Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Geography::Country::Utils cp lib/Geography/Country/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\ cp lib/Geography/Country/FIPS/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\FIPS\ cp lib/Geography/Country/TZ/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\TZ\ cp lib/Geography/Country/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\ cp lib/Geography/Country/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\ cp lib/Geography/Country/ blib\lib\Geography\Country\ D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\bin\perl.exe -Mblib -Id:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib -Id:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib -e "use Test::Harness qw(&runUsing D:/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Geography-Country-Utilt\0fips."Name"ok t\1capital....ok t\2dial.......ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=13, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) t (eval 2) line 1 "iso2fips" is not exported by the Geography::Country::Dial module at (eval 2) line 1 "fips2iso" is not exported by the Geography::Country::Dial module at (eval 2) line 1 "Name" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS::Capitals module at (eval 4) line 1 "Code" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS::Capitals module at (eval 4) line 1 "iso2fips" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS::Capitals module at (eval 4) line 1 "fips2iso" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS::Capitals module at (eval 4) line 1 "Name" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 "Code" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 "iso2fips" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 "fips2iso" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 "Capital" is not exported by the Geography::Country::Dial module at (eval 2) line 1 "Capital" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS module at (eval 3) line 1 "Capital" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 "dialcode" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS module at (eval 3) line 1 "dialcode" is not exported by the Geography::Country::FIPS::Capitals module at (eval 4) line 1 "dialcode" is not exported by the Geography::Country::TZ module at (eval 5) line 1 Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\TZ\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\Geography\Country\FIPS\ Writing d:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\site\lib\auto\Geography\Country\Utils\.packlist Appending installation info to d:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib/perllocal.pod