Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\ Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Script.pod Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Script\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod txt ->1 [test] FileCopy (-f, test.txt, test1.txt) xcopy /H/R/K/Q/Z/Y "test.txt" "test1.txt" CODE(0x1ba8564) Does test1.txt specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)? F 1 File(s) copied ->1 [test] !FileCompare (test.txt, test1.txt) ->1 [test] FileCRC (test.txt) ->2005264279 [test] FileCwd () ->D:/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Script [test] FileEdit (test.txt, CODE(0x1ba2ef8)) FileEdit test.txt CODE(0x1ba2ef8) FileWrite test.txt ->1 [test] FileFind (*, CODE(0x1ba2fa0)) blib, blib/arch, blib/arch/auto, blib/arch/auto/Script, blib/arch/auto/Script/.exists, blib/lib, blib/lib/.exists, blib/lib/auto, blib/lib/auto/Script, blib/lib/auto/Script/.exists, blib/lib/, blib/lib/Script.pod, lib, lib/, lib/Script.pod, Makefile, Makefile.PL, MANIFEST, pm_to_blib, readme,, test.txt, test1.txt,->23 [test] FileGlob (*) ->10 [test] FileHandle (1 [test] FileIni (test.txt, [sect1], ARRAY(0x1d3c560), ARRAY(0x1df6870), ARRAY(0x1df67ec)) FileIni test.txt FileWrite test.txt ->1 [test] FileMkDir (test.dir) mkdir test.dir ->1 [test] FileWrite (test.dir/aa1.1.txt, xx) FileWrite test.dir/aa1.1.txt ->1 [test] FileWrite (test.dir/bb2.1.txt, xx) FileWrite test.dir/bb2.1.txt ->1 [test] FileWrite (test.dir/cc2.3.txt, xx) FileWrite test.dir/cc2.3.txt ->1 [test] FileNameMax (test.dir/*) ->2 [test] FileNameMin (test.dir/*) ->test.dir/aa1.1.txt [test] FileRead (test.txt) ->[sect1] aa=1 bb =cc ee=2 [sect2] aa=9 bb = qq [test] FileSize (test.dir) ->12 [test] FileSpace () ->610762752 [test] FileMkDir (test1.dir) mkdir test1.dir ->1 [test] FileTrack (test.dir, test1.dir) FileTrack - test.dir test1.dir xcopy /H/R/K/Q/Z/Y "test.dir\aa1.1.txt" "test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12" CODE(0x1e3c790) Does test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12 specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)? D 1 File(s) copied xcopy /H/R/K/Q/Z/Y "test.dir\bb2.1.txt" "test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12" 1 File(s) copied xcopy /H/R/K/Q/Z/Y "test.dir\cc2.3.txt" "test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12" 1 File(s) copied ->test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12 [test] Pause (Press a key and [Enter]) Press a key and [Enter]-> [test] Platform (os) ->Windows_NT [test] Platform (osname) ->Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] [test] Platform (ver) ->5.0.2195 [test] Platform (patch) ->Service Pack 4 [test] Platform (lang) -> [test] Platform (prodid) ->51876-270-9490832-05544 [test] Platform (windir) ->C:\WINNT [test] Platform (name) ->crowbar [test] Platform (host) -> [test] Platform (hostdomain) -> [test] Platform (user) ->cpanrun [test] Platform (userdomain) ->ACTIVE [test] UserPath () ->C:\Documents and Settings\cpanrun [test] Run () ->1 [test] FileDelete (test.txt) FileDelete test.txt ->1 [test] FileDelete (test1.txt) FileDelete test1.txt ->1 [test] FileDelete (-r, test.dir) FileDelete -r test.dir FileDelete -r test.dir/* ->1 [test] FileDelete (-r, test1.dir) FileDelete -r test1.dir FileDelete -r test1.dir/* FileDelete -r test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12/* ->1 Test results ------------- !Script::Echo (running, Script, tests, ...) -> 1 FileWrite (test.txt, [sect1], aa=0, bb =cc, [sect2], aa=1, bb = qq) -> 1 FileCopy (-f, test.txt, test1.txt) -> 1 !FileCompare (test.txt, test1.txt) -> 1 FileCRC (test.txt) -> 2005264279 FileCwd () -> D:/cpanrun/depot/main/contrib-patched/perl/CPAN/src/Script FileEdit (test.txt, CODE(0x1ba2ef8)) -> 1 FileFind (*, CODE(0x1ba2fa0)) -> 23 FileGlob (*) -> 10 FileHandle ( 1 FileIni (test.txt, [sect1], ARRAY(0x1d3c560), ARRAY(0x1df6870), ARRAY(0x1df67ec)) -> 1 FileMkDir (test.dir) -> 1 FileWrite (test.dir/aa1.1.txt, xx) -> 1 FileWrite (test.dir/bb2.1.txt, xx) -> 1 FileWrite (test.dir/cc2.3.txt, xx) -> 1 FileNameMax (test.dir/*) -> 2 FileNameMin (test.dir/*) -> test.dir/aa1.1.txt FileRead (test.txt) -> [sect1] aa=1 bb =cc ee=2 [sect2] aa=9 bb = qq FileSize (test.dir) -> 12 FileSpace () -> 610762752 FileMkDir (test1.dir) -> 1 FileTrack (test.dir, test1.dir) -> test1.dir/2006-03-15_13_17_12 Pause (Press a key and [Enter]) -> Platform (os) -> Windows_NT Platform (osname) -> Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195] Platform (ver) -> 5.0.2195 Platform (patch) -> Service Pack 4 Platform (lang) -> Platform (prodid) -> 51876-270-9490832-05544 Platform (windir) -> C:\WINNT Platform (name) -> crowbar Platform (host) -> Platform (hostdomain) -> Platform (user) -> cpanrun Platform (userdomain) -> ACTIVE UserPath () -> C:\Documents and Settings\cpanrun Run () -> 1 FileDelete (test.txt) -> 1 FileDelete (test1.txt) -> 1 FileDelete (-r, test.dir) -> 1 FileDelete (-r, test1.dir) -> 1