Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Text::Capitalize cp blib/lib/Text/ Manifying blib/man3/Text::Capitalize.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/cpanrun/pristine/5.8.7/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/001-load........................................ok t/002-captitle-default............................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/003-captitle-preserve_whitespace................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/004-captitle-preserve_allcaps...................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/005-captitle-preserve_anycaps...................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/006-captitle-preserve_allcaps_and_whitespace....For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/007-captitle-preserve_anycaps_and_whitespace....For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü ok 4/76 skipped: various reasons t/008-random_case.................................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for à For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ç For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ê For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ù For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for û For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'DoCUMeNt. tESt. CoDE. RePeAt.' # expected: 'doCumeNt. tesT. CoDe. rEpEAt.' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'eRRATiC spaciNg: youR keY tO CReATIVity ' # expected: 'erRaTIc spaCiNg: yOur KEY To CReatIvITY ' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'FrOm Pent-UP acHInG rIvers' # expected: 'FROm pENT-Up AChInG rIVeRS' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'HELL's SWells' # expected: 'heLL's SweLLS' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'In tHE BeGInNinG... wAs tHe GlobAL-SeT-Key' # expected: 'in The BEGINNING... wAs THe GloBAL-SeT-keY' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'Mr. wong aND dr. AnD rEPoRt' # expected: 'mr. woNg AND dr. aND rEPorT' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'oNE'S sElF I SiNG' # expected: 'one's SelF i sing' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'Pain--HAS An eLeMeNT of bLANK' # expected: 'Pain--HaS aN EleMEnt Of bLanK' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'PING... pINg... PInG... ponG!' # expected: 'PiNg... PinG... piNG... Pong!' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'QuINN wEavER, AGeNt Of sFPUg' # expected: 'QUINn WeAvER, aGEnt Of SFPug' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'SciENtiFiC sTUDy oF THE sO-cAlLEd PsYChiCAl pRocESSes In tHE HIGHER AnImAls' # expected: 'SCieNTIFic StUDy Of THE SO-CalleD psYchICaL pROCeSsES iN THe HigHEr AnIMalS' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'TLaS i HAVe kNOwn anD loVed' # expected: 'TLaS I haVE KNOwN AnD lOvED' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'THE 13 clOCKs' # expected: 'tHe 13 ClOcKs' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'THe 4 falsE weApons' # expected: 'ThE 4 FAlsE WEapoNS' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'the nexT ImAC: JUst AnotHer NexT?' # expected: 'tHe NeXT imac: JUSt aNOTher NeXt?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tHe RunNinG-Down OF ThE uniVERSE' # expected: 'The ruNNING-DOwN of ThE unIvErsE' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'thE WoUNd-dREsseR' # expected: 'THE woUNd-DrEsSER' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'thE WinD whISPErs "bUT!"' # expected: 'tHe winD WHiSPeRS "But!"' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'Tis CALLED persERveRenCE IN A GoOd CauSE, anD oBStINaCY iN A BAD onE.' # expected: 'tis CaLleD PerserveREnCe IN A gooD Cause, AND oBSTinacY IN a BAd ONE.' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'wHAT AbOuT: A AN The AND Or nOr FOR But sO yet NoT TO OF by aT FOR BuT In, HUh?' # expected: 'wHat aBouT: a An the aND oR nOr FOr BUT SO YET NOt to of BY at FOr buT iN, huh?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'wHEn I hEARD tHE LEarn'd AstRoNomER' # expected: 'wHen i hEARD The Learn'd aSTRONoMEr' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'WHY? WElL, WhY NoT?' # expected: 'WhY? WEll, Why Not?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'a brIeF hIStORY Of THe wORd of' # expected: 'a bRiEF HIsTory OF THE Word Of' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'A History OF N.a.S.A.' # expected: 'a hISTORY OF n.A.S.a.' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'a lAbOratory OF tHE open fIELds' # expected: 'a laborATORY OF THe oPen FIELds' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'A thEORY I hAvE' # expected: 'A theORY I have' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'anD/Or TeStifieD it shAll Be' # expected: 'anD/or TeSTified IT shall be' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'cHORDS aGAINST culTurE -- cOUNtEr-SExIsT themEs In tHE LATer Works of FETAL TIsSuE KLEenEx' # expected: 'ChOrdS agaINSt CUlTuRE -- cOUntER-sexiSt THemEs IN thE LaTEr wORKs Of fETal TiSSUE KLEEnex' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ForgEt GilrOy, a. sNakhaUSeM WAS herE' # expected: 'FORGeT GIlROY, a. snAKhauSEM WAS heRE' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'hey DOC THE TIcKEr is hocked, THE DIAL Is lOckeD, The face IS Botoxed, WhazZuP?' # expected: 'Hey DOC ThE tICker IS hockeD, THE Dial iS LocKeD, THE fACe is botOxEd, wHAzzUp?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'historY Of the goRt-veRada-NICtU MoViNG CompANy' # expected: 'hIstOry Of The gOrT-VERaDA-Nictu moVINg cOMPANY' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'hOW shouLd ONe ReaD A bOoK?' # expected: 'hOW SHoulD ONe read a BOok?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'ICe9cOUNt0' # expected: 'ice9cOUnT0' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'It cAMe fRoM TEXAS: thE NEw NEW WORlD oRdeR?' # expected: 'iT Came froM texaS: ThE nEW NEw WOrlD OrdeR?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'it'S ThE Man'S, you KNOW?' # expected: 'it'S THe MAN'S, YOu KnoW?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'KIlL 'em ALl' # expected: 'kiLl 'EM AlL' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'machiNe13' # expected: 'MACHinE13' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'MO' beta-TeStiNg' # expected: 'MO' beta-TesTinG' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'OF BEAutY' # expected: 'of BeaUTY' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'On stYle' # expected: 'oN STYlE' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'pOiKsIfiCIzaLaTiOnoRyiSM' # expected: 'POikSIFicizalatIoNORyISM' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 's.A.d. DaYs T.a.N. shadEs' # expected: 's.A.D. dAYS T.A.N. sHADEs' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'sARCasm YET NoT hUMor' # expected: 'SarcAsM yET not hUmor' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'sARCAsM, yeT' # expected: 'SaRcAsM, yET' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'saY "but!", SAy WhAt?' # expected: 'SAy "BuT!", sAy whAt?' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'the dirTy 27' # expected: 'tHE dIRTY 27' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'tHE eNd Of ThE drEAm: THree-holeD BUtTON MANUFAcTUre In A FoUR-HoLED WorLD' # expected: 'tHE enD OF tHe DREAM: THREE-hOLeD butTON ManufacTuRe In a foUR-hoLEd woRLd' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'THE N.a.s.A. SucKs RAg' # expected: 'The n.A.s.A. SUckS Rag' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'yET bY AND By BUT in For tO' # expected: 'yEt bY and BY BuT In fOr TO' # Failed test (t/008-random_case.t at line 58) # got: 'yoU'RE WronG, IT DoesN't flY, IT'S nOt tHEre and THEY'RE LOST, sO You'd betTeR NoT' # expected: 'YOu'RE wROng, It DoeSN't FLY, IT's nOT tHEre anD thEY'rE LOSt, so yOU'd BEtteR not' # Looks like you failed 50 tests of 75. dubious Test returned status 50 (wstat 12800, 0x3200) DIED. FAILED tests 21-22, 24-61, 63-72 Failed 50/75 tests, 33.33% okay (less 5 skipped tests: 20 okay, 26.67%) t/009-scramble_case...............................For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for Ü For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for à For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ç For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for é For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ê For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for í For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ó For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ù For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for û For this locale, uppercase and lowercase not defined for ü # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'DoCUmeNt. tESt. coDE. RePeat.' # expected: 'doCumeNt. tesT. CoDe. rEpEAt.' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'eRRaTic spACiNg: youR keY tO CREATIvity ' # expected: 'erRaTIc SpaCiNg: yOUr KEY To CReatIvITY ' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'frOm Pent-UP acHInG rIverS' # expected: 'FrOm pEnT-Up AChIng rIVeRS' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'HeLL's SWells' # expected: 'heLL's SweLLS' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'In tHE BeginNinG... wAs tHe GlobAL-SeT-Key' # expected: 'in The BEGINNinG... wAs THe gloBAL-SeT-keY' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Mr. wong aND dr. AnD rEPoRT' # expected: 'mr. woNg AND dr. aND rEporT' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'oNe'S sElF i SiNG' # expected: 'onE's SelF i sinG' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Pain--HAS An eLemeNT of bLANK' # expected: 'Pain--HaS aN EleMEnt Of bLanK' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'pINg... pINg... PInG... ponG!' # expected: 'piNg... PiNG... piNG... Pong!' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'QuINN weavER, AGeNt of sFPUg' # expected: 'QUinn WeAvER, aGEnt Of SFPug' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'SciENtiFiC sTUDy oF THE sO-cAllEd PsYChiCal pRocESSes In tHE HIGHER AnImAls' # expected: 'SCieNTIfic StUDy Of THE SO-Called psYchICaL pROCeSsES iN THe higHEr AnIMalS' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'TLas i HAVe kNOwn anD loVed' # expected: 'TLas I haVE KnOwN anD lOveD' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'THe 13 clOCKs' # expected: 'tHe 13 ClOcKs' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHe 4 fAlsE weApons' # expected: 'ThE 4 FAlse WEapoNS' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'the nexT ImAC: JUst AnotHer NexT?' # expected: 'tHe NeXT imac: JUSt aNOTher NeXt?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHe RunNinG-Down OF ThE uniVERSE' # expected: 'The ruNNING-DOwN of thE unIversE' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'thE WoUNd-dRessER' # expected: 'tHE woUNd-drEsSER' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'thE WinD whISPers "bUT!"' # expected: 'tHe winD WHISPeRS "But!"' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Tis CAlLED persERveRenCE IN A GoOd CauSE, and oBStINaCY iN A BAD onE.' # expected: 'tis CaLleD PerserveRENCe IN A gooD Cause, AND OBSTInacY IN a BAd ONE.' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'wHaT AbOuT: A aN The AnD Or nOr FOR But sO yet NoT TO OF by aT FOR BuT In, HUh?' # expected: 'wHat aBouT: a An the aND oR NOR FOr BUT SO YET NOt to of BY at FOr buT iN, huh?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'wHEn I hEARD tHE LEarn'd AstRonomER' # expected: 'wHen i hEARd The Learn'd aSTRONoMEr' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'WHY? Well, WhY Not?' # expected: 'WhY? wEll, Why Not?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'a brIeF HIStORY Of THe wORd of' # expected: 'a bRiEF HIsTory OF THE Word Of' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'A history OF N.A.S.A.' # expected: 'a hISTORY OF n.A.S.a.' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'a lAbOratOry OF THE open fIELds' # expected: 'a labORATORY of The oPen FIELds' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'A thEORY I havE' # expected: 'a thEORY I have' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'anD/Or TeStifieD it sHALl Be' # expected: 'anD/or TeSTified IT shalL be' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'cHoRDS aGAINSt culTurE -- cOUNtEr-SExIsT themEs In tHE lATer Works of FETAL TIsSuE KLEenEx' # expected: 'chOrdS AgaINSt CUlTuRE -- cOUntER-sexiSt THeMEs IN thE LaTEr wORKs Of fETal TiSSUE KLEenex' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ForgEt GilrOy, a. sNakhaUSeM WAS herE' # expected: 'FORgeT GilRoY, a. snAKhauSEM WAS heRe' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'hey DOC THe TIckEr is hocked, THE DiAL is lOckeD, The face IS Botoxed, WhazZuP?' # expected: 'Hey DOC ThE tICker IS hockeD, THE Dial iS LocKeD, THE FACe is botOxEd, wHAzzUp?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'histOrY Of thE goRt-VeRaDa-NICtU MoViNG CompANy' # expected: 'hIstOry Of The gOrT-VERaDA-Nictu moVINg cOMPaNy' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'hOW shouLD ONe ReaD A bOoK?' # expected: 'hOW SHoulD ONe read a BOok?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'Ice9cOUNt0' # expected: 'ice9cOUnT0' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'It cAMe fRoM TEXAS: thE New NEW WoRlD oRdeR?' # expected: 'iT CamE froM tExAS: ThE nEW NEw WOrlD OrdeR?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'it'S ThE Man'S, you KNOW?' # expected: 'it'S THe MAN'S, YOu KnoW?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'KilL 'em ALl' # expected: 'kiLl 'EM AlL' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'macHiNe13' # expected: 'mACHinE13' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'MO' beta-TeStiNg' # expected: 'mO' beta-TesTinG' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'oF BEAutY' # expected: 'of BeaUTY' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'On stYle' # expected: 'oN STYlE' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'pOiKsIfiCIzaLaTiOnoRyiSM' # expected: 'pOikSIFicizalAtIoNORyISM' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 's.A.d. DaYs T.a.N. shadEs' # expected: 's.A.D. dAYS T.A.N. sHADEs' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'sARCasm YEt noT hUMor' # expected: 'SarcAsM yET not hUmor' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'sARCAsm, yeT' # expected: 'saRcAsM, yET' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'saY "but!", SAy WhAt?' # expected: 'Say "BuT!", sAy wHAt?' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'thE dirTY 27' # expected: 'tHE dIrTY 27' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'tHE eNd of ThE drEAm: THree-holeD BUtTON MANUFAcTUre In A FoUR-HoLeD WorLD' # expected: 'tHE enD OF tHe DReAM: THrEE-hOleD butTON ManufacTuRe In a FoUR-hoLEd woRLd' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'ThE N.a.s.A. SucKs RAg' # expected: 'The n.A.s.A. SUckS Rag' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'yEt bY AND By BUt in For tO' # expected: 'yEt bY And BY BuT In fOr TO' # Failed test (t/009-scramble_case.t at line 55) # got: 'yoU'RE WronG, IT DoesN't flY, IT'S nOt tHEre and THEY'RE LOST, sO You'd betTeR NoT' # expected: 'You'RE wROng, It DoeSN't FLY, IT's nOt tHEre anD thEY'rE LOSt, so yOU'd BEtteR not' # Looks like you failed 50 tests of 75. dubious Test returned status 50 (wstat 12800, 0x3200) DIED. FAILED tests 21-22, 24-61, 63-72 Failed 50/75 tests, 33.33% okay (less 5 skipped tests: 20 okay, 26.67%) Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/008-random_case.t 50 12800 75 50 66.67% 21-22 24-61 63-72 t/009-scramble_case.t 50 12800 75 50 66.67% 21-22 24-61 63-72 34 subtests skipped. Failed 2/9 test scripts, 77.78% okay. 100/609 subtests failed, 83.58% okay. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 50