Choose which optional components of xmltv you want to install. The library and the filter programs such as tv_grep and tv_sort are installed by default; here you choose grabbers for different countries and front-ends for managing listings. Alternative grabber for Britain (tv_grab_uk_rt) [yes] Grabber for Italy (tv_grab_it) [yes] Grabber for North America using DataDirect (tv_grab_na_dd) [no] Grabber for North American Channel Icons (tv_grab_na_icons) [no] Grabber for New Zealand (tv_grab_nz) [no] Grabber for Finland (tv_grab_fi) [yes] Grabber for Spain - Analogic Terrestrial/Cable (tv_grab_es) [yes] Grabber for Spain - Digital Satellite (D+) (tv_grab_es_digital) [yes] Grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl) [yes] Alternative grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl_wolf) [yes] Grabber for Hungary (tv_grab_hu) [yes] Grabber for Denmark (tv_grab_dk) [yes] Grabber for Japan (tv_grab_jp) [no] Grabber for Germany (tv_grab_de_tvtoday) [yes] Grabber for Sweden (tv_grab_se) [no] Grabber for France (tv_grab_fr) [yes] Grabber for Norway (tv_grab_no) [no] Grabber for Portugal (tv_grab_pt) [yes] Program to report exceptions and changes in a schedule (tv_check) [yes] CGI program to filter listings (to install manually) (tv_pick_cgi) [yes] Do you want to proceed with this configuration? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Alternative grabber for Britain (tv_grab_uk_rt) Do you wish to install tv_grab_uk_rt? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Italy (tv_grab_it) Do you wish to install tv_grab_it? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for North America using DataDirect (tv_grab_na_dd) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_na_dd: SOAP::Lite Do you wish to install tv_grab_na_dd? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for North American Channel Icons (tv_grab_na_icons) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_na_icons: HTML::TableExtract WWW::Mechanize (version 1.02 or higher) Do you wish to install tv_grab_na_icons? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for New Zealand (tv_grab_nz) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_nz: Python (version 1.5.2 or higher) Do you wish to install tv_grab_nz? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for Finland (tv_grab_fi) Do you wish to install tv_grab_fi? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Spain - Analogic Terrestrial/Cable (tv_grab_es) Do you wish to install tv_grab_es? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Spain - Digital Satellite (D+) (tv_grab_es_digital) Do you wish to install tv_grab_es_digital? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl) Do you wish to install tv_grab_nl? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Alternative grabber for the Netherlands (tv_grab_nl_wolf) Do you wish to install tv_grab_nl_wolf? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Hungary (tv_grab_hu) Do you wish to install tv_grab_hu? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Denmark (tv_grab_dk) Do you wish to install tv_grab_dk? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Japan (tv_grab_jp) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_jp: Text::Kakasi Do you wish to install tv_grab_jp? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for Germany (tv_grab_de_tvtoday) Do you wish to install tv_grab_de_tvtoday? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Sweden (tv_grab_se) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_se: XML::LibXML Do you wish to install tv_grab_se? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for France (tv_grab_fr) Do you wish to install tv_grab_fr? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Grabber for Norway (tv_grab_no) These dependencies are missing for tv_grab_no: HTML::TableExtract Do you wish to install tv_grab_no? [yes,no (default=no)] * Grabber for Portugal (tv_grab_pt) Do you wish to install tv_grab_pt? [yes,no (default=yes)] * Program to report exceptions and changes in a schedule (tv_check) Do you wish to install tv_check? [yes,no (default=yes)] * CGI program to filter listings (to install manually) (tv_pick_cgi) Do you plan to run tv_pick_cgi? [yes,no (default=yes)] Module XML::Twig seems not to be installed. XML::Twig 3.1 is required. Module Lingua::Preferred seems not to be installed. Lingua::Preferred 0.2.4 is recommended. Module Term::ProgressBar seems not to be installed. Term::ProgressBar 2.03 is recommended. Required modules missing, 'make' is unlikely to work Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite XML::Twig 3.1 not found. bad makefile line: ' $(NOECHO) $(NOOP)' at Makefile.PL line 944.