Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for BusinessHours cp lib/ blib/lib/ Manifying blib/man3/BusinessHours.3 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-load.........1..1 ok 1 - use BusinessHours; Name " BusinessHours::datetime1_clear" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::holidayfile_reset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::worktiming_clear" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::worktiming_reset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime1_reset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::worktiming" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime1" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime2_isset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::weekends_clear" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime2_reset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::weekends_isset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime2" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime1_isset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::holidayfile_clear" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::weekends" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::holidayfile" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::datetime2_clear" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::worktiming_isset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::holidayfile_isset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. Name " BusinessHours::weekends_reset" used only once: possible typo at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Class/MethodMaker/ line 781. # Testing BusinessHours 1, Perl 5.010000, /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/bin/perl ok t/boilerplate.....1..3 not ok 1 - README contains boilerplate text # TODO Need to replace the boilerplate text # Failed (TODO) test 'README contains boilerplate text' # at t/boilerplate.t line 23. # The README is used... appears on lines 3 # 'version information here' appears on lines 11 not ok 2 - Changes contains boilerplate text # TODO Need to replace the boilerplate text # Failed (TODO) test 'Changes contains boilerplate text' # at t/boilerplate.t line 23. # placeholder date/time appears on lines 3 ok 3 - lib/ contains no boilerplate text # TODO Need to replace the boilerplate text ok 1/3 unexpectedly succeeded TODO PASSED test 3 t/pod-coverage....1..0 # Skip Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08 required for testing POD coverage skipped all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08 required for testing POD coverage t/pod.............1..1 # Failed test 'blib/lib/' # at /Users/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/Test/ line 159. # blib/lib/ (225): You forgot a '=back' before '=head3' not ok 1 - blib/lib/ # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 1 Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/pod.t 1 256 1 1 1 (1 subtest UNEXPECTEDLY SUCCEEDED), 1 test skipped. Failed 1/4 test scripts. 1/5 subtests failed. Files=4, Tests=5, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.57 cusr + 0.13 csys = 0.70 CPU) Failed 1/4 test programs. 1/5 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1