Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.8882 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved. Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Text\CSV\ Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Text\CSV\Track\ Installing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Text\CSV\Track\ Writing C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Text\CSV\Track\.packlist Appending installation info to C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod the environment variable TEST_SIGNATURE to enable this test. t\pod-coverage..........1..3 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Text::CSV::Track ok 2 - Pod coverage on Text::CSV::Track::Max ok 3 - Pod coverage on Text::CSV::Track::Min ok t\pod...................1..3 ok 1 - blib\lib\Text\CSV\ ok 2 - blib\lib\Text\CSV\Track\ ok 3 - blib\lib\Text\CSV\Track\ ok t\Text-CSV-Track-Max....1..12 ok 1 - all required modules loaded ok 2 - object creation ok 3 - right class ok 4 - one value storing ok 5 - has 10 elements ok 6 - has 9 elements after removal ok 7 - we should have old value in "test3" ok 8 - do we have greater value stored before? ok 9 - do we still have it? ok 10 - try shared lock while lazy init should not be activated, should succeed ok 11 - try shared lock while in full time lock mode, should fail - Domain error ok 12 - try shared lock after track object is destroyed, should succeed ok t\Text-CSV-Track-Min....1..12 ok 1 - all required modules loaded ok 2 - object creation ok 3 - right class ok 4 - one value storing ok 5 - has 10 elements ok 6 - has 9 elements after removal ok 7 - we should have old value in "test3" ok 8 - do we have smaller value? ok 9 - do we still have it? ok 10 - try shared lock while lazy init should not be activated, should succeed ok 11 - try shared lock while in full time lock mode, should fail - Domain error ok 12 - try shared lock after track object is destroyed, should succeed ok t\Text-CSV-Track........1..91 ok 1 - all required modules loaded testing without file manipulation ok 2 - object creation ok 3 - right class ok 4 - one value storing ok 5 - has 11 elements ok 6 - has 10 elements after removal testing with new file ok 7 - OS ERROR if file missing ok 8 - no OS ERROR with ignore missing file on ok 9 - undef in empty file ok 10 - has 100 elements with quotes and backslashes ok 11 - no OS ERROR while saveing to 'text-csv-track-vExVEj' test with generated file ok 12 - has 100 elements after read ok 13 - check one stored value ok 14 - save with removal and single change ok 15 - has 99 elements after read ok 16 - is 'test value 23' '"\ "\ "\ "\ "\ "\ "\ "\ "\ "\ '? ok 17 - was store() skipped by DESTROY? ok 18 - was store() called with auto_store by DESTROY? ok 19 - after set the lazy init should not be trigered ok 20 - delete before lazy init test with messed up file ok 21 - check manualy stored value 2 lines entry ok 22 - was double line entry added and changed? ok 23 - was double line entry added and changed with different separator? binary data ok 24 - check binary data read ok 25 - died with badly formated lines badly formated 'text-csv-track-vExVEj' csv line 1 - '"aman2'. badly formated 'text-csv-track-vExVEj' csv line 101 - '"xman3,"muhaha'. ok 26 - was badly formated lines ignored with 'ignore_badly_formated => 1' ? ok 27 - compare if now the values are the same as before adding two badly formated lines test with two processes writing at once ok 28 - atonce2 undef in first process ok 29 - atonce undef in second process ok 30 - do we have atonce2? ok 31 - do we miss atonce overwritten by second process? ok 32 - does atonce has the right value? ok 33 - does atonce2 has the right value? test file locking ok 34 - try shared lock while lazy init should not be activated, should succeed ok 35 - try shared lock while in full time lock mode, should fail - Domain error ok 36 - try shared lock after track object is destroyed, should succeed test with multi column files ok 37 - multi column storing in scalar context number of records ok 38 - multi column storing ok 39 - test csv_line_of() hash tests ok 40 - get the second column by name ok 41 - get the first column from different row by name hash set tests ok 42 - check first column ok 43 - check the second column ok 44 - check first column (after single column hash set) ok 45 - check the second column (after single column hash set) ok 46 - check the second column (after single column hash set) ok 47 - setting unknown column should error - Text::CSV::Track::hash_of(): no such hash key name 'cooolxx' at t\Text-CSV-Track.t line 397 # test different separators ok 48 - we should have three records ok 49 - check 1/3 line read ok 50 - check 2/3 line read ok 51 - check 3/3 line read test file with header lines ok 52 - we should have three header lines ok 53 - we should have three records ok 54 - check first line read ok 55 - is the file same after store()? ok 56 - we should one records ok 57 - we should have 3+1 lines in file ok 58 - we should have 3+1 empty lines + one value in new file created ok 59 - check the one stored value ok 60 - check file with forced header lines changing header lines ok 61 - check file with changed forced header lines ok 62 - check fetching header lines ok 63 - check one stored value ok 64 - check numeric header lines definition on empty file test file with footer lines ok 65 - we should have three header lines ok 66 - we should have three footer lines ok 67 - we should have three records ok 68 - check first line read ok 69 - check read footer lines ok 70 - check changed footer lines ok 71 - we should have the same file with only header and footer lines ok 72 - check footer lines ok 73 - we should have empty file with 6 empty header and footer lines ok 74 - we should have the same file with footer filled and 1 value ok 75 - check that value ok 76 - we should have the same file without footer test always quote ok 77 - is the file ok after 'always quote' store()? test single column files tracking ok 78 - we should have six records ok 79 - check one records ok 80 - check record not there ok 81 - check single quote file after store failure of store should not corrupt final csv file ok 82 - we should have croak when storing binary and "binary => 0" ok 83 - check quote file after crashed store different column as identificator ok 84 - check record ok 85 - check record ok 86 - check record ok 87 - check record ok 88 - check record generated by hash_of ok 89 - check record generated by hash_of ok 90 - check file after store of identificator in different column check store as xml ok 91 - check file after store as xml ok All tests successful, 1 test skipped. Files=6, Tests=121, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU)