Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Grid\ Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\html\site\lib\Grid\Coord.html Writing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Grid\Coord\.packlist != ok 9 - contains ok 10 - not contains ok 11 - point offset ok 12 - range offset ok 13 - range offset (overloaded +) ok 14 - delta ok 15 - delta (overloaded -) ok 16 - Delta to point ok 17 - overlap (row/col) ok 18 - head ok 19 - returned CODE ref for iterator ok 20 - First iteration ok 21 - Iteration 4 ok 22 - Returned just a row ok 23 - Not a column ok 24 - Correct row ok 25 - Iteration 5 ok 26 - Returned just a row ok 27 - Not a column ok 28 - Correct row ok 29 - Iteration 6 ok 30 - Returned just a row ok 31 - Not a column ok 32 - Correct row ok 33 - Iteration 7 ok 34 - Returned just a row ok 35 - Not a column ok 36 - Correct row ok 37 - No more iterations ok 38 - (still) no more iterations ok 39 - Getting col ok 40 - Is whole column ok 41 - Is not a whole row ok 42 - Getting col ok 43 - Is whole column ok 44 - Is not a whole row ok 45 - Getting col ok 46 - Is whole column ok 47 - Is not a whole row ok 48 - Getting col ok 49 - Is whole column ok 50 - Is not a whole row ok 51 - No more iterations ok 52 - (still) no more iterations ok 53 - Correct number of cells returned ok 54 - First is head ok 55 - Last is tail ok 56 - Sample from middle ok 57 - Correct number of cells returned (colwise) ok 58 - First is head ok 59 - Last is tail ok 60 - Sample from middle (different, because different direction of travel) ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=60, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)