Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Email\Send\SMTP\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Email\Send\SMTP\Auth\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod ent variables. All tests successful, 3 subtests skipped. Files=1, Tests=12, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) our SMTP server. # The SMTPTESTTO environment variable is not set. Its value should be an address to which a test email can be sent. # The SMTPTESTCC environment variable is not set. Its value should be an address to which a test email can be sent. # The SMTPTESTBCC environment variable is not set. Its value should be an address to which a test email can be sent. # The SMTPUSERNAME environment variable is not set. Its value should be a valid login name, if your SMTP server requires you to log in. # The SMTPPASSWORD environment variable is not set. Its value should be the password for that username, if your SMTP server requires you to log in.