Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: .cvsignore Please inform the author. Writing Makefile for Ekahau cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp blib/lib/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/Server/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Server/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/ blib/lib/Ekahau/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp Ekahau/Response/ blib/lib/Ekahau/Response/ cp examples/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp examples/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Events.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::StopLocationTrackOK.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Server.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::DeviceProperties.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::LocationContext.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::MapImage.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::AreaList.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Base.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::ErrHandler.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Server::Test.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::Error.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::License.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::StopAreaTrackOK.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::Area.3 Manifying blib/man3/Ekahau::Response::DeviceList.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01compile.....1..7 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Base; ok 2 - use Ekahau::License; ok 3 - use Ekahau; ok 4 - use Ekahau::Events; ok 5 - use Ekahau::Response; ok 6 - use Ekahau::Server; ok 7 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok t/02simple......1..7 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok 2 - use Ekahau; ok 3 - starting background server ok 4 - creating Ekahau client isa Ekahau ok 5 - getting device list ok 6 - analyzing device list ok 7 - getting device properties isa Ekahau::Response::DeviceProperties ok t/03auth........1..19 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok 2 - use Ekahau; ok 3 - starting background server 1 ok 4 - client with bad password ok 5 - wait for server 1 ok 6 - starting background server 2 ok 7 - The object isa Ekahau ok 8 - getting device list ok 9 - wait for server 2 ok 10 - starting background server 3 ok 11 - creating Ekahau client isa Ekahau ok 12 - getting device list ok 13 - wait for server 3 ok 14 - starting background server 3 ok 15 - licensed client with bad password ok 16 - wait for server 4 ok 17 - starting background server 3 ok 18 - client with bad license ok 19 - wait for server 5 ok t/04track.......1..48 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok 2 - use Ekahau; ok 3 - starting background server ok 4 - The object isa Ekahau ok 5 - correct get_device_list response ok 6 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::DeviceProperties ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate ok 9 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 15 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 20 ok 21 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 22 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 23 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 24 - area 0 name and probability ok 25 - area 1 name and probability ok 26 - area 2 probability ok 27 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 32 ok 33 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 34 - area 1 context ID ok 35 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationContext ok 36 - value of context 23456 ok 37 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate ok 40 ok 41 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate ok 42 - context id 12345 ok 43 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationContext ok 44 - value of context 12345 ok 45 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok t/05advanced....1..26 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok 2 - use Ekahau; ok 3 - starting background server ok 4 - The object isa Ekahau ok 5 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::AreaList ok 6 - Area list count ok 7 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 8 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::Area ok 9 - area 12345 properties ok 10 - area 23456 properties ok 11 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::MapImage ok 12 - size of map 12345 ok 13 - type for map 12345 ok 14 - data for map 12345 ok 15 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::MapImage ok 16 - size of map 23456 ok 17 - type for map 23456 ok 18 - data for map 23456 ok 19 - The object isa Ekahau::Response::MapImage ok 20 - size of map 34567 ok 21 - type for map 34567 ok 22 - data for map 34567 ok 23 - get_device_properties returns error correctly ok 24 - get_location_context returns error correctly ok 25 - location_track returns error correctly ok 26 - area_track returns error correctly ok t/06events......1..52 ok 1 - use Ekahau::Server::Test; ok 2 - use Ekahau::Events; ok 3 - starting background server ok 4 - The object isa Ekahau::Events ok 5 - requested device list ok 6 - register by tag ok 7 - requested device list ok 8 - unregister by tag ok 9 - requested device list ok 10 - register_once by tag ok 11 - register_once unregistered ok 12 - requested device list ok 13 - register by event ok 14 - requested device list ok 15 - register by tag and event ok 16 - requested device list ok 17 - register default event ok 18 - requested device properties ok 19 - device properties response type ok 20 - device properties response event type ok 21 - requested device properties ok 22 - area list response type ok 23 - area list response event type ok 24 - requested device properties ok 25 - get context response type ok 26 - get context response event type ok 27 - requested map image ok 28 - get map image response type ok 29 - get map image response event type ok 30 - start location track ok 31 - received location estimate ok 32 - received location estimate ok 33 - stopping location tracking ok 34 - location tracking stopped ok 35 - start area track ok 36 - received area estimate ok 37 - received area estimate ok 38 - stopping area tracking ok 39 - area tracking stopped ok 40 - start area track ok 41 - got area track error OK ok 42 - request device properties ok 43 - got device properties error OK ok 44 - request location context ok 45 - got location context error OK ok 46 - request device properties ok 47 - handler priority both ok 48 - handler priority tag ok 49 - handler priority event ok 50 - handler priority default ok 51 - stopping location tracking ok 52 - location tracking stopped ok All tests successful. Files=6, Tests=159, 43 wallclock secs (20.36 cusr + 1.14 csys = 21.50 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Response/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Ekahau/Server/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Events.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::StopLocationTrackOK.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Server.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::DeviceProperties.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::LocationContext.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::MapImage.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::LocationEstimate.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::AreaList.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Base.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::ErrHandler.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Server::Test.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::AreaEstimate.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::Error.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::License.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::StopAreaTrackOK.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::Area.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Ekahau::Response::DeviceList.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/bin/ Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/pa-risc1.1/build/5.8.2/lib/5.8.2/PA-RISC1.1-thread-multi/perllocal.pod