Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\DBIx\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\DBIx\SQLCrosstab\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\DBIx\SQLCrosstab\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod ub..... ok bare_table..... ok xml............ ok xml_stub....... ok yaml........... ok struct_hoh..... ok struct_losh.... ok struct_hoh..... ok struct_loh..... ok struct_lol..... ok tests : 20 executed : 20 passed : 20 failed : 0 all tests passed If DBD::SQLite is installed, you can try now an extended test Do you want to try the extended test? (Y/n) [Y]