Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Variable::Watcher cp lib/Variable/ blib/lib/Variable/ Manifying blib/man3/Variable::Watcher.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi -I/home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.6.1/lib/5.6.1 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=1; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t t/01-Variable-Watcher....ok 1 - The object isa Variable::Watcher ok 2 - Scalar foo is defined ok 3 - Foo set to '15022' ok 4 - Foo is tied ok 5 - The object isa Variable::Watcher ok 6 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 7 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 8 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' ok 9 - Stack mentions 'line' ok 10 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 11 - Array foo has elements ok 12 - Foo set to @INC ok 13 - Foo redefined ok 14 - Foo is tied ok 15 - The object isa Variable::Watcher ok 16 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 17 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 18 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' ok 19 - Stack mentions 'FETCHSIZE' ok 20 - Stack mentions 'EXTEND' ok 21 - Stack mentions 'CLEAR' ok 22 - Stack mentions 'line' ok 23 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 24 - Hash foo has elements ok 25 - Foo extended ok 26 - Foo as expected ok 27 - Foo set to %INC ok 28 - Foo is tied ok 29 - The object isa Variable::Watcher ok 30 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 31 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 32 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' ok 33 - Stack mentions 'CLEAR' ok 34 - Stack mentions 'line' ok 35 - Stack mentions 'NEXTKEY' ok 36 - Stack mentions 'FIRSTKEY' ok 37 - Stack mentions 'EXISTS' ok 38 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 'line'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 138. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo' # doesn't match '(?-xism:line)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 138. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo' # doesn't match '(?-xism:t\/01\-Variable\-Watcher\.t)' ok 39 - Retrieved stack from file ok 40 - Stack mentions 'foo' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 'line'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 163. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher bar -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on bar passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo[Variable::Watcher bar -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on bar' # doesn't match '(?-xism:line)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 163. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher bar -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on bar passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo[Variable::Watcher bar -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on bar' # doesn't match '(?-xism:t\/01\-Variable\-Watcher\.t)' ok 41 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 42 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' not ok 43 - Stack mentions 'line' not ok 44 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 'line'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 174. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo' # doesn't match '(?-xism:line)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 174. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher foo -> FETCH] Performing 'FETCH' on foo' # doesn't match '(?-xism:t\/01\-Variable\-Watcher\.t)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 'line'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 191. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher bar -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on bar passing '1'' # doesn't match '(?-xism:line)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 191. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'[Variable::Watcher bar -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on bar passing '1'' # doesn't match '(?-xism:t\/01\-Variable\-Watcher\.t)' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 'line'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 208. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'' # doesn't match '(?-xism:line)' ok 45 - Full stack retrieved ok 46 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 47 - Stack mentions 'bar' ok 48 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 49 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' not ok 50 - Stack mentions 'line' not ok 51 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 52 - Stack for just 'foo' retrieved ok 53 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 54 - Stack mentions 'STORE' ok 55 - Stack mentions 'FETCH' not ok 56 - Stack mentions 'line' not ok 57 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 58 - Stack doesn't mention 'bar' ok 59 - Stack for just 'STORE' retrieved ok 60 - Stack mentions 'bar' ok 61 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 62 - Stack mentions 'STORE' not ok 63 - Stack mentions 'line' not ok 64 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 65 - Stack doesn't mention 'FETCH' ok 66 - Stack for just 'foo' & 'STORE' retrieved ok 67 - Stack mentions 'foo' ok 68 - Stack mentions 'STORE' not ok 69 - Stack mentions 'line' # Failed test ' Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t'' # at t/01-Variable-Watcher.t line 208. # '[Variable::Watcher foo -> STORE] Performing 'STORE' on foo passing '1'' # doesn't match '(?-xism:t\/01\-Variable\-Watcher\.t)' not ok 70 - Stack mentions 't/01-Variable-Watcher.t' ok 71 - Stack doesn't mention 'bar' ok 72 - Stack doesn't mention 'FETCH' ok 73 - Stack flushed ok 74 - Stack is now empty ok 75 - Sub 'bar' created ok 76 - No Watcher attached ok 77 - Warnings mentions the eval 1..77 # Looks like you failed 10 tests of 77. dubious Test returned status 10 (wstat 2560, 0xa00) DIED. FAILED tests 43-44, 50-51, 56-57, 63-64, 69-70 Failed 10/77 tests, 87.01% okay Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 10/77 subtests failed, 87.01% okay. Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/01-Variable-Watcher.t 10 2560 77 10 12.99% 43-44 50-51 56-57 63-64 69-70 make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 10