Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.8882 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\ Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\Damn.dll Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\Damn.exp Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\Damn.lib Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\Damn.pdb Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Acme\ Writing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Acme\Damn\.packlist Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod dies with hash reference argument ok 9 - damn() dies with code reference argument ok 10 - damn() dies with array argument ok 11 - damn() dies with hash argument ok 12 - damn() dies with scalar argument ok 13 - damn() dies with undefined argument ok 14 - damn() dies with glob reference argument ok 15 - damn() lives with numerical object argument ok 16 - damn() lives with string object argument ok 17 - damn() lives with array object argument ok 18 - damn() lives with hash object argument ok 19 - damn() lives with code object argument ok 20 - damn() lives with glob object argument ok 21 - damned numerical references ok 22 - damned string references ok 23 - damned array references ok 24 - damned hash references ok 25 - damned code references ok 26 - damned glob references ok t\3aliases....1..33 ok 1 - abjure executes successfully ok 2 - abjure executes correctly ok 3 - abjure exception thrown successfully ok 4 - anathematize executes successfully ok 5 - anathematize executes correctly ok 6 - anathematize exception thrown successfully ok 7 - condemn executes successfully ok 8 - condemn executes correctly ok 9 - condemn exception thrown successfully ok 10 - curse executes successfully ok 11 - curse executes correctly ok 12 - curse exception thrown successfully ok 13 - damn executes successfully ok 14 - damn executes correctly ok 15 - damn exception thrown successfully ok 16 - excommunicate executes successfully ok 17 - excommunicate executes correctly ok 18 - excommunicate exception thrown successfully ok 19 - expel executes successfully ok 20 - expel executes correctly ok 21 - expel exception thrown successfully ok 22 - proscribe executes successfully ok 23 - proscribe executes correctly ok 24 - proscribe exception thrown successfully ok 25 - recant executes successfully ok 26 - recant executes correctly ok 27 - recant exception thrown successfully ok 28 - renounce executes successfully ok 29 - renounce executes correctly ok 30 - renounce exception thrown successfully ok 31 - unbless executes successfully ok 32 - unbless executes correctly ok 33 - unbless exception thrown successfully ok t\4name.......1..11 ok 1 - abjure exception thrown successfully ok 2 - anathematize exception thrown successfully ok 3 - condemn exception thrown successfully ok 4 - curse exception thrown successfully ok 5 - damn exception thrown successfully ok 6 - excommunicate exception thrown successfully ok 7 - expel exception thrown successfully ok 8 - proscribe exception thrown successfully ok 9 - recant exception thrown successfully ok 10 - renounce exception thrown successfully ok 11 - unbless exception thrown successfully ok t\5bad........1..3 ok 1 - foo::bar exception thrown successfully ok 2 - foo-bar exception thrown successfully ok 3 - exception thrown successfully ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=75, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)