Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite Test::Pod 0.95 not found. Warning: Guessing NAME [Games-Bingo] from current directory name. Writing Makefile for Games-Bingo cp lib/Games/Bingo/ blib/lib/Games/Bingo/ cp lib/Games/Bingo/ blib/lib/Games/Bingo/ cp lib/Games/ blib/lib/Games/ cp lib/Games/Bingo/ blib/lib/Games/Bingo/ cp lib/Games/Bingo/ blib/lib/Games/Bingo/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ Manifying blib/man3/Games::Bingo::Column.3 Manifying blib/man3/Games::Bingo::Constants.3 Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man3/Games::Bingo.3 Manifying blib/man3/Games::Bingo::Card.3 Manifying blib/man3/Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_load.........................1..5 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 - use Games::Bingo::Constants; ok 3 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 4 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 5 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok t/bingo_all_pulled................1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 - asserting _all_pulled to 0 ok 3 - calling _all_pulled ok 4 - asserting _all_pulled to 1 ok t/bingo_init......................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok 3 ok t/bingo_new.......................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 - calling constructor ok 3 - isa test isa Games::Bingo ok t/bingo_play......................1..21 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok t/bingo_pull......................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok 3 ok t/bingo_pulled....................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 - Testing pulled, success ok 3 - Testing pulled, failing with 91 ok t/bingo_random....................1..2 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok t/bingo_splitnumber...............1..9 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok t/bingo_take......................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 ok 3 ok t/card_flush......................1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/card_get_all_numbers............1..2 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) ok 2 - Testing get_all_numbers ok t/card_init.......................1..19 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 - Testing generated Collection isa Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection ok 3 - Number of Columns ok 4 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 5 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 6 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 7 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 8 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 9 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 10 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 11 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 12 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 13 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 14 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 15 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 16 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 17 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 18 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 19 - Testing the number of numbers generated ok t/card_insert.....................1..14 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - Testing our card generation ok t/card_integrity_check............1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 - Testing our card integrity ok 3 - Testing our card integrity ok t/card_new........................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 ok 3 - Testing the object isa Games::Bingo::Card ok t/card_populate...................1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (11) ok 2 ok 3 - Testing our card integrity ok t/card_print_card.................1..2 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | 1|10| |33| |55|63| | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | 5| |25|39|41| |65| | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | |16| | |43|58| |75|86| +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ok 2 ok t/card_resolve_column.............1..91 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 - Testing number: 1 against: 0 ok 3 - Testing number: 2 against: 0 ok 4 - Testing number: 3 against: 0 ok 5 - Testing number: 4 against: 0 ok 6 - Testing number: 5 against: 0 ok 7 - Testing number: 6 against: 0 ok 8 - Testing number: 7 against: 0 ok 9 - Testing number: 8 against: 0 ok 10 - Testing number: 9 against: 0 ok 11 - Testing number: 10 against: 1 ok 12 - Testing number: 11 against: 1 ok 13 - Testing number: 12 against: 1 ok 14 - Testing number: 13 against: 1 ok 15 - Testing number: 14 against: 1 ok 16 - Testing number: 15 against: 1 ok 17 - Testing number: 16 against: 1 ok 18 - Testing number: 17 against: 1 ok 19 - Testing number: 18 against: 1 ok 20 - Testing number: 19 against: 1 ok 21 - Testing number: 20 against: 2 ok 22 - Testing number: 21 against: 2 ok 23 - Testing number: 22 against: 2 ok 24 - Testing number: 23 against: 2 ok 25 - Testing number: 24 against: 2 ok 26 - Testing number: 25 against: 2 ok 27 - Testing number: 26 against: 2 ok 28 - Testing number: 27 against: 2 ok 29 - Testing number: 28 against: 2 ok 30 - Testing number: 29 against: 2 ok 31 - Testing number: 30 against: 3 ok 32 - Testing number: 31 against: 3 ok 33 - Testing number: 32 against: 3 ok 34 - Testing number: 33 against: 3 ok 35 - Testing number: 34 against: 3 ok 36 - Testing number: 35 against: 3 ok 37 - Testing number: 36 against: 3 ok 38 - Testing number: 37 against: 3 ok 39 - Testing number: 38 against: 3 ok 40 - Testing number: 39 against: 3 ok 41 - Testing number: 40 against: 4 ok 42 - Testing number: 41 against: 4 ok 43 - Testing number: 42 against: 4 ok 44 - Testing number: 43 against: 4 ok 45 - Testing number: 44 against: 4 ok 46 - Testing number: 45 against: 4 ok 47 - Testing number: 46 against: 4 ok 48 - Testing number: 47 against: 4 ok 49 - Testing number: 48 against: 4 ok 50 - Testing number: 49 against: 4 ok 51 - Testing number: 50 against: 5 ok 52 - Testing number: 51 against: 5 ok 53 - Testing number: 52 against: 5 ok 54 - Testing number: 53 against: 5 ok 55 - Testing number: 54 against: 5 ok 56 - Testing number: 55 against: 5 ok 57 - Testing number: 56 against: 5 ok 58 - Testing number: 57 against: 5 ok 59 - Testing number: 58 against: 5 ok 60 - Testing number: 59 against: 5 ok 61 - Testing number: 60 against: 6 ok 62 - Testing number: 61 against: 6 ok 63 - Testing number: 62 against: 6 ok 64 - Testing number: 63 against: 6 ok 65 - Testing number: 64 against: 6 ok 66 - Testing number: 65 against: 6 ok 67 - Testing number: 66 against: 6 ok 68 - Testing number: 67 against: 6 ok 69 - Testing number: 68 against: 6 ok 70 - Testing number: 69 against: 6 ok 71 - Testing number: 70 against: 7 ok 72 - Testing number: 71 against: 7 ok 73 - Testing number: 72 against: 7 ok 74 - Testing number: 73 against: 7 ok 75 - Testing number: 74 against: 7 ok 76 - Testing number: 75 against: 7 ok 77 - Testing number: 76 against: 7 ok 78 - Testing number: 77 against: 7 ok 79 - Testing number: 78 against: 7 ok 80 - Testing number: 79 against: 7 ok 81 - Testing number: 80 against: 8 ok 82 - Testing number: 81 against: 8 ok 83 - Testing number: 82 against: 8 ok 84 - Testing number: 83 against: 8 ok 85 - Testing number: 84 against: 8 ok 86 - Testing number: 85 against: 8 ok 87 - Testing number: 86 against: 8 ok 88 - Testing number: 87 against: 8 ok 89 - Testing number: 88 against: 8 ok 90 - Testing number: 89 against: 8 ok 91 - Testing number: 90 against: 8 ok t/card_validate...................1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (9) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) ok 2 - Testing validate ok 3 - Testing validate Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (10) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (11) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (13) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) Incomplete trying again... (14) Incomplete trying again... (12) bingo game not defined? ok 4 - Testing validate ok t/collection_add_column...........1..5 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 2 - Testing the contents of the collection after addition, we should have 1 element ok 3 - Testing the contents of the collection after addition, we should have 2 elements ok 4 - Testing the contents of the collection after addition, we should have 3 elements ok 5 - Testing the contents of the collection after addition, we should have 3 elements ok t/collection_count_columns........1..2 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 2 ok t/collection_divide...............1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo; ok 2 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 3 - Testing the initialized numbers array ok 4 - Testing the number of divided arrays ok t/collection_get_column...........1..17 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Card; ok 2 - Number of Columns ok 3 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 4 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 5 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 6 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 7 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 8 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 9 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 10 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /export/home/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Games-Bingo/blib/lib/Games/Bingo/ line 72. ok 11 - Testing column isa Games::Bingo::Column ok 12 - Testing the number of numbers generated no or illegal index specified at t/collection_get_column.t line 33 ok 13 cannot get column, index cannot be a negative number (-1) at t/collection_get_column.t line 35 ok 14 ok 15 cannot get column, no columns with that index (4) at t/collection_get_column.t line 39 ok 16 ok 17 ok t/collection_get_random_column....1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/collection_new..................1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 2 - Testing the constructor ok 3 - Testing the constructor ok 4 ok t/collection_remove_column........1..5 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection; ok 2 ok 3 cannot remove column, index cannot be a negative number (-1) at t/collection_remove_column.t line 23 ok 4 cannot remove column, no column with that index (4) at t/collection_remove_column.t line 25 ok 5 ok t/column_count_numbers............1..3 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - Testing the initialized array ok 3 - Testing the populated array ok t/column_get_highest_number.......1..12 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - expecting 9 ok 3 - expecting 8 ok 4 - expecting 7 ok 5 - expecting 6 ok 6 - expecting 5 ok 7 - expecting 4 ok 8 - expecting 3 ok 9 - expecting 2 ok 10 - expecting 1 ok 11 - expecting 2 ok 12 - expecting 2 ok t/column_get_label................1..2 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 ok t/column_get_random_number........1..4 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - Testing the random function ok 3 - Testing the length of the array ok 4 - Testing the length of the array ok t/column_new......................1..5 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - Testing constructor with parameter ok 3 - Testing the initialized array ok 4 ok 5 - Testing the initialized array ok t/column_populate.................1..20 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - Testing the initialized array ok 3 ok 4 - Testing the populated array ok 5 ok 6 - Testing the populated array ok 7 ok 8 - Testing the populated array ok 9 ok 10 - Testing the populated array ok 11 ok 12 - Testing the populated array ok 13 ok 14 - Testing the populated array ok 15 ok 16 - Testing the populated array ok 17 ok 18 - Testing the populated array ok 19 ok 20 - Testing the populated array ok t/column_reverse..................1..10 ok 1 - use Games::Bingo::Column; ok 2 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 3 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 4 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 5 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 6 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 7 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 8 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 9 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok 10 - Testing whether we have been sorted ok t/inheritance.....................1..3 ok 1 - use MyBingo; ok 2 - Testing constructor ok 3 - Checking object isa MyBingo ok t/pod-coverage....................1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 0.08 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 0.08 required for testing POD coverage t/pod.............................1..0 # Skip Test::Pod v0.95 required for testing POD skipped all skipped: Test::Pod v0.95 required for testing POD All tests successful, 2 tests skipped. Files=37, Tests=301, 22 wallclock secs (18.69 cusr + 3.20 csys = 21.89 CPU) Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Games/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Games/Bingo/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Games/Bingo/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Games/Bingo/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/site_perl/5.8.0/Games/Bingo/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man1/ Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Games::Bingo::Column.3 Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Games::Bingo::Constants.3 Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Games::Bingo.3 Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Games::Bingo::Card.3 Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/man/man3/Games::Bingo::ColumnCollection.3 Installing /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/bin/ Appending installation info to /export/home/cpanrun/build/5.8.0/lib/5.8.0/sun4-solaris-thread-multi/perllocal.pod