Installing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\YAPE\Regex\ Writing D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\site\lib\auto\YAPE\Regex\Explain\.packlist Appending installation info to D:\cpanrun\build\5-8-0\lib/perllocal.pod ION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (?-imsx: group, but do not capture (case-sensitive) (with ^ and $ matching normally) (with . not matching \n) (matching whitespace and # normally): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- foo ' foo ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (? if the following assertion is true: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (?{ $x }) run this block of Perl code ---------------------------------------------------------------------- then: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (?!) fail ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | else: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- succeed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of conditional ---------------------------------------------------------------------- b ' b ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- a{2} 'a' (2 times) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of grouping ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (?x-ims: # group, but do not capture (disregarding # whitespace and comments) (case-sensitive) # (with ^ and $ matching normally) (with . not # matching \n): \ foo\ # ' foo ' (? # if the following assertion is true: (?{ $x }) # run this block of Perl code # then: (?!) # fail | # else: # succeed ) # end of conditional \ b\ # ' b ' | # OR \ # ' ' a{2} # 'a' (2 times) \ # ' ' ) # end of grouping (?x-ims: \ foo\ (? (?{ $x }) (?!) | ) \ b\ | \ a{2} \ )