Use of uninitialized value in chomp at Makefile.PL line 37. perljvm --run will not work! No JVM found! at Makefile.PL line 122 main::BEGIN() called at Makefile.PL line 137 eval {...} called at Makefile.PL line 137 perljvm --run will not work! Jasmin not found! at Makefile.PL line 127 main::BEGIN() called at Makefile.PL line 137 eval {...} called at Makefile.PL line 137 No Java compiler found, cannot compile this package! at Makefile.PL line 133. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Makefile.PL line 137. There are a number of Java .class files that are created for use by perljvm. You will need to decide where these classes are installed. Install .class files to: [C:\cpanrun\build\5-10-0\site\lib/javalib]