Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::XMetaL Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Math::BigInt: couldn't load specified math lib(s), fallback to Math::BigInt::FastCalc at C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib/Win32API/ line 20 cp lib/XML/XMetaL/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Utilities/Filter/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Utilities\Filter\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Utilities/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Utilities\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Mock/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Mock\ cp blib\lib\XML\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Utilities/Filter/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Utilities\Filter\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Mock/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Mock\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Mock/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Mock\ cp lib/XML/ blib\lib\XML\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Mock/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Mock\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Utilities/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Utilities\ cp lib/XML/XMetaL/Utilities/Filter/ blib\lib\XML\XMetaL\Utilities\Filter\ Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/01_XML-XMetaL-Base...................1..3 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Base; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/01_XML-XMetaL-Base.t line 22 Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116. at t/01_XML-XMetaL-Base.t line 22 # Looks like you planned 3 tests but only ran 2. # Looks like your test died just after 2. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED test 3 Failed 1/3 tests, 66.67% okay t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry...............1..4 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Registry; ok 2 - XML::XMetaL::Registry constructor test Use of uninitialized value $this in pattern match (m//) at t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry.t line 25. not ok 3 - xmetal_versions() test # Failed test 'xmetal_versions() test' # at t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry.t line 25. # undef # doesn't match '(?i-xsm:xmetal)' Use of uninitialized value $xmetal_directory_path in -d at t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry.t line 32. not ok 4 - xmetal_directory_path() test # Failed test 'xmetal_directory_path() test' # at t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry.t line 32. # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4. dubious Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) DIED. FAILED tests 3-4 Failed 2/4 tests, 50.00% okay t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory................1..5 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 32 # Failed test 'XML::XMetaL::Factory constructor test' # at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 32. not ok 2 - XML::XMetaL::Factory constructor test # got: undef # expected: 'XML::XMetaL::Factory' # Failed test 'create_xmetal() using string' # at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 36. not ok 3 - create_xmetal() using string # got: undef # expected: 'Win32::OLE' # Can't call method "getElementsByTagName" on an undefined value at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 43. # Failed test 'create_xmetal() test 2' # at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 52. not ok 4 - create_xmetal() test 2 # got: undef # expected: 'XMetaL Test Document' Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 58 Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116. at t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 58 # Looks like you planned 5 tests but only ran 4. # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 4 run. # Looks like your test died just after 4. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 2-5 Failed 4/5 tests, 20.00% okay t/04_XML-XMetaL-Factory................1..2 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/04_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 21 Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116. at t/04_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t line 21 # Looks like you planned 2 tests but only ran 1. # Looks like your test died just after 1. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED test 2 Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay t/05_XML-XMetaL-Utilities..............1..43 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities test ok 3 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Iterator; ok 4 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::All; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/05_XML-XMetaL-Utilities.t line 34 Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116, line 9. at t/05_XML-XMetaL-Utilities.t line 34 # Looks like you planned 43 tests but only ran 4. # Looks like your test died just after 4. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 5-43 Failed 39/43 tests, 9.30% okay t/06_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.....1..6 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Element; ok 3 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Iterator; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/06_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t line 28 Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116, line 9. at t/06_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t line 28 # Looks like you planned 6 tests but only ran 3. # Looks like your test died just after 3. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 4-6 Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay t/06a_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator....1..32 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMElement; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMNodeList; ok 3 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMText; ok 4 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::All; ok 5 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Element; # Failed test 'use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Text;' # at t/06a_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t line 17. # Tried to use 'XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Text'. # Error: Can't locate XML/XMetaL/Utilities/Filter/ in @INC (@INC contains: lib ../lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-XMetaL\blib\lib C:\cpanrun\depot\main\contrib-patched\perl\CPAN\src\XML-XMetaL\blib\arch C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/site/lib C:/cpanrun/build/5-10-0/lib .) at (eval 16) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/06a_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t line 17. not ok 6 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Text; ok 7 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Iterator; ok 8 - has_next() test 1 ok 9 - next() test ok 10 - next() test ok 11 - next() test ok 12 - next() test ok 13 - Checking for nodes not yet traversed: 0: ok 14 - has_next() test 2 ok 15 - has_next() test 3 ok 16 - next() test ok 17 - next() test ok 18 - next() test ok 19 - Checking for nodes not yet traversed: 0: ok 20 - has_next() test 4 ok 21 - has_next() test 5 Can't locate object method "new" via package "XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Text" (perhaps you forgot to load "XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Filter::Text"?) at t/06a_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t line 142. # Looks like you planned 32 tests but only ran 27. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 27 run. # Looks like your test died just after 27. ok 22 - next() test ok 23 - next() test ok 24 - next() test ok 25 - next() test ok 26 - Checking for nodes not yet traversed: 0: ok 27 - has_next() test 6 dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 6, 28-32 Failed 6/32 tests, 81.25% okay t/07_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Abstract.....1..5 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Utilities::Abstract; ok 2 - TestClass::Abstract constructor test ok 3 - Abstract keyword test 1 ok 4 - TestClass::Concrete constructor test ok 5 - Abstract keyword test 2 ok t/08_XML-XMetaL........................1..6 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Factory; Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 39 # Win32::OLE(0.1707) error 0x800401f3: "Invalid class string" at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 116. # at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 39 # Failed test 'XML::XMetaL constructor test' # at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 62. # got: '' # expected: 'XML::XMetaL' # -application argument missing or undefined at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 70 # at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 70 # Can't call method "croak" without a package or object reference at lib/XML/XMetaL/ line 26. # Failed test 'add_handler() and get_handler() test' # at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 91. # got: undef # expected: 'XML::XMetaL::Custom::Journalist' # Failed test 'AUTOLOAD dispatch test' # at t/08_XML-XMetaL.t line 99. # got: undef # expected: 'XML::XMetaL::Custom::Journalist' # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 6. not ok 3 - XML::XMetaL constructor test ok 4 - XML::XMetaL singleton test not ok 5 - add_handler() and get_handler() test not ok 6 - AUTOLOAD dispatch test dubious Test returned status 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) DIED. FAILED tests 3, 5-6 Failed 3/6 tests, 50.00% okay t/09_XML-XMetaL-Mock-DOMNodeList.......1..8 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMELement; ok 2 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMNodeList; ok 3 - XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMNodeList constructor test ok 4 - item() test ok 5 - item() test ok 6 - item() test ok 7 - item() test ok 8 - length property test ok t/10_XML-XMetaL-Mock-DOMText...........1..4 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMText; ok 2 - XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMText constructor test ok 3 - data and length property test 1 ok 4 - data and length property test 2 ok t/11_XML-XMetaL-Mock-DOMElement........1..4 ok 1 - use XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMElement; ok 2 - XML::XMetaL::Mock::DOMElement constructor test ok 3 - nodeID property test (Mock object specific property - inherited from DOMNode) ok 4 - tagName property test ok Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/01_XML-XMetaL-Base.t 255 65280 3 2 3 t/02_XML-XMetaL-Registry.t 2 512 4 2 3-4 t/03_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t 255 65280 5 5 2-5 t/04_XML-XMetaL-Factory.t 255 65280 2 2 2 t/05_XML-XMetaL-Utilities.t 255 65280 43 78 5-43 t/06_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t 255 65280 6 6 4-6 t/06a_XML-XMetaL-Utilities-Iterator.t 255 65280 32 11 6 28-32 t/08_XML-XMetaL.t 3 768 6 3 3 5-6 Failed 8/12 test scripts. 59/122 subtests failed. Files=12, Tests=122, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) Failed 8/12 test programs. 59/122 subtests failed. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff' Stop.