Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.8882 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved. C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe "-Iblib\lib" "-Iblib\arch" 1..48 ok 1 Modification of a read-only value attempted at line 20. # Looks like you planned 48 tests but only ran 1. # Looks like your test died just after 1. Free to wrong pool 15d2d20 not 2928 during global destruction. c Version.c cl -c -nologo -Gf -W3 -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1 -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DNO_STRICT -DHAVE_DES_FCRYPT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -DUSE_PERLIO -DPERL_MSVCRT_READFIX -MD -Zi -DNDEBUG -O1 -DVERSION=\"0.3\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.3\" "-IC:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib\CORE" Version.c Version.c Version.xs(16) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from declaration Version.xs(16) : warning C4028: formal parameter 2 different from declaration Version.xs(16) : warning C4029: declared formal parameter list different from definition Version.c(86) : warning C4101: 'RETVAL' : unreferenced local variable "Running Mkbootstrap for Universal::Version ()" C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod 644 C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Mksymlists -e "Mksymlists('NAME'=>\"Universal::Version\", 'DLBASE' => 'Version', 'DL_FUNCS' => { }, 'FUNCLIST' => [], 'IMPORTS' => { }, 'DL_VARS' => []);" link -out:blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\Version.dll -dll -nologo -nodefaultlib -debug -opt:ref,icf -libpath:"C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib\CORE" -machine:x86 Version.obj C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\lib\CORE\perl58.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib netapi32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib version.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib -def:Version.def Creating library blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\Version.lib and object blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\Version.exp C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod 755 blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\Version.dll C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\ C:\cpanrun-5.8\build\5-8-0\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod 644 blib\arch\auto\Universal\Version\