Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Text::Capitalize cp blib\lib\Text\ Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\bin\perl.exe -Mblib -Id:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib -Id:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\lib -e "use Test::Harness qw(&runUsing D:/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Text-Capitalize/blib # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: ' ...hUh? ' # expected: ' ...HUh? ' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: ' VEry SPACey ' # expected: ' vEry spaCey ' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: '"but so!", sayeTH i' # expected: '"bUt so!", SAyEth I' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: ''for nOT!', hE SAid.' # expected: ''FoR NOT!', hE SAid.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: '-- ACK, Ack, BANG!' # expected: '-- ACk, ACK, bAng!' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.tdubious Test returned status 73 (wstat 18688, 0x4900) DIED. FAILED tests 2-74 Failed 73/75 tests, 2.67% okay t\009-scramble_case...............................dubious Test returned status 72 (wstat 18432, 0x4800) DIED. FAILED tests 2-15, 17-74 Failed 72/75 tests, 4.00% okay Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t\008-random_case.t 73 18688 75 73 97.33% 2-74 t\009-scramble_case.t 72 18432 75 72 96.00% 2-15 17-74 got: 'Ah hA: anD So foRTh' # expected: 'AH ha: AND SO ForTh' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'AnD MOrE. AnD StiLl MORe.' # expected: 'And morE. ANd STILL more.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'anD SO ThEy TrAmpED On ThRoUgH tHe nigHt. trAMp. TrAMP. tramp. tRamP. trAMp. TrAMp. tRAmp...' # expected: 'AnD SO ThEY TRAmpEd on tHROUGh tHe NIghT. trAmp. TramP. TramP. TRAMP. Tramp. TramP. trAMp...' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'And thE Rest IS SIlEnCE...' # expected: 'AnD THe Rest Is SIlEnce...' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'AS I EBb'd wItH THe OcEAN Of LIfe' # expected: 'as i EBb'D wITH ThE OCeaN of life' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ask nOT' # expected: 'asK nOT' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'beAT! beaT! DRuMs!' # expected: 'beaT! beAt! DRUMs!' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'barON voN ArnHEIm's reVenge' # expected: 'bARon vON aRNHEim's rEvEngE' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'DoOdz I am So THeRE! nOT.' # expected: 'DoODz i Am so tHEre! NOT.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'dIdAKtISCHE ÜbErLEGUNGEN/ErfahRUNGsBERichT übER dEn ComputereInsaTZ im gEiStESwiSsENSCHafTlIcHEn UnTERRIcHT AM BsP. "hISTORISchE zEiTUng"' # expected: 'DiDAKtIsCHe ÜbERLeGUNgEn/eRfAhRUNGsBericht üBER deN coMpUTerEInsatZ iM GEistESWIsSenSchafTLichEN UntErricHT Am BSP. "hIsToRIsChE zEitUNG"' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'doCuMenT. tEst. coDe. rEpEAT.' # expected: 'doCumeNt. tesT. CoDe. rEpEAt.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ErraTIC sPACinG: YOUR KEy To cReATiVITY ' # expected: 'erRaTIc spaCiNg: yOur KEY To CReatIvITY ' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'explICAciÓn DÉl sIgniFICADO de LOS TéRmINOs UtILiZados EN "dOn qUiJote", pOr CapíTUlo.' # expected: 'ExPlIcACIón dÉL SIGNIFICadO de LOS tÉRmiNos UtIlIZAdoS eN "dON QuIJote", pOr CApíTuLO.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'FrOM penT-UP ACHiNg rIVERS' # expected: 'FROm pENT-Up AChInG rIVeRS' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'hElL'S SWELlS' # expected: 'heLL's SweLLS' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'IN The BEgINNINg... WAS THE gLoBAL-sET-KeY' # expected: 'in The BEGINNING... wAs THe GloBAL-SeT-keY' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'MR. wOng aND DR. aNd rePOrt' # expected: 'mr. woNg AND dr. aND rEPorT' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'one'S sELF I sInG' # expected: 'one's SelF i sing' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'PAin--has AN ELEmEnt Of bLaNK' # expected: 'Pain--HaS aN EleMEnt Of bLanK' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ping... PInG... piNg... PONG!' # expected: 'PiNg... PinG... piNG... Pong!' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'qUInn wEaVeR, AGeNT oF SFPuG' # expected: 'QUINn WeAvER, aGEnt Of SFPug' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'SCIeNtiFIC StudY Of THE SO-CAllEd PSychICAl PrOCEsseS In the highEr ANImaLs' # expected: 'SCieNTIFic StUDy Of THE SO-CalleD psYchICaL pROCeSsES iN THe HigHEr AnIMalS' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'TlaS i havE knowN aND loveD' # expected: 'TLaS I haVE KNOwN AnD lOvED' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tHE 13 cloCKs' # expected: 'tHe 13 ClOcKs' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tHe 4 FalSe wEAPoNS' # expected: 'ThE 4 FAlsE WEapoNS' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tHE neXT IMaC: JUsT AnotHer nEXt?' # expected: 'tHe NeXT imac: JUSt aNOTher NeXt?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ThE RunnInG-doWn oF tHE unIveRsE' # expected: 'The ruNNING-DOwN of ThE unIvErsE' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'thE wouND-dResSEr' # expected: 'THE woUNd-DrEsSER' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ThE wInD whISPeRS "buT!"' # expected: 'tHe winD WHiSPeRS "But!"' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tIS Called PERseRverEnCE In a goOd causE, AnD OBstinACy IN a Bad onE.' # expected: 'tis CaLleD PerserveREnCe IN A gooD Cause, AND oBSTinacY IN a BAd ONE.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'wHat aBOUT: a aN the aND OR nor For BuT so yET nOT To oF by aT FOr BUt In, hUh?' # expected: 'wHat aBouT: a An the aND oR nOr FOr BUT SO YET NOt to of BY at FOr buT iN, huh?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'wHen i heArd thE LeArN'D AStrONomer' # expected: 'wHen i hEARD The Learn'd aSTRONoMEr' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'why? weLL, WHy noT?' # expected: 'WhY? WEll, Why Not?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'A briEF HistoRy Of the WOrD of' # expected: 'a bRiEF HIsTory OF THE Word Of' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'a hIsTory Of n.A.S.A.' # expected: 'a hISTORY OF n.A.S.a.' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'A lABORAtory OF tHe opeN FieLDS' # expected: 'a laborATORY OF THe oPen FIELds' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'a THEOrY I Have' # expected: 'A theORY I have' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'aND/OR tEstIfIeD it ShALl BE' # expected: 'anD/or TeSTified IT shall be' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'cHORds agAinSt CuLture -- COuNter-SExIST TheMes IN The LATEr WorKs of feTAL tisSUe klEeneX' # expected: 'ChOrdS agaINSt CUlTuRE -- cOUntER-sexiSt THemEs IN thE LaTEr wORKs Of fETal TiSSUE KLEEnex' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'FoRgET GIlROY, a. sNakhAusEM WaS HErE' # expected: 'FORGeT GIlROY, a. snAKhauSEM WAS heRE' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'HeY DOC THe tIckeR is hockED, tHe dial is LOCKED, THe FACE Is BoTOXEd, whazZuP?' # expected: 'Hey DOC ThE tICker IS hockeD, THE Dial iS LocKeD, THE fACe is botOxEd, wHAzzUp?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'hIstORY oF THe gORt-VERADa-nICtU movIng COmpaNy' # expected: 'hIstOry Of The gOrT-VERaDA-Nictu moVINg cOMPANY' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'How sHouLD One read a BooK?' # expected: 'hOW SHoulD ONe read a BOok?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'Ice9COUNT0' # expected: 'ice9cOUnT0' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'IT came fRoM TExAS: THE New NEW WorLd oRdeR?' # expected: 'iT Came froM texaS: ThE nEW NEw WOrlD OrdeR?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'iT's THe MaN's, You KnoW?' # expected: 'it'S THe MAN'S, YOu KnoW?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'KilL 'EM ALL' # expected: 'kiLl 'EM AlL' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'MAchINe13' # expected: 'MACHinE13' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'MO' betA-TestIng' # expected: 'MO' beta-TesTinG' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'of BEaUty' # expected: 'of BeaUTY' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'on StYLE' # expected: 'oN STYlE' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'OÙ L'on DéCOUVRe Une éPoQUE À tRaveRs L'OeuVRE ImPoSANTe D'HOnORÉ De BalZAc' # expected: 'oÙ L'on DÉcouvRe UnE éPoquE À TrAverS l'oeUvrE IMpoSaNtE d'honorÉ DE BALZAC' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'PoiksIficiZaLATIONoRYISm' # expected: 'POikSIFicizalatIoNORyISM' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 's.a.d. daYs t.a.n. SHADeS' # expected: 's.A.D. dAYS T.A.N. sHADEs' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'sarcASm YET noT HUmoR' # expected: 'SarcAsM yET not hUmor' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'SaRCASm, Yet' # expected: 'SaRcAsM, yET' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'saY "BUt!", SaY wHat?' # expected: 'SAy "BuT!", sAy whAt?' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'THE dirty 27' # expected: 'tHE dIRTY 27' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'thE eNd Of The drEam: thREe-HolEd bUtTON MaNUFActUre iN a foUR-HoLED woRld' # expected: 'tHE enD OF tHe DREAM: THREE-hOLeD butTON ManufacTuRe In a foUR-hoLEd woRLd' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ThE N.A.S.A. SuCKS Rag' # expected: 'The n.A.s.A. SUckS Rag' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'YET BY and bY BUT In foR To' # expected: 'yEt bY and BY BuT In fOr TO' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'yOU'RE WROnG, it DoEsn'T fLy, it'S NoT tHere AnD ThEy'RE lOsT, So you'D betTer nOT' # expected: 'YOu'RE wROng, It DoeSN't FLY, IT's nOT tHEre anD thEY'rE LOSt, so yOU'd BEtteR not' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'évÊquE, QU'iL eÛT Aimé VoIR INfLiGER À cEux qUi ONt AbdiQUé, J'ai ÉtÉ Reçu, ANd pePe LE PeAu' # expected: 'évÊQue, Qu'iL eûT AIMÉ vOiR inflIgER à ceux quI onT AbdiQué, J'aI éTé REçU, and pepe lE peaU' # Failed test (t\008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'üBER MaUs' # expected: 'ÜbeR mAuS' # Looks like you failed 73 tests of 75. # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: ' ...huh? ' # expected: ' ...hUh? ' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: ' VEry SPACey ' # expected: ' vEry spACey ' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: '"but so!", sAyeTH i' # expected: '"bUt so!", SAyEth I' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: ''for nOT!', hE SAid.' # expected: ''FoR NOT!', hE Said.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: '-- aCK, ack, BAnG!' # expected: '-- ACk, ACk, bang!' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: '...AND justiCE FOr alL' # expected: '...aNd JUsTICe fOr All' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: '...NOr losT, NOR FOund' # expected: '...nOr losT, noR FOuNd' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: '10 LiTtLE-eNDiAns' # expected: '10 LIttle-ENDiANS' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'aWOL iN The dMz Of WwIii' # expected: 'Awol In THE dmZ OF WwiiI' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ah HA: anD So foRTh' # expected: 'Ah ha: AND SO forTh' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'AnD MOrE. anD StiLl MORe.' # expected: 'And moRE. And STIlL more.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'anD SO ThEy TrAmpED On ThRoUgH tHe nigHt. trAMp. TrAMP. traMp. tRamP. TrAMp. TrAMp. tRAmp...' # expected: 'AnD So ThEY TRAmpEd on tHROUGh tHe NIghT. tramp. TramP. TramP. TRAMP. Tramp. TramP. trAMp...' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'And thE ReSt IS SIlEnCE...' # expected: 'And The Rest Is SIlEnce...' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'As i EBb'd wItH THe OcEAN Of LIfe' # expected: 'as i EBb'D wITH ThE OCeaN of life' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'beAT! beaT! DRuMs!' # expected: 'beAT! beAt! DRUMs!' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'barON voN ArnHEIm's reVenge' # expected: 'bARon vON aRNHEim's rEvEngE' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'DoOdz I am So THeRE! nOT.' # expected: 'doODz i Am so THEre! NOT.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'dIdAKtIsCHE übErLEgUNGEN/erfahRUnGsbERichT übER dEn ComputereInSaTZ im gEiStESwiSsENSCHafTlIcHEn UnTERRIcHT Am BsP. "hIStORISchE zEiTUng"' # expected: 'DiDAktIsCHe ÜbERleGUNgEn/erfAhrUNGsbericHt üBER deN coMpUTerEInsatZ IM GeistESWIsSenSchafTLichEN UntErricHT Am BSP. "hIsToRIsChE zEitUNG"' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'doCuMenT. tEst. coDe. rEpEAT.' # expected: 'doCumeNt. tesT. CoDe. rEpEAt.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ErraTIC sPACinG: YOUR KEy To creATiVITY ' # expected: 'erRaTIc SpaCiNg: yOUr KEY To CReatIvITY ' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'exPlICAciÓn Dél sIgniFICADO de LOS TéRmINOs UtILiZados EN "dOn qUiJote", pOr CapíTUlo.' # expected: 'ExPlicACIón DÉL SiGNiFICadO de LOS tÉRmiNos UtIlIZAdoS eN "dON QuIJote", pOr CApíTuLO.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'FrOM penT-UP AChiNg rIVERS' # expected: 'FrOm pEnT-Up AChIng rIVeRS' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'hElL'S sWELlS' # expected: 'heLL's SweLLS' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'iN the BEgINNiNg... WAs THE gLoBAL-sET-KeY' # expected: 'in The BEGINNinG... wAs THe gloBAL-SeT-keY' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'MR. wOng aND DR. aNd repOrt' # expected: 'mr. woNg AND dr. aND rEporT' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'one'S sELF I sInG' # expected: 'onE's SelF i sinG' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'pAin--hAs AN ELEmEnt Of bLaNK' # expected: 'Pain--HaS aN EleMEnt Of bLanK' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ping... PING... piNg... PONG!' # expected: 'piNg... PiNG... piNG... Pong!' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'qUInn wEaVeR, AGeNt oF SFPug' # expected: 'QUinn WeAvER, aGEnt Of SFPug' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'sCIentiFIC StudY Of THE SO-CAllEd PSychICAl prOCesseS In the highEr ANImaLs' # expected: 'SCieNTIfic StUDy Of THE SO-Called psYchICaL pROCeSsES iN THe higHEr AnIMalS' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tlaS i havE KNowN aND loveD' # expected: 'TLas I haVE KnOwN anD lOveD' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHE 13 cloCKs' # expected: 'tHe 13 ClOcKs' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHe 4 FalSE wEAPoNS' # expected: 'ThE 4 FAlse WEapoNS' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHE neXT ImaC: JusT anotHer nEXt?' # expected: 'tHe NeXT imac: JUSt aNOTher NeXt?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ThE RunnInG-doWN oF tHE unIveRsE' # expected: 'The ruNNING-DOwN of thE unIversE' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'thE wouND-DResSEr' # expected: 'tHE woUNd-drEsSER' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ThE wInD whISPeRS "buT!"' # expected: 'tHe winD WHISPeRS "But!"' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tIS called PERseRveREnCE In a goOd causE, AnD OBstinACy IN a Bad onE.' # expected: 'tis CaLleD PerserveRENCe IN A gooD Cause, AND OBSTInacY IN a BAd ONE.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'wHat aBOUT: a aN the aND OR nor For BuT so yET nOT to oF by aT FOr BUt In, hUh?' # expected: 'wHat aBouT: a An the aND oR NOR FOr BUT SO YET NOt to of BY at FOr buT iN, huh?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'wHen i heArd thE LeArN'D AStrONomer' # expected: 'wHen i hEARd The Learn'd aSTRONoMEr' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'whY? weLL, WHy NoT?' # expected: 'WhY? wEll, Why Not?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'a bRiEF HisToRy Of the WOrD of' # expected: 'a bRiEF HIsTory OF THE Word Of' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'a hIsTOry Of n.A.S.A.' # expected: 'a hISTORY OF n.A.S.a.' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'A lABoRatory OF tHe opeN FieLDS' # expected: 'a labORATORY of The oPen FIELds' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'a THEOrY I Have' # expected: 'a thEORY I have' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'aNd/Or tEsTIfIeD it ShALl BE' # expected: 'anD/or TeSTified IT shalL be' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'cHORds agAinSt CuLture -- COuNter-SExIST TheMes In The LATEr WorKs of feTAL tisSUe klEeneX' # expected: 'chOrdS AgaINSt CUlTuRE -- cOUntER-sexiSt THeMEs IN thE LaTEr wORKs Of fETal TiSSUE KLEenex' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'FoRgET gIlROY, a. sNakhAusEM WaS HerE' # expected: 'FORgeT GilRoY, a. snAKhauSEM WAS heRe' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'HeY DOc THe tIckeR is hockED, THe DiAl is LOCKED, THe FACE Is BoTOXEd, whazZuP?' # expected: 'Hey DOC ThE tICker IS hockeD, THE Dial iS LocKeD, THE FACe is botOxEd, wHAzzUp?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'hIstORy oF THe gORt-VERADa-nICtU movIng COmpaNy' # expected: 'hIstOry Of The gOrT-VERaDA-Nictu moVINg cOMPaNy' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'how SHouLD One read A BooK?' # expected: 'hOW SHoulD ONe read a BOok?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Ice9COUNt0' # expected: 'ice9cOUnT0' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'iT came fRoM TExAS: THE New NEW WorLd oRdeR?' # expected: 'iT CamE froM tExAS: ThE nEW NEw WOrlD OrdeR?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'iT's THe Man's, You KnoW?' # expected: 'it'S THe MAN'S, YOu KnoW?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'KilL 'EM ALL' # expected: 'kiLl 'EM AlL' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'MachINe13' # expected: 'mACHinE13' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Mo' bETA-TestIng' # expected: 'mO' beta-TesTinG' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'of BeaUty' # expected: 'of BeaUTY' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'on STYLE' # expected: 'oN STYlE' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'OÙ L'on DéCOuVRe Une éPoQUE à tRaveRs L'OeuVRE ImPoSANTe D'HOnORÉ De BalZAc' # expected: 'oÙ L'on DÉcouvRe UnE éPoquE À TrAverS l'oeUvrE IMpoSaNtE d'honorÉ DE BALZAC' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'PoikSIficIZaLATIONoRYism' # expected: 'pOikSIFicizalAtIoNORyISM' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 's.a.d. daYs t.a.n. SHADeS' # expected: 's.A.D. dAYS T.A.N. sHADEs' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'sarcASm YET noT HUmoR' # expected: 'SarcAsM yET not hUmor' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'saRCAsm, Yet' # expected: 'saRcAsM, yET' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'saY "BUt!", SaY wHat?' # expected: 'Say "BuT!", sAy wHAt?' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHE dirty 27' # expected: 'tHE dIrTY 27' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'thE ENd Of The dREam: thREe-HolEd bUtTON MaNUFActUre iN a foUR-HoLED woRld' # expected: 'tHE enD OF tHe DReAM: THrEE-hOleD butTON ManufacTuRe In a FoUR-hoLEd woRLd' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'The N.A.S.A. SuCkS Rag' # expected: 'The n.A.s.A. SUckS Rag' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'YeT By and bY BUT in foR To' # expected: 'yEt bY And BY BuT In fOr TO' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'yOU'RE wROnG, it DoEsn'T fLy, it'S NoT tHere AnD ThEy'RE lOsT, so you'D betTer nOT' # expected: 'You'RE wROng, It DoeSN't FLY, IT's nOt tHEre anD thEY'rE LOSt, so yOU'd BEtteR not' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'évÊquE, QU'iL eÛT Aimé VoIR INfLiGER À cEux qUi ONt AbdiQUé, J'ai ÉtÉ Reçu, ANd pePe LE PeAu' # expected: 'évÊQue, Qu'iL eûT AIMÉ vOiR inflIgER à ceux quI onT AbdIQué, J'aI éTé REçU, and pepe lE peaU' # Failed test (t\009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'üBEr MaUs' # expected: 'übeR mAuS' # Looks like you failed 72 tests of 75. Failed 2/9 test scripts, 77.78% okay. 145/609 subtests failed, 76.19% okay. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\cpanrun\build\5-6-1\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x48' Stop.