Please let me know how to fix this if it fails. Thank you Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good WARNING: Setting ABSTRACT via file 'lib/MARC/' failed at /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/lib/ExtUtils/ line 527 Writing Makefile for MARC::Errorchecks make: *** Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time in the future (2007-11-29 01:01:45 > 2007-11-29 01:01:44) cp lib/MARC/Lint/Icon_ blib/lib/MARC/Lint/Icon_ cp lib/MARC/ blib/lib/MARC/ cp lib/MARC/Lint/ blib/lib/MARC/Lint/ cp lib/MARC/ blib/lib/MARC/ AutoSplitting blib/lib/MARC/ (blib/lib/auto/MARC/BBMARC) cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ cp bin/ blib/script/ /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)" blib/script/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man1/ Manifying blib/man3/MARC::Errorchecks.3 Manifying blib/man3/MARC::Lint::CodeData.3 Manifying blib/man3/MARC::BBMARC.3 make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete. PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/006errorchecks....1..59 ok 1 - use MARC::Record; ok 2 - use MARC::Errorchecks; MARC::Errorchecks version 1.13 ok 3 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 4 - All the fields added OK ok 5 - All the fields added OK ok 6 - Checking expected messages: 006: Must be 18 bytes long but is 17 bytes long (a 000 0). ok 7 - Checking expected messages: 006: Must be 18 bytes long but is 19 bytes long (a 000 0 ). ok 8 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-04, Books-Illustrations has bad characters (q ). ok 9 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 05, Books-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 10 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 06, Books-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 11 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 07-10, Books-Contents has bad characters (x ). ok 12 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 11, Books-Govt publication has bad characters (b). ok 13 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 12, Books-Conference publication has bad characters (a). ok 14 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 13, Books-Festschrift has bad characters (a). ok 15 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 14, Books-Index has bad characters (a). ok 16 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 15, Books-Obsoletebyte32 has bad characters (0). ok 17 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 16, Books-Literary form has bad characters (b). ok 18 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 17, Books-Biography has bad characters (t). ok 19 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-04, Electronic Resources-Undef18to21 has bad characters (a ). ok 20 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 05, Electronic Resources-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 21 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 06-08, Electronic Resources-Undef23to25 has bad characters (a ). ok 22 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 09, Electronic Resources-Type of file has bad characters (k). ok 23 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 10, Electronic Resources-Undef27 has bad characters (a). ok 24 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 11, Electronic Resources-Govt publication has bad characters (0). ok 25 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 12-17, Electronic Resources-Undef29to34 has bad characters (0 ). ok 26 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-04, Cartographic-Relief has bad characters (h ). ok 27 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 05-06, Cartographic-Projection has bad characters (ee). ok 28 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 7, Cartographic-Undef24 has bad characters (z). ok 29 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 08, Cartographic-Type of map has bad characters (h). ok 30 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 09-10, Cartographic-Undef26to27 has bad characters (f ). ok 31 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 11, Cartographic-Govt publication has bad characters (r). ok 32 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 12, Cartographic-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 33 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 13, Cartographic-Undef30 has bad characters (a). ok 34 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 14, Cartographic-Index has bad characters (z). ok 35 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 15, Cartographic-Undef32 has bad characters (z). ok 36 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 16-17, Cartographic-Special format characteristics has bad characters ( d). ok 37 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-02, Music-Form of composition has bad characters (ab). ok 38 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 03, Music-Format of music has bad characters (p). ok 39 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 04, Music-Parts has bad characters (a). ok 40 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 05, Music-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 41 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 06, Music-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 42 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 07-12, Music-Accompanying material has bad characters (abcijr). ok 43 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 13-14, Music-Text for sound recordings has bad characters (qs). ok 44 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 15, Music-Undef32 has bad characters (s). ok 45 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 16, Music-Transposition and arrangement has bad characters (d). ok 46 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 17, Music-Undef34 has bad characters (a). ok 47 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-03, Visual materials-Runningtime has bad characters (0n0). ok 48 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 04, Visual materials-Undef21 has bad characters (a). ok 49 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 05, Visual materials-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 50 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 06-10, Visual materials-Undef23to27 has bad characters (abcdg). ok 51 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 11, Visual materials-Govt publication has bad characters (b). ok 52 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 12, Visual materials-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 53 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 13-15, Visual materials-Undef30to32 has bad characters (abc). ok 54 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 16, Visual materials-Type of visual material has bad characters (e). ok 55 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 17, Visual materials-Technique has bad characters (b). ok 56 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 01-05, Mixed materials-Undef18to22 has bad characters (abcde). ok 57 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 06, Mixed materials-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 58 - Checking expected messages: 006: Byte(s) 07-17, Mixed materials-Undef24to34 has bad characters (abcdefghijk). ok 59 - All expected messages exhausted. ok t/008errorchecks....1..73 ok 1 - use MARC::Errorchecks; MARC::Errorchecks version 1.13 ok 2 - Correct number of material types and 008s. ok 3 - Checking expected messages: 008: Not 40 characters long. Bytes not validated (050517s2004 ilu 000 0 eng ). ok 4 - Checking expected messages: 008: Not 40 characters long. Bytes not validated (050517s2004 ilu 000 0 eng dd). ok 5 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 0-5, Date entered has bad characters. Record creation date (a50517) has non-numeric characters. ok 6 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 0-5, Date entered has bad characters. Year entered (2055) is after current year (2007) Date entered (550517) may be later than current date (20071129). ok 7 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 0-5, Date entered has bad characters. Month entered is greater than 12 or is 00. ok 8 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 0-5, Date entered has bad characters. Day entered is greater than 31 or is 00. ok 9 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 6, Date type (w) has bad characters. ok 10 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 ( ) has bad characters or is blank which is not consistent with this date type (w). ok 11 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 (2001) should be blank for this date type (s). ok 12 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 ( ) has bad characters or is blank which is not consistent with this date type (r). ok 13 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 (06 ) has bad characters or is blank which is not consistent with this date type (e). ok 14 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 7-10, Date1 has bad characters ( ). ok 15 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 7-10, Date1 has bad characters (209a). ok 16 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 (205a) has bad characters or is blank which is not consistent with this date type (r). ok 17 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 15-17, Country of Publication (ill) is not valid. ok 18 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 35-37, Language (end) not valid. ok 19 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 35-37, Language ( ) may now be coded 'zxx' for No linguistic content. ok 20 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 38, Modified record has bad characters (a). ok 21 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 39, Cataloging source has bad characters (e). ok 22 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-21, Books-Illustrations has bad characters (q ). ok 23 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 22, Books-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 24 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 23, Books-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 25 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 24-27, Books-Contents has bad characters (x ). ok 26 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 28, Books-Govt publication has bad characters (b). ok 27 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 29, Books-Conference publication has bad characters (a). ok 28 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 30, Books-Festschrift has bad characters (a). ok 29 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 31, Books-Index has bad characters (a). ok 30 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 32, Books-Obsoletebyte32 has bad characters (0). ok 31 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 33, Books-Literary form has bad characters (b). ok 32 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 34, Books-Biography has bad characters (t). ok 33 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-21, Electronic Resources-Undef18to21 has bad characters (a ). ok 34 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 22, Electronic Resources-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 35 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 23-25, Electronic Resources-Undef23to25 has bad characters (a ). ok 36 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 26, Electronic Resources-Type of file has bad characters (k). ok 37 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 27, Electronic Resources-Undef27 has bad characters (a). ok 38 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 28, Electronic Resources-Govt publication has bad characters (0). ok 39 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 29-34, Electronic Resources-Undef29to34 has bad characters (0 ). ok 40 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-21, Cartographic-Relief has bad characters (h ). ok 41 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 22-23, Cartographic-Projection has bad characters (ee). ok 42 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 24, Cartographic-Undef24 has bad characters (z). ok 43 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 25, Cartographic-Type of map has bad characters (h). ok 44 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 26-27, Cartographic-Undef26to27 has bad characters (f ). ok 45 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 28, Cartographic-Govt publication has bad characters (r). ok 46 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 29, Cartographic-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 47 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 30, Cartographic-Undef30 has bad characters (a). ok 48 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 31, Cartographic-Index has bad characters (z). ok 49 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 32, Cartographic-Undef32 has bad characters (z). ok 50 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 33-34, Cartographic-Special format characteristics has bad characters ( d). ok 51 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-19, Music-Form of composition has bad characters (ab). ok 52 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 20, Music-Format of music has bad characters (p). ok 53 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 21, Music-Parts has bad characters (a). ok 54 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 22, Music-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 55 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 23, Music-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 56 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 24-29, Music-Accompanying material has bad characters (abcijr). ok 57 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 30-31, Music-Text for sound recordings has bad characters (qs). ok 58 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 32, Music-Undef32 has bad characters (s). ok 59 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 33, Music-Transposition and arrangement has bad characters (d). ok 60 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 34, Music-Undef34 has bad characters (a). ok 61 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-20, Visual materials-Runningtime has bad characters (0n0). ok 62 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 21, Visual materials-Undef21 has bad characters (a). ok 63 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 22, Visual materials-Audience has bad characters (h). ok 64 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 23-27, Visual materials-Undef23to27 has bad characters (abcdg). ok 65 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 28, Visual materials-Govt publication has bad characters (b). ok 66 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 29, Visual materials-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 67 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 30-32, Visual materials-Undef30to32 has bad characters (abc). ok 68 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 33, Visual materials-Type of visual material has bad characters (e). ok 69 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 34, Visual materials-Technique has bad characters (b). ok 70 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-22, Mixed materials-Undef18to22 has bad characters (abcde). ok 71 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 23, Mixed materials-Form of item has bad characters (e). ok 72 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 24-34, Mixed materials-Undef24to34 has bad characters (abcdefghijk). ok 73 - All expected messages exhausted. ok t/check_010.........1..46 ok 1 - use MARC::Errorchecks; ok 2 - use MARC::Record; MARC::Errorchecks version 1.13 ok 3 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 4 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN(00000001) ok 5 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing (00000001). ok 6 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 7 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN(01000001) ok 8 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing (01000001). ok 9 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 10 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN(2001000001) ok 11 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing (2001000001). ok 12 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 13 - All the fields added OK No errors for LCCN( 00000002 ) ok 14 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 15 - All the fields added OK No errors for LCCN( 01000002 ) ok 16 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 17 - All the fields added OK No errors for LCCN( 2001000002) ok 18 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 19 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 00000003) ok 20 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 00000003). ok 21 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 22 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 01000003 ) ok 23 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 01000003 ). ok 24 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 25 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 2001000003) ok 26 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 2001000003). ok 27 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 28 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 00000004 ) ok 29 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 00000004 ). ok 30 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 31 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 2001000004 ) ok 32 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 2001000004 ). ok 33 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 34 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 00000005 ) ok 35 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 00000005 ). ok 36 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 37 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 2001000005 ) ok 38 - Checking expected messages: 010: Subfield 'a' has improper spacing ( 2001000005 ). ok 39 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 40 - All the fields added OK No errors for LCCN( 00000006 //r96) ok 41 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 42 - All the fields added OK No errors for LCCN( 2001000006//r02) ok 43 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 44 - All the fields added OK Errors for LCCN( 2019000006) ok 45 - Checking expected messages: 010: First digits of LCCN are 2019. ok 46 - All expected messages exhausted. ok t/Errorchecks.......1..45 ok 1 - use MARC::File::USMARC; ok 2 - use MARC::Errorchecks; ok 3 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 4 - All the fields added OK ok 5 - Checking expected messages: 040: Subfield starts with a space. ok 6 - Checking expected messages: 245: has multiple internal spaces (Test record fro). ok 7 - Checking expected messages: 505: has multiple internal spaces (Test 1 -- Test 2 - T_testing -- Test 5). ok 8 - Checking expected messages: 040: has trailing spaces. ok 9 - Checking expected messages: 245: has trailing spaces. ok 10 - Checking expected messages: 250: has multiple consecutive periods that do not appear to be ellipses. ok 11 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 0-5, Date entered has bad characters. Year entered (1974) is before 1980 Month entered is greater than 12 or is 00 Day entered is greater than 31 or is 00. ok 12 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 11-14, Date2 (1 ) should be blank for this date type (s). ok 13 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 15-17, Country of Publication (wis) is not valid. ok 14 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 35-37, Language (end) not valid. ok 15 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 39, Cataloging source has bad characters (p). ok 16 - Checking expected messages: 008: Byte 29, Books-Conference publication has bad characters (8). ok 17 - Checking expected messages: 010: First digits of LCCN are 2008. ok 18 - Checking expected messages: 300: 4xx exists but 300 does not end with period. ok 19 - Checking expected messages: 300: Check subfield _a for p. or v. ok 20 - Checking expected messages: 300: Check subfield _c for cm., mm. or in. ok 21 - Checking expected messages: 300: Check subfield _b for missing period after col. ok 22 - Checking expected messages: 008: Bytes 18-21 do not have code 'a' but 300 subfield 'b' has 'ill.' 300: bytes 18-21 have code 'b' but 300 subfield b is ill. (some col), map. ; ok 23 - Checking expected messages: 490: Indicator is 1 but 8xx does not exist. ok 24 - Checking expected messages: 240: Is present but 1xx does not exist. ok 25 - Checking expected messages: 245: Indicator is 1 but 1xx does not exist. ok 26 - Checking expected messages: Pub. Dates: 008 date1, 2004, 050 date, 2003, and 260_c date, 2000 do not match. ok 27 - Checking expected messages: 008: Index is coded 0 but 500 or 504 mentions index. ok 28 - Checking expected messages: 008: Not coded 'b' but 504 (or 500) mentions 'bibliographical references'. ok 29 - Checking expected messages: 504: Pagination may need 'p.' (Includes bibliographical references (44).). ok 30 - Checking expected messages: 504: Check spacing around parentheses (Includes bibliographical references(p. 44) and index.). ok 31 - Checking expected messages: 041: First code (spa) does not match 008 bytes 35-37 (Language end). ok 32 - Checking expected messages: 500: Check ending punctuation (exclamation point or question mark should not be followed by period), This ends ___ k-period?. ok 33 - Checking expected messages: 504: Check ending punctuation, Includes i ___ udes index ok 34 - Checking expected messages: 505: Check ending punctuation (exclamation point or question mark should not be followed by period), This ends ___ t period!. ok 35 - Checking expected messages: 505: May have a floating hyphen, -- Test 2 - Test 3 -- ok 36 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating period (This has a floating period .). ok 37 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating comma (This has a floating comma , that should not be there.). ok 38 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating question mark (Why does this field have a floating question mark ?). ok 39 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating period (This has an emdash-- (elipsis replacement) with floating period .). ok 40 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating period (This has a regular emdash and floating period -- .). ok 41 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating period (This has an emdash-- . Then a floating period .). ok 42 - Checking expected messages: 500: May have floating punctuation marks (This lengthy se_ sentence has . multiple f_loating . punctuatio_out its midst , to test th_ing abilities ? of the err). ok 43 - Checking expected messages: 040: Subfield a contains only space(s) or period(s) ( ). ok 44 - Checking expected messages: 246: Check ending punctuation (not normally added for this field), Test 246 w ___ ng period. ok 45 - All expected messages exhausted. ok t/ldrvalidate.......1..131 ok 1 - use MARC::Errorchecks; ok 2 - use MARC::Record; MARC::Errorchecks version 1.13 ok 3 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 4 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000aam 2200253 a 4500) ok 5 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 6 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000bam 2200253 a 4500) ok 7 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 05, Status b is invalid. ok 8 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 9 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000cam 2200253 a 4500) ok 10 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 11 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000dam 2200253 a 4500) ok 12 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 13 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 a 4500) ok 14 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 15 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000pam 2200253 a 4500) ok 16 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 17 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 a 4500) ok 18 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 19 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nbm 2200253 a 4500) ok 20 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type b is invalid. ok 21 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 22 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000ncm 2200253 a 4500) ok 23 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 24 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000ndm 2200253 a 4500) ok 25 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 26 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nem 2200253 a 4500) ok 27 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 28 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nfm 2200253 a 4500) ok 29 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 30 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000ngm 2200253 a 4500) ok 31 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 32 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nhm 2200253 a 4500) ok 33 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type h is invalid. ok 34 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 35 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nim 2200253 a 4500) ok 36 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 37 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000njm 2200253 a 4500) ok 38 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 39 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nkm 2200253 a 4500) ok 40 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 41 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nlm 2200253 a 4500) ok 42 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type l is invalid. ok 43 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 44 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nmm 2200253 a 4500) ok 45 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 46 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nnm 2200253 a 4500) ok 47 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type n is invalid. ok 48 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 49 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nom 2200253 a 4500) ok 50 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 51 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nqm 2200253 a 4500) ok 52 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type q is invalid. ok 53 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 54 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000npm 2200253 a 4500) ok 55 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 56 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nrm 2200253 a 4500) ok 57 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 58 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nsm 2200253 a 4500) ok 59 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type s is invalid. ok 60 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 61 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000ntm 2200253 a 4500) ok 62 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 63 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000num 2200253 a 4500) ok 64 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type u is invalid. ok 65 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 66 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nvm 2200253 a 4500) ok 67 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type v is invalid. ok 68 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 69 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000n8m 2200253 a 4500) ok 70 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type 8 is invalid. ok 71 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 72 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000n m 2200253 a 4500) ok 73 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 06, Material type is invalid. ok 74 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 75 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000naa 2200253 a 4500) ok 76 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 77 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nab 2200253 a 4500) ok 78 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 79 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nac 2200253 a 4500) ok 80 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 81 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nad 2200253 a 4500) ok 82 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 83 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nae 2200253 a 4500) ok 84 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 07, Bib. Level, e is invalid. ok 85 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 86 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nai 2200253 a 4500) ok 87 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 88 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 a 4500) ok 89 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 90 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nas 2200253 a 4500) ok 91 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 92 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 a 4500) ok 93 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 94 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002531a 4500) ok 95 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 96 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002532a 4500) ok 97 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 98 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002533a 4500) ok 99 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 100 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002534a 4500) ok 101 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 102 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002535a 4500) ok 103 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 104 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nam 22002536a 4500) ok 105 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 17, Encoding Level, 6 is invalid. ok 106 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 107 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002537a 4500) ok 108 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 109 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 22002538a 4500) ok 110 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 111 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253ua 4500) ok 112 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 113 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253za 4500) ok 114 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 115 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 4500) ok 116 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 117 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 a 4500) ok 118 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 119 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 b 4500) ok 120 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 18, Cataloging rules, b is invalid. ok 121 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 122 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 i 4500) ok 123 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 124 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 p 4500) ok 125 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 18, Cataloging rules, p is invalid. ok 126 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 127 - All the fields added OK Errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 r 4500) ok 128 - Checking expected messages: LDR: Byte 18, Cataloging rules, r is invalid. ok 129 - MARC record isa MARC::Record ok 130 - All the fields added OK No errors for leader (00000nam 2200253 u 4500) ok 131 - All expected messages exhausted. ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=354, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.69 cusr + 0.19 csys = 0.88 CPU) PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/cpanrun/tmp/5.10.0/bin/perl "-Iblib/lib" "-Iblib/arch" 1..1 ok 1--MARC::Errorchecks loaded Please run: t/, t/check_010.t, and t/Errorchecks.t Press Enter to quitInstalling /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/MARC/BBMARC.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/MARC/Errorchecks.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/site/lib/MARC/Lint/CodeData.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/010cleanupscript.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/003cleanupscript.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/gaccleanupscript.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/countrycodelistclean.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/007cleanupscript.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/cleantrailingspaces.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/lintallchecks.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/html/bin/languagecodelistclean.html Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/MARC/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/MARC/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/MARC/Lint/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/MARC/Lint/Icon_ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/lib/auto/MARC/BBMARC/autosplit.ix Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man1/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/MARC::Lint::CodeData.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/MARC::Errorchecks.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/man/man3/MARC::BBMARC.3 Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Installing /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/site/bin/ Appending installation info to /home/cpanrun/build/5.10.0/lib/perllocal.pod