Checking for Tk... not found The Tk extension (400.200 or newer) was not found. You will not be able to use Tk as a GUI (via X11::Fvwm::Tk) without it. Checking for X11::Xforms... not found The X11::Xforms extension (0.7 or newer) was not found. You will not be able to use X11::Xforms as a GUI (via X11::Fvwm::Xforms) without it. Directory /usr/local/src/fvwm is not valid, or Fvwm's version.h could not be found, stopped at Makefile.PL line 82 main::chk_fvwm_version('/usr/local/src/fvwm', 2.0.46) called at Makefile.PL line 87