Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: Makefile Please inform the author. Writing Makefile for Test::TAP::Model cp lib/Test/TAP/ blib/lib/Test/TAP/ cp lib/Test/TAP/Model/ blib/lib/Test/TAP/Model/ cp lib/Test/TAP/Model/ blib/lib/Test/TAP/Model/ cp lib/Test/TAP/Model/ blib/lib/Test/TAP/Model/ cp blib/lib/Test/TAP/ cp lib/Test/TAP/Model/File/ blib/lib/Test/TAP/Model/File/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::Model::File.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::Model.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::Model::Consolidated.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::Model::Subtest.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::example.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::TAP::Model::File::Consolidated.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic............1..35 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 3 - The object isa Test::Harness::Straps ok 4 - Test::TAP::Model->can('start_file') ok 5 - The object isa HASH ok 6 - keys of structure ok 7 - one test file ok 8 - keys of file hash ok 9 - three events ok 10 - first event is a test ok 11 - it passed ok 12 - no diagnosis ok 13 - second event is a test ok 14 - it failed ok 15 - it has diagnosis ok 16 - third event is a test ok 17 - it's a todo test ok 18 - it has diagnosis ok 19 - one test file ok 20 - first subtest has no diag ok 21 - second subtest does have diag ok 22 - file wide results also exist ok 23 - total of three tests ok 24 - two tests ok ok 25 - file did not pass ok 26 - Test::TAP::Model dies when calling get_tests() ok 27 - Test::TAP::Model dies when calling run() ok 28 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 29 - The object isa Test::Harness::Straps ok 30 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 31 - The object isa Test::Harness::Straps ok 32 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 33 - The object isa Test::Harness::Straps ok 34 - The object isa HASH ok 35 - Test latest_event with parameters ok t/comprehensive....1..122 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model; ok 2 - suite OK ok 3 - one file ok 4 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::File ok 5 - file is ok ok 6 - file did not bail out ok 7 - no pre diag ok 8 - two subtests ok 9 - 1 ok ok 10 - 1 skip ok 11 - reason ok 12 - 2 ok ok 13 - 2 not skip ok 14 - one file ok 15 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::File ok 16 - missing subtests after bailout are stubbed ok 17 - whole run is not ok ok 18 - file is not ok ok 19 - file bailed out ok 20 - first case is ok ok 21 - but not second ok 22 - 1 test, actually ok 23 - no stubs ok 24 - one file ok 25 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::File ok 26 - actual cases ok 27 - number planned ok 28 - file as a whole is not ok ok 29 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::Subtest ok 30 - 1 ok ok 31 - not todo ok 32 - actual ok ok 33 - normal ok 34 - 2 nok -> nok ok 35 - not todo ok 36 - actual nok ok 37 - not normal ok 38 - 3 nok todo -> ok ok 39 - todo ok 40 - actual nok ok 41 - normal ok 42 - 4 ok todo -> ok ok 43 - todo ok 44 - actual ok ok 45 - not normal ok 46 - one file ok 47 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::File ok 48 - whole file was skipped ok 49 - no test cases ok 50 - ratio for file is 1 ok 51 - for suite too ok 52 - two test files ok 53 - suite as a whole is not ok ok 54 - first file not ok ok 55 - second file ok ok 56 - first file ratio ok 57 - second file ratio ok 58 - total ratio ok 59 - ratio alias also works ok 60 - percentage of file ok 61 - percentage is well formatted ok 62 - file 0 ok in list context ok 63 - file 0 ok in scalar context ok 64 - file 1 ok in list context ok 65 - file 1 ok in scalar context ok 66 - total ok ok 67 - file 0 seen in list context ok 68 - file 0 seen in scalar context ok 69 - file 1 seen in list context ok 70 - file 1 seen in scalar context ok 71 - total seen ok 72 - file 0 nok in list context ok 73 - file 0 nok in scalar context ok 74 - file 1 nok in list context ok 75 - file 1 nok in scalar context ok 76 - total nok ok 77 - file 0 unexpectedly_succeeded in list context ok 78 - file 0 unexpectedly_succeeded in scalar context ok 79 - file 1 unexpectedly_succeeded in list context ok 80 - file 1 unexpectedly_succeeded in scalar context ok 81 - total unexpectedly_succeeded ok 82 - file 0 skipped in list context ok 83 - file 0 skipped in scalar context ok 84 - file 1 skipped in list context ok 85 - file 1 skipped in scalar context ok 86 - total skipped ok 87 - file 0 todo in list context ok 88 - file 0 todo in scalar context ok 89 - file 1 todo in list context ok 90 - file 1 todo in scalar context ok 91 - total todo ok 92 - suite isn't ok yet ok 93 - no tests planned ok 94 - but 3 tests seen ok 95 - suite ok ok 96 - plan at end registered ok 97 - but 3 tests seen ok 98 - str contains 1/0 ok 99 - suite not ok ok 100 - two planned ok 101 - actually seen 3 ok 102 - seen 3 ok 103 - case 1 was planned ok 104 - case 3 was unplanned ok 105 - suite not ok ok 106 - no cases in file ok 107 - it bailed out ok 108 - file ratio is 0 ok 109 - suite ratio is 0 ok 110 - suite is OK ok 111 - diagnosis before tests ok 112 - one case ok 113 - diagnosis belonging to case 1 ok 114 - suite is not OK ok 115 - ratio is 0 ok 116 - zero percent ok 117 - one file ok 118 - file is not OK ok 119 - no cases ok 120 - no plan either ok 121 - ratio is 0 ok 122 - zero percent ok t/consolidate......1..22 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model::Consolidated; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::Consolidated ok 3 - both tests are OK ok 4 - one test file within ok 5 - 4 passing subtests ok 6 - 4 subtests altogether ok 7 - ok/nok ratio is 1:1 ok 8 - composite file is consistent ok 9 - both tests not OK together ok 10 - 3 passing subtests ok 11 - 4 subtests altogether ok 12 - ok/nok ratio is 3:4 ok 13 - composite file is not consistent ok 14 - composite file has 2 subfiles ok 15 - two cases in first ok 16 - 50% success in first ok 17 - two cases in second ok 18 - 100% success in first ok 19 - first subcase of first is OK ok 20 - second subcase of first is not OK ok 21 - first subcase of second is OK ok 22 - second subcase of second is OK ok t/oop_file.........1..16 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model::File; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::File ok 3 - failed ok 4 - passed ok 5 - alias ok 6 - negation ok 7 - not all skipped ok 8 - all skipped ok 9 - 3 planned ok 10 - but two seen ok 11 - 10 of these passed ok 12 - 2 failed ok 13 - none are todo ok 14 - none are todo ok 15 - two todo ok 16 - 13 skipped ok t/oop_subtest......1..21 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model::Subtest; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model::Subtest ok 3 - ok ok 4 - actual_ok ok 5 - failed ok 6 - skipped ok 7 - todo ok 8 - number ok 9 - line ok 10 - line ok 11 - reason ok 12 - pos ok 13 - pos hack file ok 14 - pos hack line ok 15 - pos hack col ok 16 - ok ok 17 - actual_ok ok 18 - failed ok 19 - skipped ok 20 - todo ok 21 - stringification ok t/pos_guessing.....1..12 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 3 - suite passed ok 4 - file of 1 ok 5 - line of 1 ok 6 - col of 1 not ok 7 - file of 2 # TODO use Regexp::Common quoted parsing # Failed (TODO) test 'file of 2' # at t/pos_guessing.t line 32. # got: '"gorch' # expected: 'gorch.t' ok 8 - line of 2 ok 9 - no clumn ok 10 - file of 3 ok 11 - line of 1 ok 12 - col of 1 ok t/serializable.....1..6 ok 1 - use Test::TAP::Model; ok 2 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 3 - Test::TAP::Model->can('structure') ok 4 - The object isa Test::TAP::Model ok 5 - structures are the same ok 6 - test file count is too ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=234, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.75 cusr + 0.21 csys = 0.96 CPU) Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/example.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/Model.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/Model/Consolidated.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/Model/File.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/Model/Subtest.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/html/site/lib/Test/TAP/Model/File/Consolidated.html Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/Model/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/Model/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/Model/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/Test/TAP/Model/File/ Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::example.3 Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::Model.3 Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::Model::Consolidated.3 Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::Model::File.3 Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::Model::File::Consolidated.3 Installing /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/man/man3/Test::TAP::Model::Subtest.3 Appending installation info to /Users/cpanrun/build/5.8.8/lib/5.8.8/darwin-thread-multi-2level/perllocal.pod