Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Exception::Class::TryCatch cp lib/Exception/Class/ blib/lib/Exception/Class/ Manifying blib/man3/Exception::Class::TryCatch.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/parisc2.0-lp64/build/5.8.2/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_Exception_Class_TryCatch....1..42 ok 1 - Caught My::Exception::Class error1 ok 2 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 3 - The object isa My::Exception::Class ok 4 - Exception is 'error1' ok 5 - Caught My::Exception::Class error2 ok 6 - The object isa My::Exception::Class ok 7 - Exception is 'error2' ok 8 - Caught 'die error3' ok 9 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 10 - Exception is 'error3 at...' ok 11 - Caught 'die 0' ok 12 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 13 - Exception is '0 at...' ok 14 - Caught 'die' ok 15 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 16 - Exception is 'Died at...' ok 17 - Didn't catch eval of 1 ok 18 - Didn't catch eval of 0 ok 19 - catch X syntax worked ok 20 - caught synonym worked ok 21 - catch undefs a passed error variable if no error ok 22 - try in scalar context passes through result of eval ok 23 - try in scalar context passes an array ref as is ok 24 - try in list context dereferences an array ref passed to it ok 25 - try in list context passes through a scalar return ok 26 - try gets undef on exception ok 27 - simple try/catch works ok 28 - Inner try caught correctly in case (0,0) ok 29 - Outer try caught correctly in case (0,0) ok 30 - Inner try caught correctly in case (0,1) ok 31 - Outer try caught correctly in case (0,1) ok 32 - Inner try caught correctly in case (1,0) ok 33 - Outer try caught correctly in case (1,0) ok 34 - Inner try caught correctly in case (1,1) ok 35 - Outer try caught correctly in case (1,1) ok 36 - catch not matching list should rethrow -- single arg version ok 37 - catch matching list lives -- single arg version ok 38 - catch returns undef if no error -- single arg version ok 39 - catch not matching list should rethrow -- two arg version ok 40 - catch matching list lives -- two arg version ok 41 - catch returns undef if no error -- two arg version ok 42 - catch undefs a passed error variable if no error -- two arg version ok t/98_pod.........................1..0 # Skip Skipping author tests skipped all skipped: Skipping author tests t/99_pod_coverage................1..0 # Skip Skipping author tests skipped all skipped: Skipping author tests All tests successful, 2 tests skipped. Files=3, Tests=42, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.83 cusr + 0.13 csys = 0.96 CPU) Installing /home/cpanrun/parisc2.0-lp64/build/5.8.2/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Exception/Class/ Installing /home/cpanrun/parisc2.0-lp64/build/5.8.2/man/man3/Exception::Class::TryCatch.3 Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/parisc2.0-lp64/build/5.8.2/lib/5.8.2/PA-RISC2.0-thread-multi-LP64/perllocal.pod