Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite Test::More 0.46 not found. We have 0.45. Writing Makefile for Exception::Class cp lib/Exception/ blib/lib/Exception/ Manifying blib/man3/Exception::Class.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.....1..56 ok 1 - use Exception::Class; ok 2 - $@ isa Exception::Class::Base ok 3 - Exception's error message should be 'err' ok 4 - Exception's message should be 'err' ok 5 - Description should be 'Generic exception' ok 6 - Package should be 'main' ok 7 - File should be 't/basic.t' ok 8 - Line should be 60 ok 9 - PID should be 12215 ok 10 - UID should be 102 ok 11 - EUID should be 102 ok 12 - GID should be 1 1 ok 13 - EGID should be 1 1 ok 14 - Exception object should have a stacktrace ok 15 - The object isa TestException ok 16 - Description should be 'Generic exception' ok 17 - The object isa SubTestException ok 18 - The object isa TestException ok 19 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 20 - Description should be "blah'\blah" ok 21 - The object isa SubTestException ok 22 - The object isa FooException ok 23 - The object isa Exception::Class::Base ok 24 - Exception::Class::Base class 'Trace' method should return false ok 25 - Setting show_trace to true should override value of Trace ok 26 - Exception::Class::Base class 'Trace' method should return true ok 27 - Exception should have a stack trace ok 28 - Setting show_trace to false should override value of Trace ok 29 - Trace should contain frames from Exception::Class::Base package ok 30 - Overloading in string context ok 31 - Overloaded stringification should include a stack trace ok 32 - Exception's error message should be 'err' ok 33 - Exception's message should be 'err' ok 34 - Error message should be 'dead' ok 35 - Overriding as_string in subclass ok 36 - FieldsException->can('foo') ok 37 - Exception's foo method should return 5 ok 38 - MoreFieldsException->can('foo') ok 39 - Exception's foo method should return 15 ok 40 - MoreFieldsException->can('yip') ok 41 - Exception's foo method should return 10 ok 42 - FieldsException should stringify to include the value of foo ok 43 - All exceptions should evaluate to true in a boolean context ok 44 - Single arg constructor should work ok 45 - Single arg constructor should just set error/message ok 46 - References should be saved in the stack trace ok 47 - References should be saved in the stack trace ok 48 - Throw exception via convenience sub (one param) ok 49 - check error message ok 50 - Throw exception via convenience sub (named params) ok 51 - check error message ok 52 - check "thing" field ok 53 - package matches current package ok 54 - overloading is ignored by default ok 55 - overloading is now respected ok 56 - TestException should be in the return from Classes() ok t/caught....1..9 ok 1 - caught returns false for wrong class ok 2 - caught returns false for wrong class ok 3 - caught returns exception for correct class ok 4 - The object isa Foo ok 5 - message is "foo" ok 6 - Foo->caught() returns exception ok 7 - The object isa Foo ok 8 - Foo->caught() returns exception ok 9 - The object isa Foo ok t/ignore....1..4 ok 1 - Check for unwanted frames ok 2 - Check for unwanted frames ok 3 - Check for unwanted frames ok 4 - Check for unwanted frames ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=69, 2 wallclock secs ( 1.60 cusr + 0.28 csys = 1.88 CPU) Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Exception/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Exception::Class.3 Appending installation info to /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/5.8.0/sun4-solaris-thread-multi/perllocal.pod