok 6 - A: one force_array node
ok 7 - A: two child nodes
ok 8 - A: three empty nodes
ok 9 - A: one force_array node
ok 10 - A: two child nodes
ok 11 - A: three empty nodes
ok 12 - B: one force_array node
ok 13 - B: two child nodes
ok 14 - B: three empty nodes
ok 15 - B: one force_array node
ok 16 - B: two child nodes
ok 17 - B: three empty nodes
ok 18 - C: root ARRAY
ok 19 - C: root HASH
ok 20 - C: one ARRAY
ok 21 - C: one text
ok 22 - C: two ARRAY
ok 23 - C: two HASH
ok 24 - C: three ARRAY
ok 25 - C: three text
t/09_http-lite.............1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test HTTP::Lite.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test HTTP::Lite.
t/10_http-lwp..............1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test LWP::UserAgent.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test LWP::UserAgent.
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - parse text node
ok 3 - parse cdata node
ok 4 - parse attribute
ok 5 - write text node
ok 6 - write cdata node (as cdata)
ok 7 - write attribute
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - parse: t1_zero
ok 3 - parse: t2_ctrl
ok 4 - parse: t3_tab_esc
ok 5 - parse: t3_tab_raw
ok 6 - parse: t4_lf_esc
ok 7 - parse: t4_lf_raw
ok 8 - parse: t5_cr_esc
ok 9 - parse: t5_cr_raw
ok 10 - parse: t6_space
ok 11 - parse: t7_ascii
ok 12 - parse: t8_latin
ok 13 - parse: t9_kanji
ok 14 - write: t1_zero
ok 15 - write: t2_ctrl
ok 16 - write: t3_tab_esc
ok 17 - write: t3_tab_raw
ok 18 - write: t4_lf_esc
ok 19 - write: t4_lf_raw
ok 20 - write: t5_cr_esc
ok 21 - write: t5_cr_raw
ok 22 - write: t6_space
ok 23 - write: t7_ascii
ok 24 - write: t8_latin
ok 25 - write: t9_kanji
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - first t/example/hello-en-utf8.xml
ok 3 - write encoding
ok 4 - same t/example/hello-en-nodecl.xml
ok 5 - write encoding
ok 6 - same t/example/hello-en-noenc.xml
ok 7 - write encoding
ok 8 - same t/example/hello-en-latin1.xml
ok 9 - write encoding
ok 10 - same t/example/hello-en-utf8-bom.xml
ok 11 - write encoding
ok 12 - same t/example/hello-en-nodecl-bom.xml
ok 13 - write encoding
ok 14 - same t/example/hello-en-noenc-bom.xml
ok 15 - write encoding
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - t/example/hello-zh-utf8.xml
ok 3 - write encoding
ok 4 - t/example/hello-zh-big5.xml
ok 5 - write encoding
ok 6 - t/example/hello-zh-gb2312.xml
ok 7 - write encoding
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - t/example/hello-ja-utf8.xml
ok 3 - write encoding
ok 4 - t/example/hello-ja-sjis.xml
ok 5 - write encoding
ok 6 - t/example/hello-ja-euc.xml
ok 7 - write encoding
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - t/example/hello-ko-euc.xml
ok 3 - write encoding
ok 4 - t/example/hello-ko-utf8.xml
ok 5 - write encoding
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - encoding UTF-8 1
ok 3 - encoding UTF-8 2
ok 4 - division UTF-8 1
ok 5 - division UTF-8 2
ok 6 - plusminus UTF-8 1
ok 7 - plusminus UTF-8 2
ok 8 - encoding Shift_JIS 1
ok 9 - encoding Shift_JIS 2
ok 10 - division Shift_JIS 1
ok 11 - division Shift_JIS 2
ok 12 - plusminus Shift_JIS 1
ok 13 - plusminus Shift_JIS 2
ok 14 - encoding EUC-JP 1
ok 15 - encoding EUC-JP 2
ok 16 - division EUC-JP 1
ok 17 - division EUC-JP 2
ok 18 - plusminus EUC-JP 1
ok 19 - plusminus EUC-JP 2
ok 20 - encoding Latin-1 1
ok 21 - encoding Latin-1 2
ok 22 - division Latin-1 1
ok 23 - division Latin-1 2
ok 24 - plusminus Latin-1 1
ok 25 - plusminus Latin-1 2
ok 26 - encoding EUC-KR 1
ok 27 - encoding EUC-KR 2
ok 28 - division EUC-KR 1
ok 29 - division EUC-KR 2
ok 30 - plusminus EUC-KR 1
ok 31 - plusminus EUC-KR 2
ok 32 - encoding GB2312 1
ok 33 - encoding GB2312 2
ok 34 - division GB2312 1
ok 35 - division GB2312 2
ok 36 - plusminus GB2312 1
ok 37 - plusminus GB2312 2
ok 38 - encoding BIG5 1
ok 39 - encoding BIG5 2
ok 40 - division BIG5 1
ok 41 - division BIG5 2
ok 42 - plusminus BIG5 1
ok 43 - plusminus BIG5 2
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - write space
ok 3 - write entref
ok 4 - write charref
ok 5 - write invalid
ok 6 - write space
ok 7 - write entref
ok 8 - write charref
ok 9 - write invalid
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - 1 parse
ok 3 - 2 parse
ok 4 - 3 parse cdata
ok 5 - 4 parse cdata
ok 6 - 5 parse cdata
ok 7 - 6 parse cdata
ok 8 - 1 aaa-bbb
ok 9 - 2 ccc-ddd
ok 10 - 3 eee-fff ref
ok 11 - 4 ggg-hhh ref
ok 12 - 5 iii-jjj-kkk ref
ok 13 - 6 lll-mmm-nnn ref
ok 14 - 3 eee-fff cdata
ok 15 - 4 ggg-hhh cdata
ok 16 - 5 iii-jjj-kkk cdata
ok 17 - 6 lll-mmm-nnn cdata
ok 18 - 1 back
ok 19 - 2 back
ok 20 - 3 write cdata
ok 21 - 4 write cdata
ok 22 - 5 write cdata
ok 23 - 6 write cdata
ok 24 - 1 parse
ok 25 - 2 parse
ok 26 - 3 parse
ok 27 - 4 parse
ok 28 - 5 parse
ok 29 - 6 parse
ok 30 - 1 aaa-bbb
ok 31 - 2 ccc-ddd
ok 32 - 3 eee-fff
ok 33 - 4 ggg-hhh
ok 34 - 5 iii-jjj-kkk
ok 35 - 6 lll-mmm-nnn
ok 36 - 1 back
ok 37 - 2 back
ok 38 - 3 write
ok 39 - 4 write
ok 40 - 5 write
ok 41 - 6 write
t/20_http-lite-cached......1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
t/21_http-lwp-cached.......1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
t/22_http-lite-headers.....1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
t/23_http-lwp-headers......1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - ignore error
ok 3 - raise error
ok 4 - ignore error
ok 5 - raise error
ok 6 - ignore error
ok 7 - raise error
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - attribute1 for \#text
ok 3 - text node for \#text
ok 4 - attribute2 for \#text
ok 5 - cdata node for \#text (content)
ok 6 - attribute1 for _content
ok 7 - text node for _content
ok 8 - attribute2 for _content
ok 9 - cdata node for _content (content)
ok 10 - attribute1 for 0
ok 11 - text node for 0
ok 12 - attribute2 for 0
ok 13 - cdata node for 0 (content)
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - parse 1
ok 3 - write 1
ok 4 - write 2
ok 5 - write 3
ok 6 - write 4
t/27_http-lite-force.......1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
t/28_http-lwp-force........1..0 # Skip define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
all skipped: define $MORE_TESTS to test this.
t/29_http-lwp-withcache....1..0 # Skip LWP::UserAgent::WithCache is not loaded.
all skipped: LWP::UserAgent::WithCache is not loaded.
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - 1-2-3-*-5-*-7-8-9
ok 3 - 7-8-9-*-5-*-1-2-3
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - 2
ok 3 - 3
ok 4 - 4
ok 5 - 5
ok 6 - 6
ok 7 - 7
ok 8 - 8
ok 9 - 9
ok 10 - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
ok 11 - -two=2
ok 12 - -three=3
ok 13 - -four=4
ok 14 - -five=5
ok 15 - 6
ok 16 - 7
ok 17 - 8
ok 18 - 9
ok 19 - 3-4-5-6-7-1-2-8-9
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - /root
ok 3 - /root
ok 4 - /root/two
ok 5 - /root/three
ok 6 - /root/three/five
ok 7 - /root/six (ARRAY)
ok 8 - /root/six
ok 9 - /root/six/seven
ok 10 - /root/eight (ARRAY)
ok 11 - /root/eight
ok 12 - /root/foo
ok 13 - /root/foo/bar (ARRAY)
ok 14 - /root/foo/bar
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - [0] text node
ok 3 - [0] child node
ok 4 - [0] text node after empty node
ok 5 - [0] explicit text node
ok 6 - [0] text node after attribute
ok 7 - [0] cdata node
ok 8 - [0] no-indent root
ok 9 - [0] indent one
ok 10 - [0] indent two
ok 11 - [0] indent four
ok 12 - [0] indent four end
ok 13 - [0] indent five
ok 14 - [0] indent six
ok 15 - [0] indent seven
ok 16 - [0] indent nine
ok 17 - [0] no-indent root end
ok 18 - [0] line root
ok 19 - [0] line one
ok 20 - [0] line two
ok 21 - [0] line five
ok 22 - [0] line six
ok 23 - [0] line four
ok 24 - [0] line nine
ok 25 - [0] line root
ok 26 - [1] text node
ok 27 - [1] child node
ok 28 - [1] text node after empty node
ok 29 - [1] explicit text node
ok 30 - [1] text node after attribute
ok 31 - [1] cdata node
ok 32 - [1] no-indent root
ok 33 - [1] indent one
ok 34 - [1] indent two
ok 35 - [1] indent four
ok 36 - [1] indent four end
ok 37 - [1] indent five
ok 38 - [1] indent six
ok 39 - [1] indent seven
ok 40 - [1] indent nine
ok 41 - [1] no-indent root end
ok 42 - [1] line root
ok 43 - [1] line one
ok 44 - [1] line two
ok 45 - [1] line five
ok 46 - [1] line six
ok 47 - [1] line four
ok 48 - [1] line nine
ok 49 - [1] line root
ok 50 - [4] text node
ok 51 - [4] child node
ok 52 - [4] text node after empty node
ok 53 - [4] explicit text node
ok 54 - [4] text node after attribute
ok 55 - [4] cdata node
ok 56 - [4] no-indent root
ok 57 - [4] indent one
ok 58 - [4] indent two
ok 59 - [4] indent four
ok 60 - [4] indent four end
ok 61 - [4] indent five
ok 62 - [4] indent six
ok 63 - [4] indent seven
ok 64 - [4] indent nine
ok 65 - [4] no-indent root end
ok 66 - [4] line root
ok 67 - [4] line one
ok 68 - [4] line two
ok 69 - [4] line five
ok 70 - [4] line six
ok 71 - [4] line four
ok 72 - [4] line nine
ok 73 - [4] line root
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - [source] XML: octets
ok 3 - [source] XML: string
ok 4 - [source] XML: octets (no damaged)
ok 5 - [source] XML: string (no damaged)
ok 6 - [A] 4: string
ok 7 - [A] 5: string
ok 8 - [A] 6: string
ok 9 - [A] 1: string != octets
ok 10 - [A] 2: octets == octets
ok 11 - [A] 3: string != octets
ok 12 - [A] 4: string == string
ok 13 - [B] 4: string
ok 14 - [B] 5: string
ok 15 - [B] 6: string
ok 16 - [B] 1: string != octets
ok 17 - [B] 2: octets == octets
ok 18 - [B] 3: string != octets
ok 19 - [B] 4: string == string
ok 20 - [C] 4: octets
ok 21 - [C] 5: octets
ok 22 - [C] 6: octets
ok 23 - [C] 1: octets == octets
ok 24 - [C] 2: octets != string
ok 25 - [C] 2: string == string
ok 26 - [D] 4: string
ok 27 - [D] 5: string
ok 28 - [D] 6: string
ok 29 - [D] 1: string != octets
ok 30 - [D] 2: octets == octets
ok 31 - [D] 3: string != octets
ok 32 - [D] 4: string == string
ok 33 - [A-B] 4: same
ok 34 - [A-B] 6: same
ok 35 - [B-D] 4: same
ok 36 - [B-D] 6: same
ok 37 - [A-C] 4: diff
ok 38 - [A-C] 6: diff
ok 39 - XML: string five
ok 40 - XML: string four
ok 41 - XML: string one
ok 42 - XML: string six
ok 43 - XML: string three
ok 44 - XML: string two
ok 45 - XML: string five
ok 46 - XML: string four
ok 47 - XML: string one
ok 48 - XML: string six
ok 49 - XML: string three
ok 50 - XML: string two
ok 51 - XML: string five
ok 52 - XML: string four
ok 53 - XML: string one
ok 54 - XML: string six
ok 55 - XML: string three
ok 56 - XML: string two
ok 57 - XML: octets five
ok 58 - XML: octets four
ok 59 - XML: octets one
ok 60 - XML: octets six
ok 61 - XML: octets three
ok 62 - XML: octets two
ok 63 - [E] XML: string
ok 64 - [F] XML: string
ok 65 - [G] XML: string
ok 66 - [H] XML: octets
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - A: zero
ok 3 - A: one
ok 4 - A: two with text node
ok 5 - A: two with attribute
ok 6 - A: three with both text node and attribute
ok 7 - A: three empty node 1
ok 8 - A: three empty node 2
ok 9 - A: ZZZ
ok 10 - A: AAA
ok 11 - A: BBB
ok 12 - A: EEE
ok 13 - B: zero
ok 14 - B: one
ok 15 - B: two with text node
ok 16 - B: two with attribute
ok 17 - B: three with both text node and attribute
ok 18 - B: three empty node 1
ok 19 - B: three empty node 2
ok 20 - B: ZZZ
ok 21 - B: AAA
ok 22 - B: BBB
ok 23 - B: EEE
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - /root
ok 3 - /root
ok 4 - /root/two
ok 5 - /root/three
ok 6 - /root/three/five
ok 7 - /root/six (ARRAY)
ok 8 - /root/six
ok 9 - /root/six/seven
ok 10 - /root/eight (ARRAY)
ok 11 - /root/eight
ok 12 - /root/foo
ok 13 - /root/foo/bar (ARRAY)
ok 14 - /root/foo/bar
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - attr one two
ok 3 - hash three
ok 4 - hash four
ok 5 - empty cdata
ok 6 - undef cdata
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - exists
ok 3 - invalid ref
ok 4 -
ok 5 - round trip
ok 6 - exists
ok 7 - invalid ref
ok 8 - >
ok 9 - round trip
ok 10 - exists
ok 11 - invalid ref
ok 12 - ]]>
ok 13 - round trip
ok 14 - exists
ok 15 - invalid ref
ok 16 - ]]
ok 17 - round trip
ok 18 - exists
ok 19 - invalid ref
ok 20 - ]]>
ok 21 - round trip
ok 22 - exists
ok 23 - invalid ref
ok 24 - ]]>]]>
ok 25 - round trip
ok 26 - exists
ok 27 - invalid ref
ok 28 - ]]>]]>
ok 29 - round trip
ok 30 - exists
ok 31 - invalid ref
ok 32 - ]]>
ok 33 - round trip
ok 34 - exists
ok 35 - invalid ref
ok 36 - ]>
ok 37 - round trip
ok 38 - exists
ok 39 - invalid ref
ok 40 - ]]>
ok 41 - round trip
ok 42 - exists
ok 43 - invalid ref
ok 44 - ]]>
ok 45 - round trip
ok 46 - exists
ok 47 - invalid ref
ok 48 - ]]>
ok 49 - round trip
ok 50 - exists
ok 51 - invalid ref
ok 52 - ]]
ok 53 - round trip
ok 54 - exists
ok 55 - invalid ref
ok 56 - ]
ok 57 - round trip
ok 58 - exists
ok 59 - invalid ref
ok 60 - ]]>]]>
ok 61 - round trip
ok 62 - exists
ok 63 - invalid ref
ok 64 - ]]>
ok 65 - round trip
ok 66 - exists
ok 67 - invalid ref
ok 68 - ]]>]]>
ok 69 - round trip
ok 70 - exists
ok 71 - invalid ref
ok 72 - ]>
ok 73 - round trip
ok 74 - exists
ok 75 - invalid ref
ok 76 - ]]>
ok 77 - round trip
ok 78 - exists
ok 79 - invalid ref
ok 80 - ]]>
ok 81 - round trip
ok 82 - exists
ok 83 - invalid ref
ok 84 -
ok 85 - round trip
ok 86 - exists
ok 87 - invalid ref
ok 88 - >
ok 89 - round trip
ok 90 - exists
ok 91 - invalid ref
ok 92 - ]]>
ok 93 - round trip
ok 94 - exists
ok 95 - invalid ref
ok 96 - ]]
ok 97 - round trip
ok 98 - exists
ok 99 - invalid ref
ok 100 - ]]>
ok 101 - round trip
ok 102 - exists
ok 103 - invalid ref
ok 104 - ]]>]]>
ok 105 - round trip
ok 106 - exists
ok 107 - invalid ref
ok 108 - ]]>]]>
ok 109 - round trip
ok 110 - exists
ok 111 - invalid ref
ok 112 - ]]>
ok 113 - round trip
ok 114 - exists
ok 115 - invalid ref
ok 116 - ]>
ok 117 - round trip
ok 118 - exists
ok 119 - invalid ref
ok 120 - ]]>
ok 121 - round trip
ok 122 - exists
ok 123 - invalid ref
ok 124 - ]]>
ok 125 - round trip
ok 126 - exists
ok 127 - invalid ref
ok 128 - ]]>
ok 129 - round trip
ok 130 - exists
ok 131 - invalid ref
ok 132 - ]]
ok 133 - round trip
ok 134 - exists
ok 135 - invalid ref
ok 136 - ]
ok 137 - round trip
ok 138 - exists
ok 139 - invalid ref
ok 140 - ]]>]]>
ok 141 - round trip
ok 142 - exists
ok 143 - invalid ref
ok 144 - ]]>
ok 145 - round trip
ok 146 - exists
ok 147 - invalid ref
ok 148 - ]]>]]>
ok 149 - round trip
ok 150 - exists
ok 151 - invalid ref
ok 152 - ]>
ok 153 - round trip
ok 154 - exists
ok 155 - invalid ref
ok 156 - ]]>
ok 157 - round trip
ok 158 - exists
ok 159 - invalid ref
ok 160 - ]]>
ok 161 - round trip
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - file:C:\DOCUME~1\cpanrun\LOCALS~1\Temp\2\pbYXiVdinh
ok 3 - writefile
ok 4 - parsefile
ok 5 - parsefile
ok 6 - foo
ok 7 - bar
t/40_writefile_jcode.......1..0 # Skip Jcode is not loaded.
all skipped: Jcode is not loaded.
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - file:C:\DOCUME~1\cpanrun\LOCALS~1\Temp\2\9fkHzdamUl
ok 3 - writefile
ok 4 - foo raw
ok 5 - bar raw
ok 6 - parsefile
ok 7 - foo octets
ok 8 - bar octets
ok 9 - foo tree octets
ok 10 - bar tree octets
ok 11 - file:C:\DOCUME~1\cpanrun\LOCALS~1\Temp\2\R0hXXrcZUY
ok 12 - writefile
ok 13 - foo raw
ok 14 - bar raw
ok 15 - parsefile
ok 16 - foo string
ok 17 - bar string
ok 18 - foo tree string
ok 19 - bar tree string
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - exists
ok 3 - invalid ref
ok 5 - round trip
ok 6 - exists
ok 7 - invalid ref
ok 9 - round trip
ok 10 - exists
ok 11 - invalid ref
ok 12 -
ok 13 - round trip
ok 14 - exists
ok 15 - invalid ref
ok 17 - round trip
ok 18 - exists
ok 19 - invalid ref
ok 20 -
ok 21 - round trip
ok 22 - exists
ok 23 - invalid ref
ok 24 -
ok 25 - round trip
ok 26 - exists
ok 27 - invalid ref
ok 29 - round trip
ok 30 - exists
ok 31 - invalid ref
ok 33 - round trip
ok 34 - exists
ok 35 - invalid ref
ok 36 -
ok 37 - round trip
ok 38 - exists
ok 39 - invalid ref
ok 40 - AAA
ok 41 - round trip
ok 42 - exists
ok 43 - invalid ref
ok 44 - AAABBB
ok 45 - round trip
ok 46 - exists
ok 47 - invalid ref
ok 49 - round trip
ok 50 - exists
ok 51 - invalid ref
ok 52 - AAACCC
ok 53 - round trip
ok 54 - exists
ok 55 - invalid ref
ok 56 -
ok 57 - round trip
ok 58 - exists
ok 59 - invalid ref
ok 60 - BBB
ok 61 - round trip
ok 62 - exists
ok 63 - invalid ref
ok 64 - BBBCCC
ok 65 - round trip
ok 66 - exists
ok 67 - invalid ref
ok 69 - round trip
ok 70 - exists
ok 71 - invalid ref
ok 73 - round trip
ok 74 - exists
ok 75 - invalid ref
ok 76 -
ok 77 - round trip
ok 78 - exists
ok 79 - invalid ref
ok 81 - round trip
ok 82 - exists
ok 83 - invalid ref
ok 84 -
ok 85 - round trip
ok 86 - exists
ok 87 - invalid ref
ok 88 -
ok 89 - round trip
ok 90 - exists
ok 91 - invalid ref
ok 93 - round trip
ok 94 - exists
ok 95 - invalid ref
ok 97 - round trip
ok 98 - exists
ok 99 - invalid ref
ok 100 -
ok 101 - round trip
ok 102 - exists
ok 103 - invalid ref
ok 104 - AAA
ok 105 - round trip
ok 106 - exists
ok 107 - invalid ref
ok 108 - AAABBB
ok 109 - round trip
ok 110 - exists
ok 111 - invalid ref
ok 113 - round trip
ok 114 - exists
ok 115 - invalid ref
ok 116 - AAACCC
ok 117 - round trip
ok 118 - exists
ok 119 - invalid ref
ok 120 -
ok 121 - round trip
ok 122 - exists
ok 123 - invalid ref
ok 124 - BBB
ok 125 - round trip
ok 126 - exists
ok 127 - invalid ref
ok 128 - BBBCCC
ok 129 - round trip
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - use Encode;
ok 3 - windows-1250
ok 4 - Shift_JIS
ok 1 - use XML::TreePP;
ok 2 - t/example/hello-en-utf8.xml without utf8_flag
ok 3 - t/example/hello-en-utf8.xml with utf8_flag
ok 4 - t/example/hello-en-nodecl.xml without utf8_flag
ok 5 - t/example/hello-en-nodecl.xml with utf8_flag
ok 6 - t/example/hello-en-noenc.xml without utf8_flag
ok 7 - t/example/hello-en-noenc.xml with utf8_flag
ok 8 - t/example/hello-en-utf8-bom.xml without utf8_flag
ok 9 - t/example/hello-en-utf8-bom.xml with utf8_flag
ok 10 - t/example/hello-en-nodecl-bom.xml without utf8_flag
ok 11 - t/example/hello-en-nodecl-bom.xml with utf8_flag
ok 12 - t/example/hello-en-noenc-bom.xml without utf8_flag
ok 13 - t/example/hello-en-noenc-bom.xml with utf8_flag
All tests successful, 10 tests skipped.
Files=45, Tests=826, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\html\site\lib\XML\TreePP.html
Installing C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib\XML\
Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\lib/perllocal.pod