Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Getopt::LL cp lib/Getopt/LL/SimpleExporter.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL/SimpleExporter.pod cp lib/Getopt/LL/ blib/lib/Getopt/LL/ cp lib/Getopt/LL/DLList/Node.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL/DLList/Node.pod cp lib/Getopt/ blib/lib/Getopt/ cp lib/Getopt/LL/ blib/lib/Getopt/LL/ cp lib/Getopt/LL/Short.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL/Short.pod cp lib/Getopt/LL/DLList/ blib/lib/Getopt/LL/DLList/ cp lib/Getopt/LL/ blib/lib/Getopt/LL/ cp lib/Getopt/LL.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL.pod cp lib/Getopt/LL/DLList.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL/DLList.pod cp lib/Getopt/LL/Simple.pod blib/lib/Getopt/LL/Simple.pod cp lib/Getopt/LL/ blib/lib/Getopt/LL/ Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL::Short.3 Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL::SimpleExporter.3 Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL::DLList::Node.3 Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL.3 Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL::DLList.3 Manifying blib/man3/Getopt::LL::Simple.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=1; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t t/00-Kwalitee...............1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/00-YAML-META_valid........1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/00.load...................1..1 # Testing Getopt::LL 0.0.7 ok 1 - use Getopt::LL; ok t/aliases...................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/aliases.t line 8. 1..14 ok 1 - get_prev_arg ok 2 - peek_prev_arg ok 3 - get_next_arg ok 4 - peek_next_arg ok 5 - option_X_is set. (rule -X => sub { }) ok 6 - option -f != - ok 7 - -f = myfile.txt ok 8 - --the = lazy ok 9 - -dawg = 10 ok 10 - -jumps = over ok 11 - --quick is set ok 12 - ARGV[0] == the ok 13 - ARGV[1] == brown ok 14 - ARGV[2] == fox ok t/dllist-node...............1..52 ok 1 - The object isa Getopt::LL::DLList::Node ok 2 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('next') ok 3 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('prev') ok 4 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('data') ok 5 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('free') ok 6 - The object isa Getopt::LL::DLList::Node ok 7 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('next') ok 8 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('prev') ok 9 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('data') ok 10 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('free') ok 11 - The object isa Getopt::LL::DLList::Node ok 12 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('next') ok 13 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('prev') ok 14 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('data') ok 15 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('free') ok 16 - The object isa Getopt::LL::DLList::Node ok 17 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('next') ok 18 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('prev') ok 19 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('data') ok 20 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('free') ok 21 - The object isa Getopt::LL::DLList::Node ok 22 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('next') ok 23 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('prev') ok 24 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('data') ok 25 - Getopt::LL::DLList::Node->can('free') ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 - node[top] == [top] ok 44 - node[left] == [left] ok 45 - node[middle] == [middle] ok 46 - node[right] == [right] ok 47 - node[bottom] == [bottom] ok 48 - node[bottom] == [bottom] ok 49 - node[right] == [right] ok 50 - node[middle] == [middle] ok 51 - node[left] == [left] ok 52 - node[top] == [top] ok t/dllist....................1..105 Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 35. Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. ok 1 - delete_node without node ok 2 - traverse(): integrity:[The] == copy[The] ok 3 - --"-- Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 42. ok 4 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[0] == count[0] ok 5 - traverse(): integrity:[quick] == copy[quick] ok 6 - --"-- ok 7 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[1] == count[1] ok 8 - traverse(): integrity:[brown] == copy[brown] ok 9 - --"-- ok 10 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[2] == count[2] ok 11 - traverse(): integrity:[fox] == copy[fox] ok 12 - --"-- ok 13 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[3] == count[3] ok 14 - traverse(): integrity:[jumps] == copy[jumps] ok 15 - --"-- ok 16 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[4] == count[4] ok 17 - traverse(): integrity:[over] == copy[over] ok 18 - --"-- ok 19 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[5] == count[5] ok 20 - traverse(): integrity:[the] == copy[the] ok 21 - --"-- ok 22 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[6] == count[6] ok 23 - traverse(): integrity:[lazy] == copy[lazy] ok 24 - --"-- ok 25 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[7] == count[7] ok 26 - traverse(): integrity:[dog] == copy[dog] ok 27 - --"-- ok 28 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[8] == count[8] Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. ok 29 ok 30 Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 35. Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 42. ok 31 - traverse(): integrity:[The] == copy[The] ok 32 - --"-- ok 33 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[0] == count[0] ok 34 - traverse(): integrity:[quick] == copy[quick] ok 35 - --"-- ok 36 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[1] == count[1] ok 37 - traverse(): integrity:[fox] == copy[fox] ok 38 - --"-- ok 39 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[2] == count[2] ok 40 - traverse(): integrity:[jumps] == copy[jumps] ok 41 - --"-- ok 42 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[3] == count[3] ok 43 - traverse(): integrity:[over] == copy[over] ok 44 - --"-- ok 45 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[4] == count[4] ok 46 - traverse(): integrity:[the] == copy[the] ok 47 - --"-- ok 48 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[5] == count[5] ok 49 - traverse(): integrity:[lazy] == copy[lazy] ok 50 - --"-- ok 51 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[6] == count[6] Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. ok 52 - traverse(): integrity:[dog] == copy[dog] ok 53 - --"-- ok 54 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[7] == count[7] Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 35. Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. ok 55 - traverse(): integrity:[quick] == copy[quick] ok 56 - --"-- Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 42. ok 57 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[0] == count[0] ok 58 - traverse(): integrity:[fox] == copy[fox] ok 59 - --"-- ok 60 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[1] == count[1] ok 61 - traverse(): integrity:[jumps] == copy[jumps] ok 62 - --"-- ok 63 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[2] == count[2] ok 64 - traverse(): integrity:[over] == copy[over] ok 65 - --"-- ok 66 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[3] == count[3] ok 67 - traverse(): integrity:[the] == copy[the] ok 68 - --"-- ok 69 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[4] == count[4] ok 70 - traverse(): integrity:[lazy] == copy[lazy] ok 71 - --"-- ok 72 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[5] == count[5] ok 73 - traverse(): integrity:[dog] == copy[dog] ok 74 - --"-- ok 75 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[6] == count[6] Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 31. Use of uninitialized value in array element at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 35. ok 76 - traverse(): integrity:[quick] == copy[quick] Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 37. Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Getopt-LL/t/ line 42. ok 77 - --"-- ok 78 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[0] == count[0] ok 79 - traverse(): integrity:[fox] == copy[fox] ok 80 - --"-- ok 81 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[1] == count[1] ok 82 - traverse(): integrity:[jumps] == copy[jumps] ok 83 - --"-- ok 84 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[2] == count[2] ok 85 - traverse(): integrity:[over] == copy[over] ok 86 - --"-- ok 87 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[3] == count[3] ok 88 - traverse(): integrity:[the] == copy[the] ok 89 - --"-- ok 90 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[4] == count[4] ok 91 - traverse(): integrity:[lazy] == copy[lazy] ok 92 - --"-- ok 93 - traverse(): interface: nodes_so_far[5] == count[5] ok 94 - New DLList with no argument ok 95 - New DLList with emtpy array ref ok 96 - dont support hash refs ok 97 ok 98 - _ARRAYLIKE empty array reference ok 99 - _ARRAYLIKE populated array reference ok 100 - _ARRAYLIKE blessed array ok 101 - !_ARRAYLIKE empty anon hash ok 102 - !_ARRAYLIKE popul. anon hash ok 103 - !_ARRAYLIKE no arg # Failed test 'head gone after destroy' # at t/dllist.t line 89. ok 104 - _ARRAYLIKE overloaded array deref not ok 105 - head gone after destroy # Looks like you failed 1 test of 105. dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 105 Failed 1/105 tests, 99.05% okay t/gnu.......................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/gnu.t line 8. 1..17 __ARGV__[]: [--jumps] [over] [-X] [--the] [lazy] [-dawg] [10] [the] [-f] [myfile.txt] [--] [--quick] [brown] [-fox] ok 1 - get_prev_arg ok 2 - peek_prev_arg ok 3 - get_next_arg ok 4 - peek_next_arg ok 5 - option_X_is set. (rule -X => sub { }) ok 6 - option -f != - ok 7 - -f = myfile.txt ok 8 - --the = lazy ok 9 - -d = 1 ok 10 - -a = 1 ok 11 - -w = 1 ok 12 - -g = 10 ok 13 - --jumps = over ok 14 - ARGV[0] == the ok 15 - ARGV[1] == --quick ok 16 - ARGV[2] == brown ok 17 - ARGV[2] == -fox ok t/help......................1..7 ok 1 - result ok 2 - help for -foo ok 3 - help for -bar ok 4 - help for --foobar ok 5 - help for --help # Failed test 'show_usage()' # at t/help.t line 71. # got: 'Usage: help.t [-bar |-foo |--foobar|--help]' # expected: 'Usage: help.t [-foo |-bar |--foobar|--help]' not ok 6 - show_usage() not ok 7 - show_usage() with options->program_name # Failed test 'show_usage() with options->program_name' # at t/help.t line 81. # got: 'Usage: customProgramName [-bar |-foo |--foobar|--help]' # expected: 'Usage: customProgramName [-foo |-bar |--foobar|--help]' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 7. dubious Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) DIED. FAILED tests 6-7 Failed 2/7 tests, 71.43% okay t/missing...................1..2 ok 1 - bail on unknown argument ok 2 ok t/non-gnu...................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/non-gnu.t line 9. 1..13 __ARGV__[]: [--jumps=over] [-X] [--the] [lazy] [--rye=badabing] [-dawg] [10] [-] [the] [-f] [myfile.txt] [--] [--quick] [brown] [fox] [-klaus] ok 1 - get_prev_arg ok 2 - peek_prev_arg ok 3 - get_next_arg Use of uninitialized value in string eq at lib/Getopt/ line 337. ok 4 - peek_next_arg ok 5 - option_X_is set. (rule -X => sub { }) ok 6 - option -f != - ok 7 - -f = myfile.txt ok 8 - --the = lazy ok 9 - -dawg = 10 ok 10 - --jumps = over ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - @ARGV is - the -- brown fox ok t/nonexisting_rule_type.....Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/nonexisting_rule_type.t line 9. 1..2 ok 1 - bail on nonexistent rule type ok 2 - croak on nonexistent rule type ok t/opt_......................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/opt_.t line 8. 1..7 ok 1 ok 2 - opt_String() returns rule spec ok 3 - opt_Digit() returns rule spec ok 4 - opt_Flag() returns rule spec ok 5 - Getopt::LL->can('help') ok 6 - $getopt->help isa HASH ok 7 - help saved ok. ok t/peek......................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/peek.t line 8. 1..5 ok 1 - peek next arg from head ok 2 - cannot peek previous in head node ok 3 - cannot get previous in head node ok 4 - cannot peek next in bottom node ok 5 - cannot get next in bottom node ok t/perlcritic................1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/pod-coverage..............1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/pod-spell.................1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/pod.......................1..0 # Skip Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. skipped all skipped: Author test. Set $ENV{GETOPTLL_AUTHOR} to a true value to run. t/regex.....................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/regex.t line 9. 1..9 ok 1 - die on regex mismatch ok 2 - regexes ok 3 - die on regex mismatch ok 4 - die on regex mismatch ok 5 - _regexp_as_text(qr/((hello))/xms) ok 6 - _regexp_as_text(qr/(?:hello|olleh|leoh)/xms) ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok t/required..................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/required.t line 9. 1..2 ok 1 - die on missing required argument. ok 2 - default value for arg is set ok t/rules.....................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/rules.t line 8. 1..15 ok 1 - get_prev_arg ok 2 - peek_prev_arg ok 3 - get_next_arg ok 4 - peek_next_arg ok 5 - -jumps is required ok 6 - option_X_is set. (rule -X => sub { }) ok 7 - option -f != - ok 8 - -f = myfile.txt ok 9 - --the = lazy ok 10 - -dawg = 10 ok 11 - -jumps = over ok 12 - --quick is set ok 13 - ARGV[0] == the ok 14 - ARGV[1] == brown ok 15 - ARGV[2] == fox ok t/short-simple-w-options....Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/short-simple-w-options.t line 8. 1..2 ok 1 - %ARGV set correctly. ok 2 - @ARGV set correctly ok t/short-simple-wo-rules.....Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/short-simple-wo-rules.t line 8. 1..5 ok 1 - default ruletype for --quick is flag ok 2 - default ruletype for --jumps is flag ok 3 - default ruletype for --the is flag ok 4 - default ruletype for -dawg is flag ok 5 - the rest is kept in @ARGV ok t/short-simple..............Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/short-simple.t line 8. 1..7 ok 1 - --quick = 10 ok 2 - -jumps = over ok 3 - --the = lazy ok 4 - -dawg = 1 ok 5 - rest[0] == The ok 6 - rest[1] == brown ok 7 - rest[2] == fox ok t/short.....................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/short.t line 8. 1..13 ok 1 - --quick = 10 ok 2 - -jumps = over ok 3 - --the = lazy ok 4 - -dawg = 1 ok 5 - rest[0] == The ok 6 - rest[1] == brown ok 7 - rest[2] == fox ok 8 - getoptions() without rules ok 9 - default ruletype for --quick is flag ok 10 - default ruletype for --jumps is flag ok 11 - default ruletype for --the is flag ok 12 - default ruletype for -dawg is flag ok 13 - the rest is kept in @ARGV ok t/simple....................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/simple.t line 9. 1..68 ok 1 - use Getopt::LL; ok 2 - use Getopt::LL::DLList; ok 3 - use Getopt::LL::DLList::Node; WE HAVE CAPTURE ok 4 - The object isa Getopt::LL ok 5 - Getopt::LL->can('new') ok 6 - Getopt::LL->can('_init') ok 7 - Getopt::LL->can('parseoption') ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - --key=val ok 14 - %{} overridden to result ok 15 - is digit: 1 ok 16 - is string: 1 ok 17 - is digit: 200 ok 18 - is string: 200 ok 19 - is digit: -3 ok 20 - is string: -3 ok 21 - is digit: -300 ok 22 - is string: -300 ok 23 - is digit: -500 ok 24 - is string: -500 ok 25 - is digit: 0 ok 26 - is string: 0 ok 27 - is digit: 1000 ok 28 - is string: 1000 ok 29 - is digit: +300 ok 30 - is string: +300 ok 31 - is digit: 0xFEEDFACE ok 32 - is string: 0xFEEDFACE ok 33 - is digit: 0x01 ok 34 - is string: 0x01 --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 35 - is digit: 0xff ok 36 - is string: 0xff ok 37 - is digit: 0x300 ok 38 - is string: 0x300 --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 39 - is !digit: x ok 40 - is string: x --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 41 - is !digit: f ok 42 - is string: f ok 43 - is !digit: z! --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 44 - is string: z! ok 45 - is !digit: $$ --test must be a digit (0-9). --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 46 - is string: $$ ok 47 - is !digit: 0xo302 ok 48 - is string: 0xo302 --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 49 - is !digit: 0b312 ok 50 - is string: 0b312 --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 51 - is !digit: asd ok 52 - is string: asd ok 53 - is !digit: x* ok 54 - is string: x* --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 55 - is !digit: - --test must be a digit (0-9). --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 56 - is string: - ok 57 - is !digit: ! ok 58 - is string: ! ok 59 - is !digit: . --test must be a digit (0-9). ok 60 - is string: . ok 61 - is !digit: / ok 62 - is string: / ok 63 - rest[0] == The ok 64 - rest[1] == quick ok 65 - rest[2] == brown ok 66 - rest[3] == fox ok 67 - rest[4] == over ok 68 - rest[5] == lazy ok t/simpleExporter............Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/simpleExporter.t line 12. 1..4 ok 1 - bail on not exported sub ok 2 - hello was exported ok 3 ok 4 ok t/slurp.....................1..6 ok 1 - getoptions(undef) ok 2 - -v ok 3 - -jumps ok 4 - -t ok 5 - --lazy=dawg ok 6 - rest is in @ARGV ok t/type-check................Name "main::THIS_BLOCK_HAS_TESTS" used only once: possible typo at t/type-check.t line 9. 1..5 ok 1 - type-check number ok 2 - croak on type mismatch ok 3 - type-check: hex is converted to decimal ok 4 - type-check number ok 5 - croak on type mismatch ok Failed 2/28 test scripts, 92.86% okay. 3/361 subtests failed, 99.17% okay. Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/dllist.t 1 256 105 1 0.95% 105 t/help.t 2 512 7 2 28.57% 6-7 6 tests skipped. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 11