Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.8882 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Email\MIME\ Writing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Email\MIME\Modifier\.packlist Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod .15 ok 1 - use Email::MIME::Modifier; ok 2 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 3 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 4 - two parts ok 5 - proper content_type ok 6 - two content ids ok 7 - <1205283873.eEC3baa1.2520@alligator> defined ok 8 - <1205283873.e42FaD72.2520@alligator> defined ok 9 - not the same ok 10 - two parts ok 11 - proper content_type ok 12 - two content ids ok 13 - <1205283873.611B7aA8.2520@alligator> defined ok 14 - <1205283873.611B7aA8.2520@alligator> defined ok 15 - the same ok t\ct_attrs........1..10 ok 1 - use Email::MIME; ok 2 - use Email::MIME::Modifier; ok 3 - use Email::MIME::ContentType; ok 4 - default ct worked ok 5 - ct with new charset worked ok 6 - ct with no charset worked ok 7 - ct with format worked ok 8 - ct with name worked ok 9 - ct format is correct ok 10 - ct with boundary worked ok t\disposition.....1..7 ok 1 - use Email::MIME; ok 2 - use Email::MIME::Modifier; ok 3 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 4 - reset worked ok 5 - filename_set worked ok 6 - re-reset worked ok 7 - filename_set(undef) worked ok t\encoding........1..14 ok 1 - use Email::MIME; ok 2 - use Email::MIME::Modifier; ok 3 - plain works ok 4 - plain raw works ok 5 - plain encoding works ok 6 - base64 works ok 7 - base64 raw works ok 8 - base64 encoding works ok 9 - binary works ok 10 - binary raw works ok 11 - binary encoding works ok 12 - quoted-printable + body_set works ok 13 - quoted-printable + body_set raw works ok 14 - quoted-printble + body_set encoding works ok t\parts...........1..22 ok 1 - use Email::MIME; ok 2 - use Email::MIME::Modifier; ok 3 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 4 - only one part ok 5 - two parts ok 6 - part two decoded ok 7 - four parts ok 8 - part two decoded again ok 9 - part four decoded ok 10 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 11 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 12 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 13 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 14 - The object isa Email::MIME ok 15 - walkdown encoding worked ok 16 - walkdown body_set worked ok 17 - walkdown encoding worked ok 18 - walkdown body_set worked ok 19 - walkdown encoding worked ok 20 - walkdown body_set worked ok 21 - walkdown encoding worked ok 22 - walkdown body_set worked ok t\pod-coverage....1..1 # Email::MIME::Modifier: no public symbols defined ok 1 - Pod coverage on Email::MIME::Modifier ok t\pod.............1..1 ok 1 - blib\lib\Email\MIME\ ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=70, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)