Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\Tie\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\Tie\TkListbox\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod e array to Listbox widget. ok 5 - FETCHSIZE works as underlying index("end") for Scrolled. ok 6 - FETCHSIZE works as underlying index("end") for Listbox. ok 7 - FETCH works as underlying get() for Scrolled. ok 8 - FETCH works as underlying get() for Listbox. ok 9 - FETCH w/ negative index works for Scrolled. ok 10 - FETCH w/ negative index works for Listbox. ok 11 - Slice works for Scrolled. ok 12 - Slice works for Listbox. ok 13 - Index out of range works for Scrolled. ok 14 - Index out of range works for Listbox. ok 15 - STORE works as underlying methods for Scrolled. ok 16 - STORE works as underlying methods for Listbox. ok 17 - pop() works for Scrolled. ok 18 - pop() works for Listbox. ok 19 - push() works for Scrolled. ok 20 - push() works for Listbox. ok 21 - shift() works for Scrolled. ok 22 - shift() works for Listbox. ok 23 - unshift() works for Scrolled. ok 24 - unshift() works for Listbox. ok 25 - CLEAR works for Scrolled. ok 26 - CLEAR works for Listbox.