Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Class\ Writing d:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\auto\Class\Bits\.packlist Appending installation info to d:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib/perllocal.pod ......ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=20, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) nge [0, 4294967295] at t\1.t line 47 value -1 for Bar::foo out of range [0, 4294967295] at t\1.t line 49 value 4294967295 for Bar::doz out of range [0, 65535] at t\1.t line 59 value -1 for Bar::doz out of range [0, 65535] at t\1.t line 61