Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\File\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\File\LinearRaid\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod 6 - seek to 10 ok 7 - tell == seek ok 8 - seek to 0 ok 9 - tell == seek ok 10 - seek to 10 ok 11 - tell == seek ok 12 - read right amount ok 13 - read correct data ok 14 - read returned appropriate amount ok 15 - read advances pointer ok 16 - read right amount ok 17 - read correct data ok 18 - read returned appropriate amount ok 19 - read advances pointer ok 20 - read right amount ok 21 - read correct data ok 22 - read returned appropriate amount ok 23 - read advances pointer ok 24 - don't read past end (physical eof) ok 25 - don't read past end (physical eof) ok 26 - don't read past end (logical eof) ok 27 - don't read past end (logical eof) ok 28 - init pointer = 0 ok 29 - readline until $/ ok 30 - readline correct data ok 31 - readline advances pointer ok 32 - readline until $/ ok 33 - readline correct data ok 34 - readline advances pointer ok 35 - readline until $/ ok 36 - readline correct data ok 37 - readline advances pointer ok 38 - readline = undef at eof ok 39 - readline with $/ = undef ok 40 - readline with $/ = undef ok 41 - readline to end of file ok 42 - append accessor ok 43 - size accessor after append ok 44 - seek after append ok 45 - tell after append ok 46 - read after append ok 47 - read correct data after append ok 48 - write to file ok 49 - print advanced pointer ok 50 - write filled with nulls 1..50