Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\XML\Generator\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\XML\Generator\Win32OLETypeLib\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod s ( 0.00 cusr + 0.00 csys = 0.00 CPU) on> sckAddressInUse Address in use Const 0x2740 sckAddressNotAvailable Address is not available from the local machine Const 0x2741 sckAlreadyComplete The operation is completed. No blocking operation is in progress. Const 0x2735 sckAlreadyConnected Socket is already connected Const 0x2748 sckBadState Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request Const 0x9C46 sckConnectAborted Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure Const 0x2745 sckConnectionRefused Connection is forcefully rejected Const 0x274D sckConnectionReset The connection is reset by remote side Const 0x2746 sckGetNotSupported Property is write-only Const 0x18A sckHostNotFound Authoritative answer: Host not found Const 0x2AF9 sckHostNotFoundTryAgain Non-Authoritative answer: Host not found Const 0x2AFA sckInProgress A blocking winsock operation is in progress Const 0x2734 sckInvalidArg The argument passed to a function was not in the correct format or in the specified range Const 0x9C4E sckInvalidArgument Invalid argument Const 0x271E sckInvalidOp Invalid operation at current state Const 0x9C54 sckInvalidPropertyValue Invalid property value Const 0x17C sckMsgTooBig The datagram is too large to fit into the buffer and is truncated Const 0x2738 sckNetReset Connection has timed out when SO_KEEPALIVE is set Const 0x2744 sckNetworkSubsystemFailed Network subsystem failed Const 0x2742 sckNetworkUnreachable The network cannot be reached from this host at this time Const 0x2743 sckNoBufferSpace No buffer space is available Const 0x2747 sckNoData Valid name, no data record of requested type Const 0x2AFC sckNonRecoverableError Non-recoverable errors Const 0x2AFB sckNotConnected Socket is not connected Const 0x2749 sckNotInitialized WinsockInit should be called first Const 0x276D sckNotSocket The descriptor is not a socket Const 0x2736 sckOpCanceled The operation is canceled Const 0x2714 sckOutOfMemory Out of memory Const 0x7 sckOutOfRange Argument is out of range Const 0x9C55 sckPortNotSupported The specified port is not supported Const 0x273B sckSetNotSupported Property is read-only Const 0x17F sckSocketShutdown Socket has been shut down Const 0x274A sckSuccess Successful Const 0x9C51 sckTimedout The attempt to connect timed out Const 0x274C sckUnsupported Unsupported variant types Const 0x9C52 sckWouldBlock Socket is non-blocking and the specified operation will block Const 0x2733 sckWrongProtocol Wrong protocol for the requested transaction or request Const 0x9C5A ProtocolConstants Protocol Constants sckTCPProtocol TCP protocol Const 0x0 sckUDPProtocol UDP protocol Const 0x1 StateConstants State Constants sckClosed Socket is currently closed Const 0x0 sckClosing Socket is closing connection to remote computer Const 0x8 sckConnected Socket has connected to remote computer Const 0x7 sckConnecting Socket is connecting to remote computer Const 0x6 sckConnectionPending Socket has a pending request Const 0x3 sckError Socket has encountered an error Const 0x9 sckHostResolved Socket has resolved remote computer name Const 0x5 sckListening Socket is listening for requests Const 0x2 sckOpen Socket is currently open Const 0x1 sckResolvingHost Socket is resolving remote computer name Const 0x4 Winsock Microsoft Winsock Control Accept Accept an incoming connection request Function requestID Long Void Bind Binds socket to specific port and adapter Function LocalPort Variant LocalIP Variant Void BytesReceived Returns the number of bytes received on this connection Property Long Close Close current connection Function Void Close Occurs when the connection has been closed Event Void Connect Connect to the remote computer Function RemoteHost Variant RemotePort Variant Void Connect Occurs connect operation is completed Event Void ConnectionRequest Occurs when a remote client is attempting to connect Event requestID Long Void DataArrival Occurs when data has been received from the remote computer Event bytesTotal Long Void Error Error occurred Event Number Short Description String Scode Long Source String HelpFile String HelpContext Long CancelDisplay Boolean Void GetData Retrieve data sent by the remote computer Function data Variant type Variant maxLen Variant Void Listen Listen for incoming connection requests Function Void LocalHostName Returns the local machine name Property String LocalIP Returns the local machine IP address Property String LocalPort Returns/Sets the port used on the local computer Property Long PeekData Look at incoming data without removing it from the buffer Function data Variant type Variant maxLen Variant Void Protocol Returns/Sets the socket protocol Property ProtocolConstants RemoteHost Returns/Sets the name used to identify the remote computer Property String RemoteHostIP Returns the remote host IP address Property String RemotePort Returns/Sets the port to be connected to on the remote computer Property Long SendComplete Occurs after a send operation has completed Event Void SendData Send data to remote computer Function data Variant Void SendProgress Occurs during process of sending data Event bytesSent Long bytesRemaining Long Void SocketHandle Returns the socket handle Property Long State Returns the state of the socket connection Property Short