WARNING: This build process will install a user accessible script. The default location for user accessible scripts is /home/cpanrun/build/5.6.1/bin. Please consult section "How Installation Paths are Determined" of the Module::Build documentation section if you want to change this location. Creating custom builder _build/lib/MyModuleBuilder.pm in _build/lib Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... * HTML::Entities (1.23) is installed, but we prefer to have 1.35 * Archive::Zip (0.11) is installed, but we prefer to have 1.16 * Getopt::Long (2.25) is installed, but we prefer to have 2.32 - ERROR: DBD::Pg is not installed - ERROR: Term::ReadLine::Gnu is not installed ERRORS/WARNINGS FOUND IN PREREQUISITES. You may wish to install the versions of the modules indicated above before proceeding with this installation Creating new 'Build' script for 'EekBoek' version '1.03.02' lib/EB/Format.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Format.pm lib/EB/Booking/BKM.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Booking/BKM.pm lib/EB/Tools/Einde.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Tools/Einde.pm lib/EB/Booking.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Booking.pm lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Text.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Text.pm lib/EB.pm -> blib/lib/EB.pm lib/EB/examples/mutaties.eb -> blib/lib/EB/examples/mutaties.eb lib/EB/examples/eekboek.conf -> blib/lib/EB/examples/eekboek.conf lib/EB/migrate/001000009001000010.sql -> blib/lib/EB/migrate/001000009001000010.sql lib/EB/css/grootboek.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/grootboek.css lib/EB/Tools/SQLEngine.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Tools/SQLEngine.pm lib/EB/Report/Proof.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Proof.pm lib/EB/css/btwaangifte.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/btwaangifte.css lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Csv.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Csv.pm lib/EB/migrate/001000008001000009.pl -> blib/lib/EB/migrate/001000008001000009.pl lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Html.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Reporter/Html.pm lib/EB/Booking/Decode.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Booking/Decode.pm lib/EB/Booking/IV.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Booking/IV.pm lib/EekBoek.pm -> blib/lib/EekBoek.pm lib/EB/Locale.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Locale.pm lib/EB/Import.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Import.pm lib/EB/Tools/Schema.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Tools/Schema.pm lib/EB/Report/Balres.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Balres.pm lib/EB/examples/opening.eb -> blib/lib/EB/examples/opening.eb lib/EB/Report/Grootboek.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Grootboek.pm lib/EB/migrate/001000010001000011.sql -> blib/lib/EB/migrate/001000010001000011.sql lib/EB/Tools/Opening.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Tools/Opening.pm lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.pm lib/EB/DB.pm -> blib/lib/EB/DB.pm lib/EB/css/balans.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/balans.css lib/EB/Report.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report.pm lib/EB/css/balres.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/balres.css lib/EB/Config.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Config.pm lib/EB/css/result.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/result.css lib/EB/css/debcrd.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/debcrd.css lib/EB/examples/relaties.eb -> blib/lib/EB/examples/relaties.eb lib/EB/DB/Sqlite.pm -> blib/lib/EB/DB/Sqlite.pm lib/EB/css/crdrept.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/crdrept.css lib/EB/examples/vereniging.dat -> blib/lib/EB/examples/vereniging.dat lib/EB/Utils.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Utils.pm lib/EB/Report/Open.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Open.pm lib/EB/css/proef.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/proef.css lib/EB/Booking/Delete.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Booking/Delete.pm lib/EB/Export.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Export.pm lib/EB/Report/GenBase.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/GenBase.pm lib/EB/schema/eekboek.sql -> blib/lib/EB/schema/eekboek.sql lib/EB/Globals.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Globals.pm lib/EB/Expression.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Expression.pm lib/EB/Report/Debcrd.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Debcrd.pm lib/EB/examples/eenmanszaak.dat -> blib/lib/EB/examples/eenmanszaak.dat lib/EB/Shell/Base.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Shell/Base.pm lib/EB/Relation.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Relation.pm lib/EB/DB/Postgres.pm -> blib/lib/EB/DB/Postgres.pm lib/EB/Report/Journal.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Journal.pm lib/EB/Shell.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Shell.pm lib/EB/css/eekboek.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/eekboek.css lib/EB/Report/BTWAangifte.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/BTWAangifte.pm lib/EB/examples/schema.dat -> blib/lib/EB/examples/schema.dat lib/EB/examples/Userdefs.pm -> blib/lib/EB/examples/Userdefs.pm lib/EB/Report/Reporter.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/Reporter.pm lib/EB/examples/bvnv.dat -> blib/lib/EB/examples/bvnv.dat lib/EB/Report/BTWAangifte/Html.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Report/BTWAangifte/Html.pm lib/EB/css/journaal.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/journaal.css lib/EB/css/debrept.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/debrept.css lib/EB/css/openstaand.css -> blib/lib/EB/css/openstaand.css lib/EB/schema/cleanup.sql -> blib/lib/EB/schema/cleanup.sql lib/EB/Config/IniFiles.pm -> blib/lib/EB/Config/IniFiles.pm script/ebshell -> blib/script/ebshell Manifying blib/script/ebshell -> blib/bindoc/ebshell.1 Manifying blib/lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.pm -> blib/libdoc/EB::Shell::DeLuxe.3 Manifying blib/lib/EB/Shell/Base.pm -> blib/libdoc/EB::Shell::Base.3 Manifying blib/lib/EB.pm -> blib/libdoc/EB.3 Manifying blib/lib/EekBoek.pm -> blib/libdoc/EekBoek.3 Manifying blib/lib/EB/Config/IniFiles.pm -> blib/libdoc/EB::Config::IniFiles.3 Manifying blib/lib/EB/Expression.pm -> blib/libdoc/EB::Expression.3 HTMLifying blib/script/ebshell -> blib/binhtml/bin/ebshell.html Build: blib/lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.pm: unterminated list at =head in paragraph 65. ignoring. HTMLifying blib/lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EB/Shell/DeLuxe.html Build: blib/lib/EB/Shell/Base.pm: unterminated list at =head in paragraph 361. ignoring. HTMLifying blib/lib/EB/Shell/Base.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EB/Shell/Base.html HTMLifying blib/lib/EB.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EB.html HTMLifying blib/lib/EekBoek.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EekBoek.html HTMLifying blib/lib/EB/Config/IniFiles.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EB/Config/IniFiles.html HTMLifying blib/lib/EB/Expression.pm -> blib/libhtml/site/lib/EB/Expression.html t/10_basic..........1..11 ok 1 - use EB::Config; not ok 2 - use EB; # Failed test (t/10_basic.t at line 11) # Tried to use 'EB'. # Error: Bareword "LC_MESSAGES" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Locale.pm line 39. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB.pm line 50. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10_basic.t line 11. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 9) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 9) line 2. not ok 3 - use EB::Format; # Failed test (t/10_basic.t at line 12) # Tried to use 'EB::Format'. # Error: Bareword "BTWPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 97. # Bareword "BTWWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 98. # Bareword "BTWPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 98. # Bareword "BTWPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 99. # Bareword "AMTWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 103. # Bareword "AMTWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 105. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 119. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 121. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 122. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 126. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 126. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 126. # Bareword "AMTSCALE" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 126. # Bareword "AMTPRECISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 157. # Bareword "AMTWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 108. # Bareword "AMTWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 111. # Bareword "AMTWIDTH" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 115. # BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Format.pm line 199. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 43) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10_basic.t line 12. not ok 4 - use EB::Booking::IV; # Failed test (t/10_basic.t at line 13) # Tried to use 'EB::Booking::IV'. # Error: Bareword "EB_LIB" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 60. # Bareword "SCM_MAJVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 56. # Bareword "SCM_MINVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 56. # Bareword "SCM_REVISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 56. # Bareword "SCM_MAJVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Bareword "SCM_MINVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Bareword "SCM_REVISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Bareword "SCM_MAJVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Bareword "SCM_MINVERSION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Bareword "SCM_REVISION" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/DB.pm line 93. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Booking/IV.pm line 29. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10_basic.t line 13. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 44) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 44) line 2. not ok 5 - use EB::Booking::BKM; # Failed test (t/10_basic.t at line 14) # Tried to use 'EB::Booking::BKM'. # Error: Bareword "BTWTARIEF_HOOG" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Booking.pm line 167. # Bareword "BTWTARIEF_LAAG" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Booking.pm line 167. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Report/Journal.pm line 26. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10_basic.t line 14. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Booking/BKM.pm line 32. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Booking/BKM.pm line 32. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 45) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 45) line 2. Undefined subroutine &main::findlib called at t/10_basic.t line 20. # Looks like you planned 11 tests but only ran 5. # Looks like your test died just after 5. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 2-11 Failed 10/11 tests, 9.09% okay t/20_dates..........Bareword "LC_MESSAGES" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Locale.pm line 39. Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB.pm line 50. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB.pm line 53. Compilation failed in require at t/20_dates.t line 7. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20_dates.t line 7. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) t/80_postgresql.....1..4 ok 1 - use DBI; ok 2 # skip DBI PostgreSQL driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 3 # skip DBI PostgreSQL driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 4 # skip DBI PostgreSQL driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok, 3/4 skipped: DBI PostgreSQL driver (DBD::Pg) not installed t/81_sqlite.........1..4 ok 1 - use DBI; not ok 2 - DBD::SQLite version = 1.08, should be at least 1.13 # Failed test (t/81_sqlite.t at line 19) ok 3 - Database Connect ok 4 - Check databases # Looks like you failed 1 test of 4. dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 2 Failed 1/4 tests, 75.00% okay t/90_ivp............1..41 ok 1 - use IPC::Run3; ok 2 - use EB::Config; not ok 3 - use EB; # Failed test (t/90_ivp.t at line 12) # Tried to use 'EB'. # Error: Bareword "LC_MESSAGES" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Locale.pm line 39. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB.pm line 50. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/90_ivp.t line 12. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 10) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 10) line 2. ok 4 - use File::Copy; ok 5 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 6 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 7 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 8 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 9 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 10 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 11 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 12 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 13 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 14 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 15 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 16 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 17 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 18 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 19 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 20 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 21 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 22 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 23 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 24 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 25 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 26 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 27 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 28 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 29 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 30 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 31 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 32 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 33 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 34 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 35 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 36 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 37 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 38 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 39 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 40 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed ok 41 # skip DBI postgres driver (DBD::Pg) not installed # Looks like you failed 1 test of 41. dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 3 Failed 1/41 tests, 97.56% okay (-37 skipped tests: 3 okay, 7.32%) t/91_ivp_sqlite.....1..41 ok 1 - use IPC::Run3; ok 2 - use EB::Config; not ok 3 - use EB; # Failed test (t/91_ivp_sqlite.t at line 12) # Tried to use 'EB'. # Error: Bareword "LC_MESSAGES" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB/Locale.pm line 39. # Compilation failed in require at /home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/EekBoek/blib/lib/EB.pm line 50. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/91_ivp_sqlite.t line 12. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 10) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 10) line 2. ok 4 - use File::Copy; Undefined subroutine &main::findlib called at t/91_ivp_sqlite.t line 42. # Looks like you planned 41 tests but only ran 4. # Looks like your test died just after 4. dubious Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) DIED. FAILED tests 3, 5-41 Failed 38/41 tests, 7.32% okay Format STDOUT redefined at (eval 17) line 1. Failed Test Status Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/10_basic.t 255 65280 11 10 90.91% 2-11 t/20_dates.t 255 65280 ?? ?? % ?? t/81_sqlite.t 1 256 4 1 25.00% 2 t/90_ivp.t 1 256 41 1 2.44% 3 t/91_ivp_sqlite.t 255 65280 41 38 92.68% 3, 5-41 40 subtests skipped. Failed 5/6 test scripts, 16.67% okay. 50/101 subtests failed, 50.50% okay.