WARNING: perl versions prior to 5.8 are untested and may have problems. Now let's see what we can find out about your system (logfiles of failing tests are available in the conf/ dir)... Looking for _getpty()...... not found. Looking for getpt()........ FOUND. Looking for grantpt()...... FOUND. Looking for openpty()...... FOUND. Looking for ptsname()...... FOUND. Looking for ptsname_r().... FOUND. Looking for sigaction().... FOUND. Looking for strlcpy()...... not found. Looking for ttyname()...... FOUND. Looking for unlockpt()..... FOUND. Looking for libutil.h...... not found. Looking for pty.h.......... FOUND. Looking for sys/pty.h...... not found. Looking for sys/ptyio.h.... not found. Looking for sys/stropts.h.. FOUND. Looking for termio.h....... FOUND. Looking for termios.h...... FOUND. Looking for util.h......... not found. Checking which symbols compile OK... (sorry for the tedious check, but some systems have not too clean header files, to say the least; '+' means OK, '-' means not defined and '*' has compile problems...) +B0 +B110 +B115200 +B1200 +B134 +B150 -B153600 +B1800 +B19200 +B200 +B230400 +B2400 +B300 -B307200 +B38400 +B460800 +B4800 +B50 +B57600 +B600 +B75 -B76800 +B9600 +BRKINT +BS0 +BS1 +BSDLY +CBAUD -CBAUDEXT +CBRK -CCTS_OFLOW -CDEL +CDSUSP +CEOF +CEOL -CEOL2 +CEOT +CERASE -CESC +CFLUSH +CIBAUD -CIBAUDEXT +CINTR